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Chapter 964: Boy, i appreciate you

"Mercenaries gather! We are going to the extraterrestrial battlefield!"

In the early morning of the third day, the leaders of the various minions snarled and drank, summoned the mercenary team, boarded a transport ship, and hurried to the extraterritorial battlefield.

On a transport ship flying at the speed of light, the holographic projection shows the outside scene.

The nebula circulates, shining brilliantly between heaven and earth. Among the five-colored brilliance, a beautiful colorful cloud burst out by accident, like the same blossoming flowers.

"Beautiful scenery."

Near Liu Ziqing, a young mercenary who seemed to have a bit of literary color stretched a team of wings on his back, with a look of admiration.

"Hey! What a beautiful view?"

The leader of the snake woman turned back and shook her head with a sneer. "That is an energy storm. With your strength, as long as you are swept by the energy storm, there is no residue left!"

"That's the energy storm?"

Hearing this name, the mercenaries narrowed their necks, their faces horrified. Even the young literary artist was so pale that he was scared.

What is the most dangerous battlefield outside the territory? The first is the void crack. This thing is invisible and invisible, it is the most dangerous thing in the extraterritorial battlefield.

Sweeped in the void crack, it is likely that your head is in this galaxy, and your body has reached another galaxy.

In fact, void cracks are relatively rare.

Although in the First World War, if the immortal took the shot, it would definitely break the void and crack countless voids. However, the cosmic space will be repaired automatically, and the void cracks will automatically dissipate.

Unless you are unlucky and encounter a void crack that has not been fully repaired, it is generally difficult to encounter a void crack.

However, the second danger of extraterritorial battlefields, the energy storm, is very common!

In World War I, how terrible was the energy released by the racial killings of all parties in the universe?

Although these energy also dissipate, it dissipates relatively slowly. This formed an energy storm that pervaded the battlefields outside the region.

The more intense the battle, the more terrifying the energy storm!

"Assign a task now!"

On the transport ship, the chimpanzee-like mercenary general, holding an information screen in his hand, opened it, and issued missions to all mercenaries in the transport ship.

"Very domain mercenaries, you go to one area!"

"Dry witch mercenaries, you are in charge of three zones!"

"Ten snake mercenaries, responsible for the four districts!"


"Heilongshan mercenaries, you are responsible for zone d!"

After thinking about it for a long time, the chimpanzees announced the area of ​​responsibility of all the teams, and then turned to look at the Black Dragon Mountain Mercenary Team.

"Team Naya, I have a special mission and need to find someone to help you in your team."

The chimpanzee grinned and looked at Liu Ziqing. "This young boy in your team, Liu Ziqing, is loyal and sincere. He is a good seed. I like him very much! Let him go with me to complete the task!


Liu Ziqing opened her mouth, and I became loyal and sincere?

"Consultant General, the task accepted by Liu Ziqing is the task of clearing the extraterritorial battlefield. Changing the task midway, is it out of order?"

The snake girl frowned, and was a little uneasy about the "special tasks" of the chimpanzee.

"Don't worry! This task is also a task to clear the extraterritorial battlefield."

The chimpanzee smiled. "The mercenary alliance headquarters, a family of Lord Black Seal, died in this battle, and no corpse has been found. I took the personal task of King Black Seal and went to look for King Black Seal People of yours. You are a very good subordinate who is just right to be my helper. Rest assured, there is nothing dangerous! "

"Is that so?"

It's also a search for the lost soldier's body, so there is no problem.

Snake Girl nodded, turned to look at Liu Ziqing, "little man, would you like to go? You have the right to refuse this private task."

"Thank you, Lord, for your love and care. I am very grateful. I am very honored to be here for you!"

Liu Ziqing nodded with a smile on his face, looking very happy.

In fact, Liu Ziqing sneered.

What is "faithful and honest, a good seed"? Isn't it easy to flicker, is it convenient to hang up?

Liu Ziqing didn't know what the chimpanzee was thinking. If it is really cultivated, it is considered to have received this feeling.

If you want to dig a bit, Liu Ziqing is confident that the chimpanzees will realize what is called "faithful and honest"!

"OK! OK!"

After hearing Liu Ziqing's answer, the chimpanzee smiled and nodded, looking at Liu Ziqing's eyes, full of appreciation, and seemed to really agree with Liu Ziqing.

"Following the Lord Consul, and there is no danger in being protected by the Lord Consul!"

Snake Girl looked at Liu Ziqing, nodded with a smile, "Take care of the Lord Master!"

"Is it silly to be a fool?"

Seeing this scene, the mercenaries around him were very jealous of Liu Ziqing.

Being with the Consul General, as long as the Consul General protects Liu Ziqing, there is certainly no danger. Other mercenaries follow the leader, and one leader manages tens of thousands of people. How can we take care of everyone when it is dangerous?

The transport ship flew all the way, dropping a team of mercenaries on various battlefield divisions.

Soon after, the mercenaries of the entire transport ship had left, leaving only Liu Ziqing and the chimpanzee.

"Come with me, we're leaving!"

The chimpanzee tie Liu Ziqing to a hangar and board a small spaceship.

With a bang, the small spacecraft started and whistled out of the transport ship.

"Little guy, I'm optimistic about you!"

The chimpanzee grinned and looked at Liu Ziqing with admiration. "Follow me, I will never treat you!"

As he said, the chimpanze reached out his hand, and a dark gold with long spikes appeared in his hand.

"This is the booty that the old man got when he fought in the extraterrestrial battlefield. The Zerg hunter's special weapon, the Mantis Knife!"

Reaching out and touching the dark golden blade, the chimpanzee's face seemed to have a bit of nostalgia. "This is the weapon of a master hunter. The old man almost died under this mantis knife!"

Looking up at Liu Ziqing, the chimpanzee reached out and handed the praying mantis knife over, "Give it to you! Practice well in the future, and strive to be promoted to the master of the kingdom as soon as possible."


Liu Ziqing froze for a moment, and quickly reached out to take over the praying mantis knife. "Thank you, Lord."

"you are welcome!"

The chimpanzee smiled and waved his hand, "Have a good job! My husband admires your loyal and honest young man most! Now in this world, there are not so many loyal and honest people like you! Rarely meet one, and my husband must naturally cultivate one Fan. "

"Thank you, Lord, for your love!"

Liu Ziqing thanked again ~ ~ just secretly let Zijin gourd check this mantis knife.

"no problem?"

After hearing the conclusion of Zijin Hulu, Liu Ziqing was somewhat surprised.

"Drop a drop of blood and refine it! Even if you meet the Lord, you can fight back hard!"

The chimpanzee smiled and looked at Liu Ziqing.

"Oh, yes."

No matter what idea the chimpanzee has, this knife is fine. Liu Ziqing dripped a drop of blood in accordance with the words, and initially reacted with the mantis knife.

However, Liu Ziqing's doubts still remained.

World-class weapon, it's not cheap!

Give me this treasure, isn't it ... the Lord Lord really appreciates me? Really plan to cultivate me?

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