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Chapter 960: Space mercenary

"Is this the Dragon City?"

Looking up to see the scene ahead, Liu Ziqing's eyes widened.

This is no longer a city!

Who has seen hundreds of thousands of miles, as if it were a continent-like city?

In the air, floating giant cities floating in the clouds, are they considered cities?

"In fact, those floating cities are just a villa for some rich people."

Zijin Hulu chuckled, "Boy, the universe is very big. A galaxy is just the territory of some people. Even ... some powerful beings directly control a race and occupy countless star fields."

"Well, I can't hear it!"

What is seen in the virtual universe is still very different from the real universe. Liu Ziqing nodded and walked into the dragon city.

This starry sky city naturally has no gates, and there is no such thing as a gate tax.

Landing on the avenue outside the city, Liu Ziqing stepped into the dragon city.

The vast and boundless city is like a bustling country.

Various beautiful buildings are soaring into the clouds, and the city is crowded with people and people flow.

There are all kinds of flying cars whistling through the air, and there are also spiritual teachers who whistle through the flying weapons, and more are people walking on the ground.

All kinds of people, hair and body shape, strange.

Liu Ziqing has seen many types in the virtual universe, so there is no fuss.

"Boy, all you have to do now is to improve your strength."

After Liu Ziqing turned around in the Dragon City for a while, and became dazzled, Zijin Gourd reminded him.

"This place is very prosperous? The existence of a master of the world will break the planet with a slap. Without power, these external glory and wealth are illusory. Once you have enough power to control a universe country problem."

"Yes, thank you for reminding me!"

Although the sight in front of them is blossoming, it has no meaning. Only our own strength is the foundation of everything.

Liu Ziqing nodded. "So, senior, do you have any suggestions?"

"Virtual combat is just a matter of practicing skills. It's worthless now. What you need is real combat. Be a mercenary! The mercenary is a good choice."

"Cosmic Mercenary?"

In the virtual universe, Liu Ziqing also knows the organization of this "space mercenary alliance".

This is not an evil organization, and it is also very loose. It is willing to accept tasks and accept tasks, and unwilling and nobody cares about you.

However, in order to become a mercenary in the universe, you need to participate in an assessment.

"Then be a space mercenary for a while!"

Mercenary missions are very dangerous. Liu Ziqing originally wanted to go through the training, stimulate potential between life and death battles, and quickly improve his cultivation. Cosmic mercenaries are also a good choice.

"There is also a Mercenary Alliance station in Chenlong City, which is quite convenient."

Along the street, Liu Ziqing came to a towering building soon after.

The building looks weird and looks like two giant swords placed across.

Entered the building and came to a vast hall.

At this moment, a large group of people stood in front of a display screen occupying the entire wall.

"Extraterrestrial battlefield? My God! Such missions have also been sent to low-level mercenaries like us?"

Seeing the text and pictures on the screen, all the mercenaries in the hall exclaimed.

"Extraterrestrial battlefield, that is the frontline of human races and other ethnic wars! The existence of the masters of the world are only cannon fodder soldiers. If we used to, we were blown to death by one breath!"

"It is said that in World War I, the corpses were filled with starry sky! That is the corpse of the master class!"

"Such tasks have been sent. Is it wrong?"

A lot of mercenaries talked, and some even shouted in anger.

"The so-called cleanup of extraterritorial battlefields is actually to let everyone collect the dead bodies and bury them in the battlefield cemetery, just to bury the bodies."

One who appeared to be the chief of the mercenary alliance, stood in front of the screen and explained to everyone: "This is an interim period after the end of the war. And there is no army of that race against this team. Although it is not without danger . But the danger is not great. "

When Liu Ziqing heard this, he froze.

"The lords are just cannon fodder. After World War I, the bodies were full of stars, which is too scary, right?"

Touching his head, Liu Ziqing turned and left.

He is not yet a mercenary. Even if they become formal mercenaries, they will not take up such tasks.

This task is too dangerous!

That corpse filled with starry sky must have fallen even into the immortal existence! Even if it's just ordinary soldiers, they can break the planet with a slap.

After the main soldiers of these circles died, their broken weapons and broken magic weapons, if they still have such a little power, are not able to resist the stellar warriors.

Above the star level is the universe level, above the universe level is the domain master level, and above the domain master level is the domain master.

The power gap is simply unthinkable.

"Boy, I think this kind of place is right for you."

To Liu Ziqing's surprise, Zijin Hulu actually let him go to the extraterritorial battlefield.


Liu Ziqing said for a moment, "Senior, even if you want to exercise, you can't go to this kind of place! You will die if you stare at it! That has no sense of exercise at all, it is totally dead!"

"The team that clears the battlefield and collects corpses will not have that army full enough to attack such a team. After all, if they die by themselves, they will also need to collect corpses."

Zijin Gourd smiled, "Think about those masters or immortals. After the battle, their broken weapons and broken magic weapons are useless to others, but the old man can refine it again!"

"More importantly, those corpses ... can be used to extract the source of life, and the power of the rules can be used to refine the alchemy."

"The practice of this world is rooted in the law. If your husband extracts the power of countless rules and integrates it into your body, to what extent will your speed of practice be terrifying?"

Hearing the bewilderment of Zijin Gourd, Liu Ziqing was a little moved, but he was still a little worried about the danger of the extraterritorial battlefield.

"What are you afraid of? With an old man's teleportation array, even if it is dangerous, you can run away!"

The words of Zijin gourd made Liu Ziqing take a reassurance.

"Okay! I did!"

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Liu Ziqing planned to "seek wealth and insurance" ~ ~ walked to the counter in the lobby, Liu Ziqing directly explained the intention, "I want to register a space mercenary."

"Welcome to the Mercenary Alliance!"

A female tiger man at the counter grinned at Liu Ziqing, "Sir, according to the rules of the Space Mercenary Alliance, to join the Space Mercenary Alliance, a mercenary assessment is required."

"Ok, I know!"

Liu Ziqing knew about mercenary assessment.

"Sir, now there is good news. The mercenary alliance has just sent instructions. Any mercenary who is willing to go to the extraterritorial battlefield to participate in the cleanup work. Trainee mercenaries are exempted from the assessment and directly promoted to formal mercenaries. Formal mercenaries can upgrade one Mercenary level. "


Liu Ziqing twitched at the corners of his mouth for so many favorable conditions, that means no one in this place!

But ... I even asked to go here!

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