At the same time that Gu Chen was shocked.

As the sound of the piano became more urgent, heads fell to the ground one after another in the caravan.

Gu Chen knew that he had to make a move!

Otherwise, these people in the caravan would not be Xiao Wusheng's opponents at all!

Jumping into the light skill, he pulled out his long sword and stabbed towards Xiao Wusheng.

Although Gu Chen lost in Gu Qing's hands with only one move, this was not because he was too rubbish, but because Gu Qing was too strong!

Even Gu Yingjun appreciated his martial arts, which was enough to show that Gu Chen was now able to reach the level of entering the hall.

At this time, the light skill is carried out, and the speed is extremely fast.

Yet he is fast, and someone is faster than him!

I saw a red sword light cut through the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ......

The guqin strings in Xiao Wusheng's hand all broke.

Before he could react, he was cut off by a sword.

Immediately after, the red light returned and was put away by Du Qilan.

The whole process is fast, less than a second.

Including Gu Chen, most people didn't even know who made it!

All fell into a violent shock.

Xiao Wusheng's head rolled to the side, his eyes still wide.

It was full of fear and dazedness.

Die with a grievance or everlasting regret!

Gu Qing directly showed a black question mark face.

This person's name is quite loud, and his appearance is quite strong.

As a result, there was not a single line, and he was killed in seconds.

It's really pulling.

At the same time, he turned his head to look at Du Qilan.

This is the first time she has made a shot along the way.

It seems that this so-called 'Qin Demon' Xiao Wusheng should be her goal to follow the caravan this time.

Gu Chen was still in shock, and muttered: "'Qin Demon' Xiao Wusheng has no calculation to kill people, and he is a top master of the evil path of the rivers and lakes. "

The treacherous sound skills are unguardable."

"How many experts in the rivers and lakes have died with hatred under his sonic skill."

"Since appearing in the rivers and lakes, there have been few failures, and people are even more moody."

"I just don't know why he appeared here and blocked our way."

"Who killed him?" It can actually kill Xiao Wusheng with one move! "


The caravan did not stay long.

After casually collecting the corpse, he set off on his way again.

Walking in rivers and lakes, death is a common thing.

Although he had just been killed by Xiao Wusheng, the rest of the caravan was not greatly affected.

Gu Qing rode on a horse and walked side by side with Du Qilan.

"Master, is that Xiao Wusheng the purpose of your trip?"

Du Qilan: "Gu Changlan, it's your uncle, right."

Gu Qing: "That's right. Du

Qilan: "Why is the master involved with Gu Changlan, I think you have already learned from Gu Chen kid." The

corners of Gu Qing's mouth grinned slightly, it seemed that he had gone to find Gu Chen to collect intelligence earlier, and Du Qilan had already known about it.

Nodding slightly, he said, "Know some approximately."

Du Qilan: "Gu Changyan is also a favor to me, and this time the master is about to leave, so I asked him what he wanted."

"He said that he received intelligence that there was an old enemy, and he wanted him to experience the pain of cutting off his son and grandson, and the pain of sending a white-haired person to a black-haired person, intending to attack Gu Chen."

"Just as the so-called only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no reason to prevent a thief for a thousand days, just to protect Gu Chen kid, after all, it is not a way."

"So this time I went to business and let him personally lead the team, in fact, it was to attract the old enemy out."

"And the master will follow along the way, and when the old enemy appears, he will take it down."

"It can be regarded as repaying Gu Changlan's kindness."

Gu Qing nodded abruptly.

"So it is."


The caravan soon arrived at Kangjingfu.

After completing the handover, Du Qilan planned to leave directly.

Because the favor she owed Gu Changyan had already been paid, there was naturally no need to continue to stay here.

He didn't even have the interest in saying hello to Gu Chen.

In her words, once she stepped on the road of cultivating immortals, she would no longer be a person of the same world.

This is not pride.

It's a personal experience.

People who cultivate immortals have a long life.

A hundred years have passed at the snap of a finger.

The original deceased has long been a loess pile.

Even his descendants are dying.

After experiencing this sadness, he will naturally take the initiative to reduce his intersection with mortal people.

Gu Qing could understand this feeling, but he still said goodbye to Gu Xiaohuan.

Although this little cousin is a little clingy, Gu Qing's impression of her is still very good.

Gu Xiaohuan was reluctant, but Gu Qing had already made up his mind, and Gu Xiaohuan was powerless.


"Master, where are we going now?"

Du Qilan stared at the sky.

Slowly said: "I have a good place to go." Saying

that, he reached out and held Gu Qing's shoulder.

The two suddenly rose up and turned into a rainbow of light.

Sweeping into the distance.

Because the speed was too fast, Gu Qing couldn't even see the changes in the outside world.

I don't know how long it took, Du Qilan finally took him to his destination.

After the whereabouts of the two, Gu Qing observed left and right, but found that this place was deserted.

There is a miasma.

"What is this place?"

Du Qilan: "The forest of poisonous miasma, be careful that the monster beasts here are all violently poisonous."

Gu Qing's eyes flashed: "Demon beast! "

On weekdays, monsters are also less common.

Only occasionally have I heard that there are monsters or evil zombies that plague the world.

Then the immortal cultivator appears, slaying demons and removing demons.

The legend of immortals in the secular world is also based on this.

But now it seems that the reason why monster beasts are not common on weekdays is not because there are few monster beasts.

It's because the world is so vast.

Dispersed, some people will indeed never encounter monsters or evil spirits in their lives.

"Master, what are we doing here?"

Du Qilan: "Just as the so-called extreme of things must be reversed, in the depths of the poisonous miasma forest, it is a rare pure place."

"We can retreat here, because the division's injury has not yet recovered, so it is not advisable to walk around too much."

Gu Qing: "Master, you should be able to tell me about you, right?"

Du Qilan: "Let's go, when I find a place to stay, I will explain it to you in detail for the teacher."

Gu Qing nodded, and the two walked towards the depths of the poisonous miasma forest.

Along the way, Gu Qing saw various poisons.

What poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders, poisonous scorpions, poisonous toads are simply not too much!

In addition, there are some powerful poisonous attribute monster beasts.

Even the demon beasts that possess the cultivation of the Jiedan period have several.

However, fortunately, although Du Qilan was injured, he has stabilized his injury in the past three years.

As a big man in the Transformation God Period, he can't even connect with the demon beasts of the Dan Period.

With the big guy opening the way in front, Gu Qing was also happy to sit and enjoy the success.

Following all the way, he gradually entered the depths of the poisonous miasma forest.

The forest is extremely vast and full of poisonous miasma and swamps.

It is full of dangers and dangers.

But when Gu Qing followed Du Qilan, turned around and entered a new place.

All of a sudden.

This place is full of green grass and life!

Compared to the previous environment, it is a world of difference!

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