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Chapter 961: Extraterrestrial battlefield, glory of soldiers

"It should be here now!"

A huge transport battleship jumped out of the dark universe and appeared in a vast expanse of stars.

Ahead of it, a huge metal fortress with a diameter of several million kilometers, like a huge planet, floats in the vast universe.

"Not yet, this is the Kayland-level war supply base. The next stop will be the extraterritorial battlefield."

A woman with an upper body and a snake body below her waist, hovering over the snake body, sitting up, smiling at Liu Ziqing, "You little guy is a little bit interesting, others just want to go a little later, you are still looking forward Arrive early? "


Liu Ziqing smiled and shook his head. "I'm just tired of sitting in a spaceship."

Yes, Liu Ziqing has sat on the spaceship to vomit.

Departing from Dragon Star, took a spaceship to the capital of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, merged all the mercenaries of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, and then took a spaceship to the dry witch empire, once again joined the mercenary team, and continued to take the spaceship.

Have been flying on the spacecraft for a year!

Had it not been for the practice and the battle of the virtual universe to pass the time, Liu Ziqing estimated that he would go crazy.

"This is still good!"

The snake-woman said with a smile: "The space channel in the extraterrestrial battlefield is unobstructed and very fast. If you go to other places and such a long distance, you will have to fly for decades on a spaceship."

"Well, for the first time in this spaceship, I have never traveled this far."

Liu Ziqing smiled wryly and shook his head.

Liu Ziqing from the earth, where did he fly?

"Just adapt slowly!"

The snake-woman woman pointed her finger out the window and said, "Go, get off the spaceship. After we enter the resupply base, the resupply base jumps directly into space and enters the extraterritorial battlefield."

The Serpent Woman is a leader of the Mercenary Alliance.

This snake man named Naya, from the beginning of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, was responsible for leading Liu Ziqing to these mercenaries of the Black Dragon Empire.

For more than a year, Liu Ziqing has also become familiar with this snake man who has lived for over three thousand years.

This snake-man has no high shelf and is easy-going. Liu Ziqing also often talks with her to learn some common knowledge on the battlefield outside the territory.


The huge hatch opened, and Liu Ziqing followed the group of millions of mercenaries who came to clear the extraterrestrial battlefield, stepped off the transport spacecraft, and entered the supply base.

"After half an hour, the supply base will enter a space jump. Sit fast!"

The leader of the snake man took the mercenaries of the Black Dragon Mountain into a huge metal room, and let everyone sit on the metal chairs in the room.


After half an hour, there was a loud roar, and the shaking was like an earthquake.

The supply base, which was huge like a planet, suddenly accelerated, breaking through space and rushing into the dark universe.

Before long, there was another roar, and the supply base returned from the dark universe.

In this short moment, it has crossed an endless distance.

"Okay, we're here!"

After the roar and the shock were over, the leader of the snakeman led the mercenaries of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire out of the door.

Moving along the corridor, Liu Ziqing only saw a piece of broken ground after walking out of a metal gate that was hundreds of kilometers wide.

There is a vast and boundless continent in front of me, but ... this continent is fragmented, like a broken mirror, floating in the endless void.

The dark red earth seems to have been stained with blood for countless years.

On this earth, all at a glance, all the tombstones were dense. The largest number are ordinary black tombstones, but there are also many bronze, silver, and gold tombstones.

These tombstones are very tall, and the golden tombstones are even thousands of meters high, like golden pillars.

"Here ... is the cemetery?"

The continent in front of me is a cemetery.

Numerous years of warfare, many human races sacrificed on extraterritorial battlefields are buried here.

Except for those buried here, the other ones ... either had no bones and were beaten so that there was no residue left. Either it is a big man, and he will be sent back to bury him after his death.

"The mercenaries gather at the altar!"

A huge voice sounded in the air, and did not show the earth-shattering power, but faintly carried a coercion from the soul.

"Heilongshan Mercenary, come with me! Hurry! Hurry!"

The leader of the snake woman screamed, and rushed out of the supply base with a group of mercenaries, and galloped towards a high mountain on the ground ahead.

After a while, all mercenaries reached the high mountain where the altar was located.

It is a mountain, in fact, it is really an altar.

Layer by layer, like a huge step, constitutes a huge altar.

At this moment, on the altar, the huge steps on each floor were full of soldiers with bright clothes and solemn expressions.

The whole altar was sombre and silent.

Feeling this atmosphere, the messy mercenary team immediately became serious.

Under the leadership of the team leader, millions of mercenaries lined up in a neat line on the flat ground below the altar, one by one with a serious look.

"Woohoo ..."

A horn shook the sky.

In the distant sky, a brilliant light shines.

In the splendid light, three figures came forward.

At the front is a middle-aged man wearing a black robe. The man held up a huge banner. It was a scarlet banner.

The huge blood-colored banner was violently displayed in the air. In the center of the banner, a huge golden character is shining brightly.

It was a mysterious text.

It is not the text of any human race in the universe, and no one knows it.

However, when I saw this text, everyone knew what it meant. That's ... "People"!

"God! That is King Jiumu! The supreme commander who guarded the extraterritorial battlefield for millions of years!"

Next to Liu Ziqing, a mercenary exclaimed in a low voice.

"Jiu Mu Wang?"

Liu Ziqing blinked and felt that the name seemed ... what was wrong?

"Ding Jing ..."

A melodious bell sounded.

Behind the "Nine Herd Kings" holding up the banner, two red and white, two beautiful women, carrying a black coffin, walked slowly.

While walking, the woman in red and the woman in white waved their arms at the same time.

Endless flowers bloom!

The flaming roses and pale pink hibiscus condensed into a avenue of flowers in the air. The flowers bloomed and thanked, and numerous petals were scattered.

"King Furong! King Red Rose! It turned out that they were seeing off in person?"

The "best know" mercenary next to Liu Ziqing ~ ~ began to exclaim again!

"What's so strange about these three names?"

Hearing the names of the three kings, Liu Ziqing always felt strange, but he didn't know where the strangeness was!

"Comrades, good way!"

King Jiumu stepped on the altar and put the banner in his hand high on the altar.

King Furong and Red Rose carried the black coffin and solemnly placed it on the altar.

All three bowed together and worshipped at the black coffin!

"Comrades, good way!"

Countless soldiers standing on the entire altar, shouting together!

Hear the world and shake Jiuxiao!

This is the foundation for the universe human beings to stand on top of the world and become one of the strongest races in the universe!

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