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Chapter 971: Makeover and continue toss

"Where is this?"

After the brilliance of the teleportation array dissipated, Liu Ziqing found himself in a strange place.

In front of him is a dark brown ground, with purple and black mushrooms standing like towering pillars in front of them.

"Hey! This is Heilongshan Empire, Hei Qinxing!"

Zijin Hulu smiled and gave a strange answer.

"The Black Dragon Mountain Empire? I've been wanted by the Space Mercenary Alliance, and I'm still here? Isn't this looking for death?"

There was a cold sweat on Liu Ziqing's forehead.

Although angrily before, I gave it a bit harsh. It was also "the rabbit bites when it is in a hurry". The forces of the mercenary alliance are all over the universe, and Liu Ziqing has no confidence in the mercenary alliance.

Ran to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, can this escape?

"rest assured!"

Zijin Gourd smiled indifferently. "How easy is it to adjust your shape and change your appearance?"

"But this is useless! The bloodline is unchanged, the soul characteristics are not changed, and you can see it at a glance!"

This world determines the identity of a person, not at all by appearance, but by soul and blood. Whether it is a bank account number or an identity document, it is based on the characteristics of the soul and blood.

When Liu Ziqing was registered as a mercenary, he had already exposed his soul and blood characteristics!

If Liu Ziqing cannot change the characteristics of his soul and his blood, unless he wanders in the wild all his life, as soon as he enters the city, he will be detected immediately.

"How easy is it to have an old man?"

Zijin gourd laughed, "Modify the characteristics of the soul, change the blood of a human race, you can shake up again."

"The blood of the human race ..."

Chimpanzees are humans, and the human category is too broad!

"Seniors can only be of the same human descent as I look, definitely not the messy orcs."

Liu Ziqing quickly added a request.

"Black hair, black eyes, yellow skin, looks exactly like Chinese people!"

The purple gold gourd waved a light curtain. On the light curtain, a figure exactly like the Chinese people on the earth appeared.

"This is one of the ten strongest bloodlines of this universe of humans. They're called Wild Cardians."

"A pretty Kazan?"

Liu Ziqing touched his head. "I've played a pretty Kassin on the virtual battlefield, aren't they like that? The one with silver eyes?"

"Earth people have yellow hair and blue eyes, aren't they Earth people?"

The refutation of Zijin Gourd made Liu Ziqing dumb!

"it is good!"

Liu Ziqing shook his head helplessly, "In this case, I am not the blood of the Earth!"

"The path to spiritual practice is continuous sublimation of life. You said that after immortal, is it still the same? According to this world, genetic elements can continuously enhance their own genes. Even the genes have changed, or the original earth people?"

This reason is stronger, Liu Ziqing couldn't find anything to say at all.

"Boy, don't get cheap and sell well! The blood of the Kakar people is higher than that of the Earth people. The birth of a Kakar people is the star rating! Childhood star rating, youth universe rating, adult domain master rating!"

"Ah? The savage Karen are so strong? When I played in the virtual space, I didn't realize how powerful they were?"

Liu Ziqing was a little stunned.

In the virtual space, he has faced off with the Kakar. The ten-year-old wild card star can only be a star with his strength!

"That's because ... you're fighting a baby!"

The Zijin gourd laughed, "The life cycle of the pretty Kassahs is definitely different from that of the earth people! Everyone has thousands of years of infancy. Adults can reach 100,000 years. After adulthood, they have a million years of life!"

"So ... what's the significance of this bloodline? At the same time, Xiuwei can't surpass other races, so what is one of the strongest human bloodlines in the universe?"

Liu Ziqing didn't quite understand the ten strongest bloodlines of this universe.

"Born by nature is a star, and there is no bottleneck in the realm of the realm. You can grow to the realm of the realm without cultivation. This is not the top bloodline! The entire universe, how many people are stuck in one realm will never break ? "

"Okay, I'll be a pretty star!"

To avoid the wanted of the Mercenary Alliance, it is not possible to change the characteristics of the bloodline. Liu Ziqing reluctantly accepted the blood of this wild card star.

"Be ready, I'm going to incorporate the blood of the Calkas into your body."

Numerous corpses were collected in the extraterrestrial battlefields. Among these corpses, there were also many Kakars. The Zijin gourd has already taken out the blood of the wild card stars.

The same is red blood!

Radiance flowed, and the bright red blood turned into a mist of blood, covering Liu Ziqing's whole body.

Numerous fine blood mists penetrated Liu Ziqing's body along the pores.


With a terrible cry, the severe pain made Liu Ziqing couldn't help screaming.

"Oh, I forgot to remind you, it hurts!"

The purple gold gourd was another weird laughter, and the purple light flowed around, wrapping Liu Ziqing like a cocoon.

Like tormenting in the fire, Liu Ziqing only felt that he was melting.

In fact ... he really melted.

Liu Ziqing's whole body turned into a rush of blood.

The light flowed, and in the blood, a body slowly reshaped. Bones, meridians, muscles, internal organs ...

A new body is constantly breeding in the light.

When the light faded, the light cocoons spread, and a slender, strong and strong body appeared.

The height of one meter eight is a little taller than Liu Ziqing's original body. His face is handsome, his outline is tough, his appearance is similar to Liu Ziqing's original appearance, but he is more heroic.

"Is this the blood of the Calkas?"

After moving his hands and feet, feeling the condition of the body, Liu Ziqing found that his body was more powerful, and his defense and recovery ability was stronger.

"Hmm? Seems ..."

Liu Ziqing flicked his fingers ~ ~ A gleam of golden light flashed from his fingertips, and the sharp golden gas broke through the air, tearing the sky.

A huge purple mushroom in front was immediately cut into two pieces by this golden light.

"It seems easier to drive the power of the law?"

In the extraterritorial battlefield, he has harvested the power of countless laws. After refining into the body, Liu Ziqing never used it. Because it is too difficult to drive the power of the law.

Now after changing to the lineage of the wild Kassara, Liu Ziqing found it much easier to drive the power of his laws.

Although it is impossible to drive all the laws, it is very easy to drive a small part.

"Do you think the blood of the wild card star is really talking about? With this foundation, your future spiritual journey is a smooth road."

Zijin Gourd smiled, "Boy, do you want your new name?"

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