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Chapter 972: The cottage encountered a genuine

"New name ..."

Liu Ziqing sighed helplessly, "Senior Zijin, I worship the Shushan Sword School. Theoretically, should I give a Taoist name?"

"Road number?"

The Zijin gourd paused, and immediately responded, "Since you are passed down from generation to generation, you do n’t have a Taoist name because you do n’t have a real master. However, this seat can give you a Taoist name."

"Please also give me a senior!"

How can Zijin gourd be regarded as a senior of Shimen, and it is very appropriate for him to give the Taoist title. Liu Ziqing naturally has no objection.

"Your name has the word 'Qing', and your generation is counted as the word 'Qing!'

"Thank you for your gift, Qinghe will work hard and live up to her cultivation."

The freshly-released "Qinghe Real Man" bowed his head and fluttered his robe as if he were a real person.

"Well? Robe?"

Liu Ziqing said for a moment, "Senior, my dress is too obvious?"

Dressed in a robe, exactly the same as before, anyone who would see it would doubt it.

Even if he finds that he is not the original Liu Ziqing, he will associate with them according to the same costume.

"How simple is it? Just rebuild it with the Scale Armor of the Skysaver."

The flesh and blood of Alchemy Alchemy has been refined, but a scale armor is still preserved, this time is just used to re-make Liu Ziqing a robe.

After a while, a re-refined suit appeared in Liu Ziqing's hands.

Leather boots, trousers, shirt, vest, trench coat.

Except that the shirt is white, everything is black.

Wear it on the body ... It feels like the Shanghai beach in the movie!

"Okay! I changed my costume to Shanghai Beach all of a sudden!"

Liu Ziqing shrugged his shoulders, changed into this new outfit, waved a hand, and between the sword's strength and length, one long hair became lean short hair.

"No one can recognize me now!"

The appearance has changed, the blood veins have changed, and the purple and gold gourds have been used in the soul fluctuations. When the blood of the wild card stars was merged, it had also changed.

The new "Qinghe Real Man" can be upright and uproaring again.

The sword light soared into the sky, Liu Ziqing's imperial sword flew, rushed into the sky, and flew towards the city of this black Qin planet.

Such things as Royal Sword Flying can be done by any spiritual teacher.

Moreover, during the period of entering the cosmic starry sky, Liu Ziqing did not show the purple and green double swords, so there is no need to worry.

"Mushroom City? It's a real name!"

A mushroom in front has thousands of kilometers in diameter. The huge umbrella cover is like a continent.

And this mushroom city is built on the mushroom canopy.

"This city is really eye-opening!"

According to the falling sword light, Liu Ziqing stepped into this mushroom city.


"Liu Ziqing, a junior mercenary of the Heilongshan nationality, the first order of stars!"

"When the offender completed the task of clearing the battlefield outside the territory, he used the annihilation of Jin Lei to murder the mercenary commander Hei Xing and the murder of the Black Indians. When he was arrested and interrogated, he also annihilated the Wraith Empire mercenary headquarters The building killed three law enforcement officers and ten law enforcement members. "

"The offender has a teleportation secret treasure, an annihilation gold thunder, a poor and ferocious grade, and extremely cruel. The mercenary alliance has ruled that it is wanted all over the universe."

"There is information provided, a reward for the main weapon of the main level in the realm. There is a secret method for killing the criminal, a reward for the main method of the realm in the realm, a blood booster potion, and a weapon and armor for the main level!"

On the avenue in front of the city gate, a huge screen shows Liu Ziqing's original appearance. A row of blood-red wanted text appears below.


Liu Ziqing was surprised when he saw the reward, "Would you be so hard!"

The main force weapons and armors of the main class are all invaluable. The secret law of the realm of the realm, which is used to comprehend the law, is more precious than the elemental weapon. Bloodline-boosting potions are the treasure of countless people.

"It's a ruthless character!"

A brawny man in a golden armor with a large sword on his shoulder, staring at a pair of golden eyes and grinning, "A star-rated guy has killed five masters, and ten Each domain owner also blew up the headquarters of the mercenary alliance. It's too hard. "

While talking, Jin Jiahan came to Liu Ziqing with a smile and reached out and patted Liu Ziqing's shoulder. "Little guy, go, drink with me!"


Liu Ziqing turned his head to look at this brave man, somehow inexplicable. Uncle, are we familiar? Would you like to be so familiar?


Seeing Liu Ziqing's expression, Jin Jiahan patted his head and laughed again, "I forgot, you are still a child, and you can't drink! Go, let's eat!"

"Uncle, who are you?"

Liu Ziqing couldn't help it. Do I know you well? I asked for a meal and a drink!

"Boy, he's also a pretty star!"

Zijin gourd reminded in time.

"Oh, my name is Tieqiu. Boy, don't fret. Go, eat!"

Can not help but say, Jin Jia Han grabbed Liu Ziqing, so he held it in his hands.

With Liu Ziqing's strength, even the reaction was too late, and there was no chance of resistance!

"Ah! Let me down! I'll go by myself!"

Being held in my hands like this, it's almost gone! Liu Ziqing's heart is extremely depressed 1

"My house is far away! I'm pulling you faster!"

The big armored man laughed, stepped on his feet, and the whole man rose like lightning.

That's really lightning fast!

The sound waves breaking through the void burst out a series of roars. The Jin Jia Da Han rushed so much that the air in front of him broke.

The figure flying through the air drawn a Changhong in mid-air, and it even rushed out of the planet and into space.

Liu Ziqing is stunned!

My God, do you want to be so fierce! Comfortable in a spaceship, why should you cross the starry sky so fiercely?

Fortunately, Liu Ziqing's strength is not bad, and the physique of the pretty card star is also strong enough, and being struck by the big armored man across the starry sky, nothing happens.


The big armored man laughed, stepped out, and instantly fell on a huge planet.

This pale golden planet ~ ~ is like a metal planet with nothing on it, and the entire planet is a huge metal puppet.

Taking Liu Ziqing to the door of a humble golden house, Jin Jiahan loosened Liu Ziqing, "Let me, little one, I invite you to dinner."

Entering the door, there is a huge space inside. It is also very rude, as if this guy cut out a hole with a sword.

A hundred-meter-long giant snake was thrown out with a wave of hand, and a firelight rose from the hand of Jinjia Dahan, and the giant snake was cooked instantly.

"Little guy, eat!"

A sword stabbed a snake body, and Jin Jiahan grabbed it and threw it to Liu Ziqing, "little man, where did you come from? This place hasn't seen more people in this place for many years!"


Liu Ziqing's heart was tight, how should I answer?

Could it be that I am fake? Will this guy chop me off with a sword?

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