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Chapter 973: The new vest is quite big!

"Boy, you just have to wander about anywhere."

Zijin Hulu smiled indifferently, "No matter what you say, he won't delve into it."

Hearing this, Liu Ziqing was relieved. Now that Zijin Gourd says so, it's definitely fine.

"Uncle, my name is Qinghe. I came from the Canglan Galaxy."

Liu Ziqing also didn't know much about the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. Before participating in extraterrestrial battlefield missions, he passed the "Canglan Galaxy" and reported the place name.

"Qinghe? Your last name is Qing?"

Jin Jiahan Han Tieqiu had a shock on his face, and a pair of golden eyes burst into two golden lights, shining on Liu Ziqing's body.


Agitated by this golden light, the blood in Liu Ziqing's body was turbulent, gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, and the five elements were intertwined, and a Changhong rose from the top of Liu Ziqing's head.

"Diqiu Bloodline! Qingtian Clan!"

Tieqiu exclaimed, stood up suddenly, and waved his hand to cover up the vision rushed out of Liu Ziqing's head.

"What's crazy about Diqiu's immortality? The children of Qingtian's veins dare to let them go to practice? Even the guards don't send one? If something goes wrong, you may cry!"

Tieqiu roared, and then looked at Liu Ziqing fortunately, "It's okay, but nothing happened! Just so big, let you out? Diqiu's old guy, still doing their old way? "

"This one……"

Liu Ziqing gaped and didn't know what to answer.

What Diqiu blood, what Qingtian clan, how can he know what?

"His Royal Highness."

Tieqiu bowed to Liu Ziqing with a ritual, "The affairs of Emperor Qiu, our Jinqiu people can't control it. I wouldn't come forward to interfere with His Highness' experience. However, if His Highness is useful, I will give you orders."

"His Royal Highness?"

Liu Ziqing froze for a moment, remembering that when Lord Hei Xing, the commander-in-chief, saw the Red Hairy Ape Man, he was also shouting His Highness. Maybe this is the honorable title for the higher race.

"Boy, this guy is an immortal. In a small place like Heilongshan, an immortal is simply the sky! In your capacity, plus this iron hill, you can walk sideways in Heilongshan. "

Purple gold gourd promptly reminded Liu Ziqing.


Liu Ziqing was startled. This rough man was immortal?

In such a small place as the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, an immortal is already the top figure.

"Uncle, I will practice for a while on the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. If there is something, I will come to ask for your help."

Liu Ziqing is fine now, the only thing is wanted by the mercenary alliance. This kind of thing can't get Tieqiu to shoot.

"Your Highness is polite!"

Tieqiu found a large bronze plate with a big slap and presented it to Liu Ziqing. "His Royal Highness, this is my communication sign. Please let me know if there is something."

"Thank you Uncle!"

A free senior bodyguard, Liu Ziqing naturally will not let go.

Having finished talking, eating continued.

This giant snake, who doesn't know what kind, was delicious after being roasted by Tieqiu.

After Liu Ziqing took a few bites, the more she ate, the more she felt delicious.

Swallowing the snake's flesh, as if the blood in the whole body is surging, full of vitality and spirit.

Unknowingly ... this big snake was so stunned by Liu Ziqing!

"Uh? That ..."

Until this time, Liu Ziqing didn't realize that he had smashed a snake so big.

I turned into a rice bucket to eat?

"The blood of Emperor Qiu, the clan of Qingtian, is truly extraordinary."

Tieqiu looked at Liu Ziqing with a look of admiration, "The more you eat, the faster you grow. Your Highness will soon be able to cross childhood and enter adolescence. Except for the blood of your Emperor Qiu, others are not growing so fast Now. "

"Ha ha!"

Liu Ziqing smiled embarrassedly, "That, uncle, Qinghe is about to leave, too."

"Nothing hospitality."

Tieqiu waved his hand with a smile. "His Royal Highness' experience is not easy for Tieqiu to interfere. However, Your Highness must be careful about everything. Call me at any time."

"Qinghe understands, thank you Uncle."

Liu Ziqing bowed his hand, and then ... a little flash of light flashed, Liu Ziqing's figure disappeared instantly.

"Uh? Teleportation?"

Seeing this situation, Tieqiu suddenly realized, "No wonder Duke Qiu's old immortal dared to let him out. It turned out that he still has this ability. His Royal Highness, it's not easy!"

The light flashed, and Liu Ziqing's figure returned to the central area of ​​the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, and returned to the former "Dragon Star".

"It's a revisit!"

Liu Ziqing grinned, entered the "Dragon Dragon City" with a grand smile.

Liu Ziqing's wanted orders are hanging everywhere in the city of Dragon, but unfortunately ... even if Liu Ziqing brought it to his own door, no one would recognize it.

"By the way, what is Zijin senior, the blood of the Emperor Qiu, the clan of Qingtian, what is it?"

Liu Ziqing was also a little curious about the bloodline of the "Wild Card Star".

"How do I know what Diqiu bloodline is? I just purified the blood of the Kakar people collected on the battlefield outside the territory. It is likely that the blood of the Kakar people after purification is the Diqiu bloodline!

Zijin Gourd is telling the truth. It hasn't studied the Savages much, how do you call them inside?

For example, there are dozens of ethnic groups on the Chinese people on Earth! Not an insider, who can tell what ethnic group is that Chinese?

"My previous identity can no longer be used, and I have to re-register for another identity."

Walking in the cosmic starry sky, virtual universe account number, bank account number, identity document, these things are necessary.

Liu Ziqing was also relatively familiar with the city of Chenlong, and came to the government building in the city of Chenlong.

Entering the household registration office, Liu Ziqing reported his intention.

"Would you like to get ID?"

The receptionist Liu Ziqing was immediately shocked when he heard this.

With the exception of newborns, no adult has ever obtained an identity document. Because this thing has been determined since birth.

There is no such thing as missing documents ~ ~ Soul characteristics and blood characteristics are the best documents.

"Have you ever applied for ID?"

A female staff member with a pair of cat ears, eyes widened and somewhat unbelievable.

However, there are all weird things in this world, and it is not too strange for people without ID cards. The cat-eared woman shook her head, reached down, and pressed the testing instrument.


After the light wave swept over Liu Ziqing's body, the results appeared immediately.

"Bloodline characteristics: confidential!"

"Soul Features: Confidential!"

The cat-eared woman is scared!

Except for a person whose identity is unimaginably high, whose identity information is the result?

Your Royal Highness, even if you are joking, you don't want to scare me!

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