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Chapter 959: Yagiko blue first incoming sea

The world is still the same.

After the crisis of the Golden Horn monster disappeared, everything returned to its original trajectory.

There are Liu Ziqing, Thunder God and Hong, the three most powerful existence protections in the world today. No one in the Luo family dares to mess with it!

Not like in another destiny trajectory, when Luo Feng was sacrificed, many people were jealous of the property left by Luo Feng, bullying the Luo family, and even directly attacking the Luo family.

Time passed slowly.

Three months later, Mount Emei was full of swordsmanship.

The purple and blue sword light is like two dragons, straight into the sky.

At this moment, Liu Ziqing was officially promoted to star rating!

"The planet turns into a star, and it really is an ascension in nature."

Rising up, Liu Ziqing felt that Jin Dan and Zifu Yuan Dan in his body were many times stronger than before.

Dantian and the planets in the sea have turned into a brilliant sun!

A sun shines on Dantian, a sun shines on the sea, as if in these two suns, it contains power comparable to the real sun.

"Boy, your current strength is not too bad, and you can go out and meet the world."

After Liu Ziqing broke through the realm and was promoted to the star level, Zijin Gourd told him that "it is possible to go out and meet the world".

This made Liu Ziqing startled, "Senior Zijin, do you mean to see the world, do you mean cosmic space? The nearest life planet to the earth is tens of thousands of light years away. How can I go?"

With royal swordsmanship? With Liu Ziqing still staying at a speed of a hundred times the speed of sound, flying to death will not fly to another planet, right?

"The conventional travel method is, of course, to fly a spaceship and jump into the dark universe by means of space jump, so as to reach the destination quickly."

Zijin Gourd smiled, "But there is a more convenient way for me. I have space to teleport."

"But, did you not say that the space teleportation array needs positioning? I haven't been to an alien planet. How can I set it?"

Liu Ziqing looked puzzled.

"Hey! Do you think the husband has done nothing in the virtual universe in recent years? Such things as star maps are public in the virtual universe."

A purple light curtain is usually sprinkled with a light curtain. A vast star is displayed on the light curtain. "Did you see? The old man calculated the position of the earth based on the star map, and has completed the transmission and positioning within the range of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire."

"Senior Zijin, you are amazing!"

In the past few years, Liu Ziqing also found out the temperament of Zijin gourd, which is to listen to flattery and compliments.

Naturally, Liu Ziqing expressed her admiration appropriately!

"Ha ha ha ha! What the hell!"

Zijin gourd was always comforting and laughing.

"Boy, there is no place on earth for you to experience. There is always a fight in virtual space, in the end it is not a real battle of life and death. The vast sea of ​​stars is waiting for you, go!

Purple light lingered around, and on the ground of Dongfu, a mysterious space law matrix appeared.

The light flashed, the world changed instantly, and it crossed the endless starry sky.

Originally, Zijin gourd still needed huge energy to use this kind of remote transmission.

However, after Li Yu mastered all the laws of the world, he loaded the authority to move the laws of heaven and earth on the Zijin gourd.

This kind of space transmission is essentially the space law of this world in operation, no matter how far away it is, there is no energy consumption.

It's like, picking a bucket of water and putting it in a water tank requires effort. However, the river water flows into the tank itself, so there is no need to labor.

The light flashed, and Liu Ziqing's figure appeared in a strange world.

In the sky, a huge blue moon covered half of the sky.

In addition to this huge blue moon, colorful clouds flow in the sky. The whole sky is like a rainbow, colorful and colorful.

"The view here is pretty good!"

Seeing such a gorgeous sky, Liu Ziqing sighed and asked Zijin gourd again, "Sir Zijin, what is this place?"

There is a wilderness in front of me.

On the ground, weird plants with a height of one person, purple cuticles, and purple leaves spread like vines on the ground, but the branches and leaves that grew were like cacti.

"Here is the Heilongshan Star Field, Dragon Star."

"Xiao Longxing ... well, I don't know where this is anyway!"

Liu Ziqing shrugged his shoulders. For the first time out of the earth, I am not familiar with anything. For this "dragon star", Liu Ziqing has no concept at all.

"To the northwest is Dragon City. This planet can also be regarded as a bustling place in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. It is safe and suitable for your initial experience."

Zijin gourd was talking, five people suddenly burst out behind a cliff in front.

"Hahahaha! I've met fat sheep again!"

"Kid, leave everything on you! Otherwise, I'll kill you!"

Five heads with long horns, covered with scale armor, dragged a humanoid creature with a lizard tail, carrying a giant axe stick, screamed and rushed out, stopping in front of Liu Ziqing.

"That's what you said ... safe?"

Liu Ziqing skimmed his lips, reached out and held the sword handle.

In the past few years in the virtual universe, Liu Ziqing has also learned the universal linguistics very well, but he can't understand what others say.

It's just ... Liu Ziqing is still very puzzled about why creatures like "lizard man", "cat man" and "snake man" belong to humans.

The five creatures robbed in front of me are the so-called "lizardmen".

"Of course it's safe here! In unsafe places, you will be crushed by things like energy storms just after you pass."

Zijin Gourd smiled, "The first battle of alien stars is about to start! Fight! Boys!"


Liu Ziqing shrugged his lips, looked up at the five lizard men in front of him, and said coldly, "Go, or die!"

"Huh? You're looking for death!"

The fierce roar of five lizardmen, a huge body nearly three meters high, waved a huge axe and rod, and rushed towards Liu Ziqing.

"Lizardman, I haven't hacked!"

In virtual battles, Liu Ziqing has seen countless races. Orc, a branch of the human race, is naturally no stranger to Liu Ziqing.

The figure flickered, and a dragon tooth sword appeared in his hand.

The ingenious figure made Liu Ziqing's figure like a light smoke, passing through the gap between the giant axe and stick.

"Well ..."

Jianguang burst, and a few cold stars appeared. The "prickly eyes" tactic of that year was demonstrated again.

Suddenly, five Lizardmen were stabbed into the brain by Jian Guang from their eyes, and they knocked to the ground with a bang.

"Just learn how to rob someone!"

Liu Ziqing put away the Dragon Sword, and saw the scratches on the blade faintly, and shook his head again.

Glancing at the five lizardmen, nothing was found. Liu Ziqing swung his sleeves and walked away.

He drove Jianguang, flew up, and hurried toward the Dragon City ahead.

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