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Chapter 963: Rule of Body and Treasure

Clean up, collect, and bury!

This series of work has been busy for a whole month.

Over the past month, Liu Ziqing, who is "hard-working, pragmatic, and resentful," has won unanimous praise from the mercenary team.

Collecting the filth of the corpse is tiring and tiring.

Then ... his image in everyone's mind became a loyal, **** boy.

Fall, who was killed by Liu Ziqingkeng, would definitely die.

"Big money! Big money!"

Thousands of corpse-level corpses, after Liu Ziqing's hands, all the power of the law fell into Liu Ziqing's pocket.

"Boy, this harvest, you really made a big deal!"

In the space of the purple and gold gourds, the golden wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and light are dark in time and space, and the power of various laws blends to form a colorful cloud.

"Do you know how long it takes for a practitioner to realize the power of the law at the level of the Lord? If it is a human being in the kingdom of God, there are laws given by the immortal, and it will take about 3,000 years to master the level of the Lord. It ’s a cosmic human. To reach this level, it usually takes 5,000 to 8,000 years, or even longer! "

Zijin gourd laughed, "boy, with the help of an old man, to incorporate these rules into your body, you don't have to have a day to have the power of the main rule of the world!"

"Great! Great!"

Liu Ziqing was trembling with excitement when he heard this.

For thousands of years a day, where can I find such good things?

"This is only part of the benefit. Do you know? The general master can master one or two rules, and it is already heaven! And you have all the rules!"

These tens of thousands of corpses are the Lord of the Realms. Everyone has different practices and the power of the rules they have.

After extracting the power of countless people, Liu Ziqing has gathered all the rules.

"Thank you senior! Thank you senior!"

Liu Ziqing was so happy that he couldn't find North.

"However, after these rules are incorporated into your body, although you can use the power of the rules, it will take a long time to really understand and understand them. However, it is much easier to understand the power of the rules. "

"Well, I will take it seriously."

Liu Ziqing smiled and nodded.

The current situation is like a difficult problem. Others need to think hard and spend countless hours and energy to find the answer. However, Liu Ziqing already has the correct answer.

There is an answer, a problem-solving process, and continuous practice. I still can't learn it, and I can only blame myself for being too stupid.

"Boy, you go back to the camp and rest for a day. I will help you refine the power of these rules into your body."

After processing all the corpses in the black coffin, the mercenaries were given a three-day break.

After three days, you need to go to the battlefield to search for the remains of the soldiers.

"Okay, senior Zijin!"

Liu Ziqing turned and returned to the mercenary camp.

The so-called "mermaid camp" is actually an empty barracks behind the Human Corps.

A huge metal fortress is like a huge city made of metal.

Inside this fort, the facilities are very complete. Each mercenary has a single room with a complete set of living facilities.

This was originally a military barracks, and everything inside was prepared for the army. The mercenaries are just for a while.

Back in his room, Liu Ziqing sat down on the ground, calming himself.

"Well, I'm going to incorporate the power of the law into you. Be careful, maybe ... it hurts!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge and boundless force poured into the body.

The first is the mighty water, like Tianhe upside down, like the raging tide. Melt, penetrate, evaporate, boil ...

Liu Ziqing only felt that the whole person was constantly dissolved. Skin, flesh, bones, everything, are melted by this water.

pain! Unspeakable pain!

It hurts as if attacked by a strong acid!

Gritted his teeth, set his mind, carried through the erosion of water and light, and then ...

A violent burst of blue light, every cell in the whole body seemed to grow sharply, as if there were countless flowers and trees taking root in the body.

Then the wood turned into fire, and the raging flames burned the wasteland, and everything turned to ashes.

After this flame had burned, Liu Ziqing felt that he seemed to have been burned to ashes!

The next moment, the ashes turned into a thick earth, and the earth turned into sharp golden gas.

Then, the wind screamed, the lightning flashed, the light shone, darkness fell, and time and space flowed!

Various rules of heaven and earth manifested one by one, tossing Liu Ziqing to death to death, to death!

When everything is over, the various laws of heaven and earth have turned into countless subtle lines, engraved in the depth of Liu Ziqing's genes, and in the two "suns" of Dantian and Shihai.


With a long breath, Liu Ziqing opened his eyes slowly.

The colorful patterns in the eyes flashed away.

"Is this the law?"

At this moment, Liu Ziqing clearly felt the power of the law of surging in the body, as if breathing with the whole world.

Heaven and man sympathize, and the rules resonate.

Liu Ziqing only felt that he could destroy Xinghe and tear the void as if he raised his hands.

Of course, this is just an illusion!

"Although the power of your rules is infinitely stronger than that of the general realm master. However, you have not opened up the inner world. The root of the real power of the real master lies in the inner world! You can have a realm power between your waves. Master. "

Purple gold gourd even reminds Liu Ziqing not to be confused by this illusion.

"I know!"

Liu Ziqing smiled and nodded, "The law and the internal world are complementary. The internal world provides energy, and the law drives this energy to erupt the power of the world. This is the master of the world."

There are only laws and no internal world. Naturally, Liu Ziqing would not be arrogant and thought that he could sweep the world.

"With the power of these rules, when I enter the extraterritorial battlefield, I am even safer!"

As long as you don't run into ordinary people, ~, Liu Ziqing is no longer worried.

"Foreign battlefields, the worst are the masters!"

Zijin Hulu grinned, "Although no army of that race will attack the corpse corps. But the energy storms and void cracks in the extraterrestrial battlefields are also very scary."

Between the purple light surging, two things fell into Liu Ziqing's hands.

One is a large silvery scale, and the other is a dark golden ball.

"Boy, this scale is a silver scale shield, the main shield of the realm. Although you are not strong enough, you can't exert all your power, and you can also resist the realm of the realm."

The purple gold gourd shook like a pendulum. "As for the dark golden ball, it's called annihilation gold thunder. When you use it, remember to throw it away. Blow yourself up, don't blame me!"

"Thank you senior!"

With the power of the law to increase oneself, add these two kinds of protection treasures. Extra-territorial battlefields are even more secure!

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