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Chapter 974: The earth is in trouble

Identity registration went smoothly.

The staff member only asked, "His Royal Highness, what name would you like to use?"

After Liu Ziqing reported a "Qinghe" name, he completed the identity registration directly. Except for the name, nothing was asked, and nothing was filled in. It was also confidential anyway.

"It's pretty easy to use the identity of a pretty card star!"

With a smile, Liu Ziqing smiled and said "thank you" with a group of staff, and then walked out of the office building.

"It really deserves to be a noble Highness! Even small people like us say thank you and don't display it. This is really noble."

The cat-eared woman has stars in her eyes.

"Don't be foolish, will this kind of character look at you?"

Another worker poured a bucket of cold water fiercely.

"I Liu Ziqing, came out again with a fair face!"

I deliberately made a lap around the station of the Dragon Dragon Mercenary Alliance. Everywhere I went, I was respectful. Liu Ziqing laughed.

"The blood of Emperor Qiu is confidential. Ordinary brukas have no such treatment."

Zijin Gourd smiled, "Boy, what are you going to do next?"

"Go back to the earth and see! It's been so long since it's time to go back and look at it!"

Liu Ziqing smiled. "Going back and looking, I don't think I have time to return to the earth for a long time. Seniors, I plan to continue to be a space mercenary for a while."


The Zijin gourd laughed, flashed a little light, and the teleportation array started, Liu Ziqing returned to the earth in an instant.

"It's really convenient!"

In a blink of an eye, Liu Ziqing returned from the distant starry sky to Emeishan Cave on the earth.

"It's been more than three years, I don't know how Hong and Thor are!"

It's just ... Liu Ziqing's current appearance is not different from the original Liu Ziqing. After meeting, Hong and Thor will not recognize them, right?

"Senior, do you have a way to restore me to my original appearance?"

To meet old friends, we must only use the original look. Liu Ziqing pinned her hope on Zijin gourd.

"It's simple!"

A purple light lingered, and Liu Ziqing's appearance changed back to the original.

"Thank you senior!"

Liu Ziqing said thank you, a blue rainbow rushed up, the royal sword flew, and the headquarters of the extreme martial arts rushed to Chaohong.

Just after the Royal Sword flew up, Liu Ziqing suddenly remembered his communicator on the earth, which was still stored in the storage space of the Zijin gourd, and he quickly took it out.

"Well ..."

Take out the communicator, a series of prompts sound.

"Is there news from Hong, and Thor, and ... Luo Feng?"

Liu Ziqing froze, wasn't Luo Feng dead? Could it be the message from his family using his communicator.

"Ziqing, I'm Luo Feng, I'm not dead! I'm back again!"

Clicking on Luo Feng's message, Liu Ziqing heard this and suddenly hesitated, Luo Feng was not dead? This guy is not dead yet?

"I haven't appeared in years, say hello to them!"

Picking up the communicator, Liu Ziqing sent a message to Hong, Lei Shen and Luo Feng, "I've closed the retreat and just came out. Where are you?"

"Ziqing, your kid finally came out? Come, we are all in the Jiangnan base. Here is Luo Feng. You are here just now, we are in trouble!"

As soon as Liu Ziqing sent the news, he received a call from Hong.

"Are you in trouble? What trouble is there on earth?"

Liu Ziqing froze for a while, turned around, and hurried to the Jiangnan base.

Qinghong passed through the sky, and howling broke through.

After a while, Liu Ziqing came to the Jiangnan base.

"The Shushan swordsman! The Shushan swordsman!"

The iconic Jianguang came through the air, and people in the Jiangnan base cheered for a moment when they saw this Jianguang.

"Ziqing, here!"

In the direction close to the West Lake, Luo Feng greeted Liu Ziqing with his golden tassel.

"Luo Feng, you are still alive, it's great!"

Liu Ziqing laughed and greeted him, and the two fell together in front of a huge castle near the West Lake.

"Well? This is obviously the villa style of Heilongshan! Luo Feng also went to Heilongshan Starfield?"

Seeing this obviously alien-style castle, Liu Ziqing looked at Luo Feng with a doubt in his face, "I haven't seen it for a few years, what's the situation?"

"It's hard to say a word, let's talk more advanced!"

Luo Feng laughed bitterly and took Liu Ziqing into the castle.

Along the way, in this huge castle, Liu Ziqing also saw some warriors of alien races.

"I can't see, you have made a fortune!"

It is an alien castle and an alien guard. In recent years, Luo Feng seems to have made some famous people!

"I have been passed down by the owner of Meteor Star. I took a trip to the Dragon Star some time ago."

Luo Feng said, suddenly turning his head to look at Liu Ziqing, "It's also fun to say. I also saw a guy exactly like you at Peng Longxing, also called Liu Ziqing. He is wanted by the Space Mercenary Alliance! If not for you At Emeishan retreat, I thought it was you! "


Liu Ziqing reluctantly opened his mouth and shook his head with a bitter smile. Actually ... that's me!

While talking, the two walked into the castle hall.

"Ziqing is here! Great!"

Seeing Liu Ziqing come in, Hong and Lei Shen stood up and greeted them.

"Well? Ziqing, your strength ... Stellar? Are you already stellar?"

Hong's mentality is the deepest among several people, and he feels the most acute. Immediately, he found that Liu Ziqing's strength was quite different.

"Several years of retreat, I finally have some gains."

Liu Ziqing smiled and nodded.

"That's great! Our odds are a little bigger now!"

Hearing Liu Ziqing's words, all three of Luo Feng were pleasantly surprised.

"The odds? What the **** happened?"

Liu Ziqing looked at the crowd in fog.

"Come, sit down and say!"

Luo Feng reached out to signal ~ ~ everyone sat down in the living room.

"Ziqing, something we were worried about happened before. The earth has been exposed to aliens!"

Hong Man looked at Liu Ziqing with a serious face. "Just a few days ago, a group of cosmic adventurers accidentally found a wormhole leading to the earth and broke into the earth."


Luo Feng took the words, "The day before yesterday, this group attacked my castle. Although I was caught by the Heimeng guards I bought from Chen Longxing. Behind this group, there was another named Luolanshan family."

"Luolanshan family? Is there anything on earth like this that deserves their idea? Or is it pure slave arrest?"

Liu Ziqing didn't know much about the Luolan Mountain family, so he didn't know the situation of the family.

"Golden Horned Monster and Bermuda's spaceship, that's their goal."

Thunder God pinched his fist and gritted his teeth. "This is an unstoppable situation, and we earth people can only be descended to children and grandchildren!"

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