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Chapter 970: Rabbits are anxious and bite

"My lords, this is how it is!"

Liu Ziqing settled down, and rehearsed his serpentine narrative.

That grateful tears shed tears.

"Master Hei Xing loves me very much because of my loyalty and honesty. At the last moment, the annihilation of Jin Lei and the enemies' enemies ended up, but he threw me out of the cave."

"I am grateful for the kindness of Lord Hei Xing, and I will never forget it!"

Wiping his tears, Liu Ziqing's voice choked, as if very sad.

"We've read the report!"

The Scar Black Ape man interrupted Liu Ziqing's performance without expression. "You said that no one can prove it! Hei Xing is dead, and the people of the King of Black Seal are dead, even the crocodile demon and the crack of the demon tribe. Heaven beast is dead! There is no proof of death, who can prove that what you said is true? "


Liu Ziqing's mouth was full of words, and her heart was scolded again, shouldn't it be that you should find evidence to prove that my words are false? Why should I prove that what I said is true?

It's like, you want me to prove that I am myself, how can this prove to me?

"Looks like you can't find proof!"

The Scar Black Ape Man nodded, and turned to look at the other two Black Ape People around him. "He is suspect."

"He is indeed suspect!"


The two black ape men nodded at the same time.

"Suspect is enough! Just use his life and give an explanation to the King of Black Seal!"

Scar nodded his head, then turned to look at Liu Ziqing, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Originally, according to normal practice, this is not the case at all. But Hei Xing is dead, Hei Yinwang is angry! We must Give the Black Seal an account. So you can only die! "

"Why? It was Lord Black Star who sacrificed to save me. Although I am very grateful to Lord Black Star, I do not want to bear this reputation. Why do you do this?"

Although Liu Ziqing was still performing, he was also very confused.

Hei Xing is dead, is King Wang Yin very angry? What is this and what? You have to take me to the top tank. What a mess?

"Well, let you die!"

Scar's face shook his head, "Hei Xing himself doesn't know that he is the descendant of King Black Seal! Even if you are telling the truth! But the descendants of King Black Seal, in order to save you such a humble thing, How could you sacrifice yourself? You are not dead, who is dead? How can you calm down the anger of the Black Seal without taking your head? "


Liu Ziqing was stunned!

No wonder Black Star says he has the blood of the Red Ape Man.

At this moment, Liu Ziqing had already made up the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Because of its impure blood, Black Star cannot obtain the mark of the Black Seal tribe through normal channels.

In order to give the illegitimate child an opportunity, the King of Black Seals thought of such a method, and asked him to find the Black Seal who was lost on the battlefield.

All this has been arranged by the King of Black Seals. Kill a black Indian, and complete his illegitimate child.

Without obvious evidence, even if someone knows that it is a black hand of the King of Black Seals, he cannot treat him.

But ... This good plan was such a thing that Liu Ziqing was engaged in it. Why isn't this called the Black Seal King angry?

"So, the loyal Black Star, in fact, he has been busy in acting these years? The King of Black Seal has already arranged for him?"

However, Liu Ziqing thought for a moment, if Heixing did not break the reputation of "loyalty", I am afraid that the King of Black Seal would not remember such an illegitimate child?

There is a bigger possibility!

That is the black star suit loyalty, it is likely that the black seal king instructed. Hei Xing broke into a reputation of "loyalty", which made it easier to refer to him as "upper clans".

Therefore, the King of Black Seals knows that the Black Star is a loyal pretender, and naturally it is impossible for the great feat of sacrificing himself to save people.

This can also explain why the King of Black Seal directly ordered the arrest of Liu Ziqing.

"So ... in the end I can only run!"

Although Liu Ziqing was ready for a long run, she was still depressed.

There is absolutely no chance.

The three black ape-men in front of them are all in the nine stages of the world, and they are only one step away from immortality. Not to mention here is the headquarters of the mercenary alliance in the dry empire. No matter how great Liu Ziqing's ability is, it is impossible to kill.

"Boy, there is no fairness and justice in this world! Even if what you say is true, it is meaningless!"

Scarface sneered and stood up, "In this world, strength is everything. The will of a big man can dominate the lives and deaths of countless people. If the King of Black Seals wants you to die, you, the ants, can only die.

Then, Scar reached out and pressed a button on the table in front of him.


The door opened instantly, and a group of law enforcement team members with live ammunition fired.

"Sir, what do you want!"

Law enforcement members rushed into the room and asked the three on the stage.

"Stop! Execution!"

With a wave on Scarface's face, Liu Ziqing was sentenced to death.


The law enforcement team commanded and approached Liu Ziqing.

"Be obedient to death? I have never been obedient to death!"

Liu Ziqing's eyes flashed a gleam of cold light, and his heart was frantic, "Is Zijin, do you still have Jinlei?"

It's not so easy to want my life!

"Give you ten, enough?"

The purple gold gourd made a strange laugh, and a roll of multicolored Xiaguang consumed a part of the various materials collected by the corpse, and Liu Ziqing refined ten annihilated gold mines.

"Ten annihilation gold thunder? It should be enough!"

Liu Ziqing looked up at the three black ape people on the stage, a sneer appeared in the corners of his mouth, "I'm not an ant! I'm not a bull or sheep that can be slaughtered by anyone! No one can control my life and death!"

"Feel the counterattack from the ants!"

Liu Ziqing roared and waved ten annihilated gold thunders.

At the same time, a bit of light flashed, and Liu Ziqing's figure disappeared instantly.

"Huh? What's going on?"

This sudden change surprised the three black ape people and suddenly stood up.

The law enforcement members who arrested Liu Ziqing were even more stunned.

They didn't care much about what Liu Ziqing smashed. What countermeasures can star sting ants have?

They were shocked that Liu Ziqing was a teleporter.

Having said so much, in fact, it was an instant!

Annihilation Jin Lei flew out, Liu Ziqing disappeared instantly. then……


There was a loud noise.

The violent boundless golden rules erupted violently!

Ten annihilation gold thunder burst at the same time, extremely powerful!

The endless rays of destruction suddenly rushed up, and the sharp rule of gold annihilated everything.

In an instant, everything in the entire room turned into powder.

The law enforcement team, the three black apes, and even the floors and walls all turned into powder at this moment.

Raging power swept up like a bomb exploding!


In the horrifying eyes of countless people ~ ~ A building of the mercenary alliance's headquarters in the dry empire, in this fierce roar, just collapsed!

"That was ... annihilation of Jin Lei? What happened?"

The snake woman who was going to return to Heilongshan by airship, turned her head to see the scene, and was startled, "It won't be Liu Ziqing ..."

The idea just came out, the snake woman shook her head again, "How can that guy have this ability!"

Shortly after boarding the spacecraft, the communicator on his wrist gave a shock.

"Order! Wanted Liuziqing, a junior mercenary from Heilongshan!"

At this moment, all the mercenaries' communicators in the universe received this information.

"He really did it?"

The Snake Girl was so stunned that even the headquarters of the Witch Empire mercenaries blew up? And it seems to run away? This guy has such a great ability?

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