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Chapter 966: Hot Teen Back Man

"Hurry! Hurry! The people of King Black Seal are ahead!"

Moving forward along the cave, shortly after, a row of alloy trench plates appeared in front of the two!

The five-meter-high, one-meter-thick alloy trench plate blocks the gangway ahead.

Above the trench plate, a number of shooting holes were also opened.

At this moment, the huge laser muzzle of that row of firing holes had already dazzled. Obviously, the laser cannon has been charged and is about to be excited!

"Your Highness, yourself!"

Seeing this situation, the chimpanzee quickly identified himself, "His Royal Highness, I am the Mercenary Headquarters, a seventh-level mercenary. My name is Hei Xing, and I am here to seek the whereabouts of His Royal Highness.

"Black Star? Black Star of the Black Apes? Are you the loyal Black Star?"

Behind the alloy trench plate, a rough voice sounded. It's just ... the voice was clearly out of breath and was obviously injured.

"It's you! Come in!"

At this time, a portal was opened on the alloy trench plate, an ape-man with red hair covered with a black grimace mark on his forehead, holding a large black stick, stood at the door.

"The black ape and the black star, meet His Royal Highness the Black Seal. His subordinates are late to rescue, and they also hope that His Highness will forgive him!"

The chimpanzee bowed down and bowed when he saw the red peony man appearing.

"You stick to tradition! Get up!"

The red ape man nodded with a smile, "Now it's a human alliance. The black ape and the black Indian are no longer in the same ranks, so don't worry about it! No need to call your highness!"

"Don't dare to obey the rules of the ancestors!"

After giving the gift, the chimpanzee stood up and said with emotion: "Master Black Seal heard that His Royal Highness had disappeared and thought that His Royal Highness had been sacrificed. He sent his subordinates to look for it. His Royal Highness was very pleased to see His Highness still alive."

"I have died a lifetime!"

The red ape sighed with a sigh, "Come in! Let us clean up and leave here at once."


The chimpanzee bowed his head respectfully, then waved to Liu Ziqing, "His Royal Highness, this is my subordinate. Although the strength is lower, it is also loyal and reliable. Let him come to help!"


The red ape man nodded with a smile. "You are all loyal people, and your subordinates are just as loyal. It really is the same!"

"His Highness has won!"

The chimpanzee was full of joy, and it seemed that the rude ape praised him, and he couldn't help himself, "Little guy, come and see His Royal Highness."

"Oh, see Your Highness!"

Although Liu Ziqing was unwilling to have a snack, he could only salute honestly. After all, with his star power, he can't be arrogant in front of the owner.

"Okay, don't talk about these false gifts. Come in! Pack up and we'll leave here right away."

The red ape man waved his hand with a smile, turned, and took the two of them into the back of the alloy trench plate.

Passing through the alloy trench plate, there is also a cave in the back.

Except for some placed laser cannons and trench plates, there is nothing else.

What to pack, these laser cannons and trench plates!

"You guys, go and dismantle the laser cannons there, and my Highness and I will dismantle these trench plates."

Zhao Ziqing gave a command, and the chimpanzee and the red ape man walked towards the trench plate.

"His Royal Highness deserves to be from the clans. This black crystal alloy warfare board can't be broken by ordinary masters. In an emergency, it is really a weapon to protect yourself!"

The chimpanzee was amazed at the trench plates.

"I also spent a lot of money to buy this thing. This thing is really good, and it was only by me that it saved my life!"

The red ape man smiled, bent down, and planned to pull out the ground pin that fixed the trench plate.


A whole body of dark gold, with countless spiked long knives, burst out of the air, and severely chopped it on the neck of the red-haired ape man.

Slashed across the head, the head fell into the dust!

On that skull, with eyes wide open, with a look of shock and doubt, it seemed to ask: Why?


The chimpanze held a long knife and laughed loudly.

"Ah? You killed him?"

Liu Ziqing was shocked when he saw this scene, and it was so! This guy is really not a good thing!


See the long knife in the hands of the chimpanzee ... that's the mantis knife! It's exactly the same as the knife he gave Liu Ziqing!

"What made me kill him?"

The chimpanzee threw the praying mantis knife in his hand, and looked at Liu Ziqing with a sneer, "It was you who killed him! The praying mantis swords appeared in pairs. You drop a drop of blood to refine a knife. Two of them. "


Liu Ziqing's heart was scolded for a while, the original mantis knife was used to get rid of trouble?

Thousands of defenses, really did not prevent this hand!

"What did you do to kill him? Why did you do this?"

Liu Ziqing just felt inexplicable. He spent so much effort to find someone trapped in the ground, and then killed him. Is this necessary?

As long as you leave it alone, this Red Hairy ape man will be trapped here, there is no way to live.

I can't think of a reason to do this!

"You are not ape man, you don't understand!"

The chimpanzee grinned, reached out and took the head of the red ape man into his hand.

"Do you know what this is?"

Hold out a finger and point at the black grimace mark on the forehead's forehead, the chimpanzee laughed loudly, "This is the mark of the soul and the mark of inheritance."

"In countless years ago, all the apes in the Changyuan galaxy had no difference in strength except for their hair. But when the Red Ape family found the law of soul inheritance in an ancient secret world, the Red Ape became high Lord. "

"Why can they become superiors? Because they can pass the power of the previous generation's spiritual insights and laws to the next generation in the form of a soul imprint. Over time, the Red Ape tribe is naturally stronger!"

The chimpanzee chattered, pressing on the fingertips of the grimace imprint, and a blood stain emerged, constantly seeping into the imprint of the grimace.

"Do you know? I also have the bloodline of the Red Ape tribe ~ ~ I can also inherit the heritage of the Black Seal!"

"That ... Lord Consul, he has already declared his disappearance. After you killed, you can say that he was killed directly, wouldn't it be all right? Is it necessary to marry me?"

Liu Ziqing didn't understand. This man is obviously missing, and he will just end up with a name that has already been killed. What else do he do? Is it so complicated?

"Of course it is necessary!"

The chimpanzee laughed broadly. "The black seal inheritance can only be inherited when it just died. How can I inherit the inheritance if you don't kill him?"

"I'll go. So obvious, do others believe?"

Liu Ziqing was stunned, I killed him, and you happened to be here, and you just inherited the inheritance. Who is this to fool?

More importantly, almost all mercenaries know that I came here specifically for you, so it makes sense to look for someone so obvious?

My back-knight is too fake?

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