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Chapter 965: What's the point of bringing Liu Ziqing over?


The spacecraft passed through a storm of energy and came to a piece of broken land.

The chimpanzee put on a black heavy armor, carrying a huge axe, carrying a huge shield on his back, and greeted Liu Ziqing, "little man, follow me, we are leaving!"

The spacecraft hatch opened, and the chimpanzee took Liu Ziqing to the broken ground.

This is a desert.

High winds swept through the sand and dust, and rolled up the sandstorm.

If it is an ordinary sandstorm, Liu Ziqing naturally doesn't care. After all, the power of stars is not something that can be harmed by sandstorms.

However, in this sandstorm, the power of the wind system and the power of the soil system are mixed.

Although not as terrifying as the energy storm, it is not the power of the stellar realm to resist!


As soon as she went out, Liu Ziqing was rolled up by the sand. Her body was even slammed by countless sand and stones, and blood spewed out from her mouth.

"Uh? I was negligent!"

Seeing Liu Ziqing's condition, the chimpanzee shook his head in embarrassment, and quickly waved out a light curtain cover. "I haven't brought any little guys for many years, and I forgot that you can't stop the remaining sand The law has power. "

"I'm too weak, and it's troublesome for the Lord!"

Liu Ziqing reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and bowed his head embarrassedly. He seemed to be ashamed of his weak strength and dragged the hind leg of the adult.

Actually ... Liu Ziqing sneered.

You are absolutely intentional!

I found a “loyal and honest” star-studded youth, how could I forget it all at once?

This is obviously a temptation!

The chimpanzee obviously wants to test and see if Liu Ziqing has any cards in hand and if there are any treasures to protect himself.

"Fortunately, Lao Tzu has kept his eyes open. He won't reveal the power of the Silver Scale Shield and the rules while he is hurting."

Regardless of whether the chimpanzee really has bad intentions, Liu Ziqing, who is "loyal and honest," will definitely not reveal his hole cards to others.

"Little guy, this task is easy!"

The chimpanzee held the smart terminal on his wrist and grinned, "We are very lucky. The positioning mark on the family of King Black Seal has not been damaged."

On the screen of the smart terminal, a blue light spot blinks constantly.

"follow me."

With a wave of the chimpanzee, Liu Ziqing moved forward towards the blue light spot.

"Your boy brought me good luck! I thought the task was very difficult this time! I didn't expect to find the target so easily!"

The chimpanzee seemed very happy, and as he walked, he said to Liu Ziqing, "Master Black Seal, that is the immortal king! The immortal who has the king, is the strongest among immortals."

"Boy, this time we have found the family of the King of Black Seal. Whether it is death or alive, the King of Black Seal will definitely be rewarded! The reward of the immortal King! If it can be given by secret law books, it will be developed!

Talking all the way, the two crossed the mountain, crossed a broken gorge, and reached a cave.

Here is exactly where the signal indicates.

In the huge cave, there was a broken piece, and everywhere there were marks of sword cutting.

"Huh? This is the mark of the split sky claw? The devil's split sky beast is here? Could it be that the people of the Black Seal are fighting the split sky?"

Looking at the marks on the rock wall, the chimpanzee frowned, holding the shield in one hand and holding the axe in one hand, looking very dignified.

"Consultant-General, the Beast of the Heavens and the Black Seal's clan, should be the realm of the Lord? Isn't the power of the Lord of the Lord able to break the planet? Why only leave some marks on the rocks?"

Liu Ziqing was very puzzled when he saw these traces.

"This is an extraterrestrial battlefield. This is the Jinyuan continent, which is not comparable to an ordinary planet! Even the world master cannot be broken."

The chimpanzee replied, proceeding carefully.

"The landlord can only leave a trace of the continent. However, this continent has been broken! What a power!"

Liu Ziqing froze for a while.

Behind the chimpanzee, Liu Ziqing was also alert.

Where chimpanzees are very careful, it must be dangerous. Even if you can use the silver scale shield at a critical moment, you can't carelessly.

Walking along the cave, there were signs of battle everywhere.

Hundreds of thousands of meters deep into the ground, a huge underground space appeared in front.

In this underground cave-like space, fluorescent underground plants illuminate this vast space.

In front of the two, a giant snake looks like, but the front half of the body is like a pangolin monster, lying on the ground as if sleeping.

This giant monster looks horrible, especially the two huge front claws. The claws stick out like sharp blades and look very scary.

"It's dead!"

The chimpanzee exhaled and nodded at Liu Ziqing. "The signal is not far ahead, let's go!"

Beyond the fissured beast lying on the ground, the two continued to deepen.

However, Liu Ziqing turned his head to look at the split-scission beast, frowned slightly, and thought to himself, "there is no injury on the surface, but this split-scission is dead. How did it die?"

"It's not easy? I was slain by the soul!"

Zijin gourd answered with a smile.

"Is it possible to annihilate the spirits? The person who can annihilate the spirits of the main beast of the world, this person ... Is it the family of the King of Black Seal? Is there such a means?"

Suspicious in his heart, he couldn't understand for a while and a half, Liu Ziqing had no choice but to let go of the problem and continue to follow the chimpanzee.


At this time, there was a loud noise ahead.

"Enemy! Back off! Don't come near!"

The chimpanzee shouted at Liu Ziqing, raised his giant shield, and slammed into the front fiercely, bursting into a huge roar.

Liu Ziqing hid behind a boulder, looked up and looked forward, and saw a head like a lizard, a human figure, waving a sledgehammer, and lumped with a chimpanzee.


Liu Ziqing saw the figure and immediately understood its origin. This is the crocodile demon of the Yao tribe.

Until now, Liu Ziqing has not understood why his head is human and his body is like an animal, so it belongs to human beings. This body is like a human, but its head is animal, that is, a demon.

Is it just the head that distinguishes humans?

"Splinter Ground!"

The chimpanzee burst into drink, a shield smashed into the crocodile's sledgehammer, and chopped it down with a huge axe.

With a bang, the earth shook violently.

The power of the earthy yellow earth gathers on the giant axe, and the extreme strength is severely chopped on the crocodile demon.


A scream ~ ~ The crocodile decapitated on the spot by this axe.


The chimpanzee sighed and turned to greet Liu Ziqing, "It's okay! This crocodile demon is the lord of the split-day beast. He was not badly injured before, but now I have been chopped."

"The Lord Lord is magnificent."

Liu Ziqing expressed his respect appropriately.

"Oh, what kind of power is this?"

The chimpanzee smiled, "Go! The family of the Black Seal is in front! The crocodile demon and its Skyscraper must be fighting the family of the Black Seal, and they were killed and injured."

With that said, the chimpanzee moved forward, following the signal's instructions.

At this time, Liu Ziqing had a doubt in her heart.

The chimpanzee came to me ... for what? It's impossible for me to go all the way to the theater?

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