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Chapter 957: Minjiang Sword Formation

"Hurry up! Hurry up! It's about to break into the Indian Ocean!"

The fighter was flying fast, the engine's power had reached its maximum, dragging a hot flame, galloping like lightning.

The speed of the Golden Horned Monster is also fast.

The golden halo that roared through the air seemed to tear the sky.

At this time, all satellites around the world are aiming here, and they are paying attention to this scene.

Everyone was worried, watching nervously.

Must stop it!

People clenched their fists and kept cheering in their hearts.


The rapidly breaking fighter plane crossed a Changhong. In the Indian Ocean, the golden horned monster finally stopped it before it reached the bottom.


The purple and blue sword lights, the dark and icy spears, the long sword with lightning flashes, and the countless blades released by Luo Feng's 遁 Tissot slammed against the golden horn beast.


The horned beast that was very furious already saw a few small worms and dared to provoke it. He suddenly roared, his whole body shone in gold, and his huge wings swept forward.

"Bang, bang!"

Jianguang, knives, and countless sharp blades hit the wings of the golden horned monster, bursting into a dense roar.

The fierce impact gave the golden horned monster a slight shake.

What just made him angry was that the two sword lights in purple and blue had actually cut off two huge gaps in its wings.


The Golden Horned Monster is angry!

As the noblest bloodline of the starry beast, he was injured in the hands of these ants-like little worms. The starry beast who had been stricken with fire was suddenly crazy!

Fangya Sensen's huge mouth suddenly opened, deep black light circulated among the huge mouth, the space was shaking, and a huge attraction suddenly emerged.

This is the Golden Horn monster's devouring talent.

"Boom boom!"

The space array trembled violently, and the black halo pervaded, covering a range of a thousand kilometers, covering all four of Liu Ziqing's engulfing halo.


Everyone who saw this scene through satellite photography suddenly exclaimed.

The golden horned monster's devouring talent is very scary, even the huge alloy fortress on the periphery of the base city is swallowed in one go.

The death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the American continent was swallowed up by the golden horn monster together with the alloy fortress!

This horrible ability to devour can distort space. Once swallowed, it will be shattered by the force of violent space.

Even the alloy fortress was shattered, let alone the human body?

"Want to eat? Then you can eat enough!"

When this black light curtain came over, Liu Ziqing and Hong waved at the same time.


A dense pile of metal is like a huge hill.

To face the golden horned monster, can't you guard against its devouring magic? Liu Ziqing and Hong collected countless metal wrecks, and even various metal waste collected from the remains of alien civilization.

This mountain-like metal wreck is several times larger than the golden horned monster.

Even if the golden horn beast's ability to swallow is even more powerful, it cannot swallow a metal mountain that is several times larger than its own volume.

"Woo ..."

Seeing this oncoming metal mountain, the golden horned monster quickly stopped and devoured magical powers.

Suddenly withdrawing and engulfing the magical power, it also caused the golden horned monster to startle and pause.


Liu Ziqing yelled, his hands folded, and Zi Qing's twin swords circled in front of him.


Hong and Lei Shen stepped forward respectively, stood behind Liu Ziqing, took a palm shot, and stuck it on Liu Ziqing's back.


The majestic brilliance rose to the sky, Liu Ziqing, Thor and Hong, all three were full of light.

This is the glory of power, this is the glory of the soul, this is the glory of life!

At this moment, all the powers of the three people are completely united through this "three talents".

Long before Luo Feng sent the laser cannon, the three were ready for a decisive battle with the Golden Horns. This "three talents mixed element array" is Liu Ziqing's method of combining three forces to deal with the golden horned beast.

"Jiangjiang sword formation, sword longevity!"

Combining the power of the three, Liu Ziqing played the strongest sword formation that can be cast at present.


A mighty river manifested in mid-air, and the tide was rolling and flowing.

If you do n’t see him, the water of the Yellow River will come up to the sky, and you will never return to the sea!

The mighty river, rolling forward, never stops. The sky is full of water and gas, and the sky is vast!

The turbulent one is not water!

It's ... the sword!

The endless Jianguang has turned into a mighty river!

"The sword is as bright as water, and the sword is breathless! Give me a chop!"

A sword waved, this mighty sword river chopped down fiercely to the golden horned monster.

Like the Milky Way upside down, Fei Liu goes straight down three thousand feet! The mighty river swept the world and drowned the golden horned monster!

"Well ..."

A scream screamed into the sky.

Under the sweep of this mighty sword river, the golden horned monster, like a snowman falling into the river water, is constantly melting!

Actually, this is not melting, but it is annihilated by Jian Guang!

Scale armor, flesh, bones, internal organs ...

The horrible golden horned monster, the huge body, gradually dissipated under the erosion of the sword's long river, and finally turned into powder.

When the sword qi spreads away, the huge golden horn beast has disappeared without a trace, leaving only a crystal ball with a big fist floating in the air!



"we won!"

At this moment, everyone in the world who sees this scene is crying with joy and cheering!

The whole world is jubilant!

"Win ... well!"

Liu Ziqing, Thunder God, and Hong were all pale, and looked at each other, laughing.

Then ... all fall down from the air!


Seeing this scene, people all over the world are screaming again.

Defeated the enemy, did the hero ... also fall?

"Big brother! Second brother! Ziqing!"

Luo Feng screamed and rushed forward to help the three men.

"They didn't die! They just consumed too much and passed out, they didn't die!"

Feeling the breath of the three men, Luo Feng was overjoyed, and quickly ushered in the Guardian of Liuyin, sending the three men into the fighter.

"Om ..."

Suddenly, the crystal nucleus of the golden horn beast uttered a trembling sound, and the golden mist and haze circulated.

"God! That demon ... isn't dead yet?"

At this moment, everyone in the world is scared!

Oh, God! How on earth can I kill that demon?

"Now, it's just me!"

Taking a deep breath, Luo Feng leaped up ~ ~ and rushed up fiercely at the golden mist of gurgling!


There was a loud noise and the light mist burst.

The faintly appearing golden horn monster disappeared!氤氲 The mist of mist also disappeared!

That horrible demon has finally disappeared!

However ... Luo Feng also disappeared!

"Luo Feng ..."

At the Jiangnan Base, Xu Xin saw this scene and screamed with a heartbreaking spit. He opened a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground!

"With countless efforts, we defeated the devil."

"But don't forget that it is their sacrifice that gives us all a chance to survive!"

"Remember these names! Hong! Thor! Liu Ziqing! And our eternal hero ... Luo Feng!"

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