What's even more valuable is that the spiritual energy here is also very abundant.

It's like a blessed place.

Gu Qing was very surprised and said, "This is indeed a good place!"

Du Qilan chuckled, "Of course, this place is located in the deepest part of the Poisonous Miasma Forest, and the location is hidden, and no one knows at all.

"It was also by chance that I learned where this place was."

"Let's rest assured here for the time being, and after you successfully build the foundation, Master Wei can teach you the "Golden Dan Transformation Yang Technique"."

Gu Qing: "Why not now?"

Du Qilan: "What you are practicing now should be the foundation building exercises of the Daomen, and the foundation is extremely solid."

"And you are now in the ninth layer of refining qi, and you can immediately step into the peak of refining qi and face the first threshold on the road of cultivating immortals."

"That's Tsuki!"

"Instead of switching to other exercises at this critical moment, it is better to continue to practice your original exercises."

"In this way, the success rate of foundation building will be much higher, and after you complete the foundation building, it will not be too late to transfer to the "Golden Dan Huayang Technique"."

Gu Qing nodded clearly.


After the two entered this living place, they found a vacant land.

I saw Du Qilan pinch the magic trick and throw a green fluorescence.

Immediately after, I saw where the fluorescence fell, and a young shoot quickly grew.

And it's growing fast.

In just a few moments, it grew into a towering tree.

And on the thick trunk, a large wooden house was generated.

Gu Qing raised his eyebrows and said, "Master, this trick of yours is quite convenient."

Du Qilan: "Don't think about it, this is a magic of the wood system, you can't learn it."

Gu Qing: "Why?"

Du Qilan: "When I first saw you and tested your strength, Master Wei checked your spiritual root by the way.

Gu Qing: "Linggen? How is my spiritual root?

Du Qilan looked at him with a smile.

He introduced: "Spirit roots have attributes such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, and darkness. "

Everyone's situation is different, and the quality is different."

"The worst is the pseudo-spirit root: the spirit root with four or five attributes, which is very mixed and not abundant, the spirit root of each attribute is incomplete, and the cultivation speed is very slow."

"True Spirit Root: A spirit root with two or three attributes, each of which is abundant. The cultivation speed is faster.

"Heavenly Spirit Root: A single spirit root with only one attribute, and the spirit root is abundant. The cultivation speed is several times that of ordinary spirit roots, and there is no bottleneck when it comes to making pills. "

Mutant Spirit Root: Two or three five element attributes mixed together to change and sublimate spirit roots, there are wind, thunder, ice, darkness, etc., and the cultivation speed is not less than the Heavenly Spirit Root."

"As for your

spirit root..." "The most garbage pseudo spirit root."

"There are four different attributes of gold, water, fire and earth."

Gu Qing: "Huh?

Du Qilan followed closely, "But you don't need to be ashamed, because there are only a few trillions of people who are qualified to set foot on the road of cultivating immortals."

"If you can possess a spirit root, you can already be regarded as an extremely rare existence, even if it is a false spirit root."

Gu Qing still didn't feel any improvement in his mood.

He really didn't expect that the spiritual root in his life turned out to be a pseudo-spiritual root.

No wonder he has so many advantages, but until now he still only has the ninth layer of refining qi.

Du Qilan: "But you don't need to worry, although your spirit root belongs to the miscellaneous spirit root, you still have a special physique.

"Even in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, those with special physiques are extremely rare, and every achievement is not low."

Gu Qing: "By the way, what kind of spiritual root are you, Master?"

Du Qilan's face showed a slight hint of self-satisfaction: "Wei Shi is a mutant spirit root, with two attributes: wind and wood.

Gu Qing's mouth twitched, secretly saying why he was so and asking what he wanted.

Originally, they had already comforted themselves with their special physique, but now they were even more depressed.

After following Du Qilan, Gu Qing took off the black gauze cloak.

At this time, Du Qilan looked at Gu Qing's stunning appearance, and a depressed expression appeared.

But I seemed to see something very funny, and I couldn't help laughing.

There is a saying that there are no ugly women in the world of immortal cultivation, as long as the foundation is okay, after cultivation, temperament and appearance can basically be sublimated.

Of course, the practice of special exercises causes changes in appearance.

However, Gu Qing could see that Du Qilan herself was very outstanding.

Coupled with the superb temperament brought by the immortal cultivation.

It's even more beautiful.

Even if the real age is hundreds of years old.

Judging from the appearance, he is still about twenty.

In fact, Gu Qing is not bad at this.

It looks like he is seventeen years old, but if it is the real world, past life, and the simulated world experienced firsthand, everything adds up.

It's also hundreds of years old.

After settling in for accommodation issues.

Gu Qing found Du Qilan and asked the previous question.

In this forest of life, the two hunted a few rabbit demons.

While setting up a fire, barbecue.

Du Qilan fell into memories on the side.

"I think you've already guessed it."

"Although I am the sect master of the Neon Light Sect, I can't return to my home now."

"Our Neon Light Sect is a sect with female cultivators as the main body."

"But this is easier, and it is coveted by some evil cultivators."

"The Sect Master of the Qiancheng Sect, sneak up on me while I was negligent."

"You want me to lead the Neon Light Sect to them."

"Huh! How is this possible!

"At the last moment, I opened the Neon Light Sect's Neon Light Array to isolate and protect them."

"But I myself was seriously injured and had to run away."

"When I repair my injuries and return to the peak, I will definitely find those guys from the Qiancheng Sect to take revenge!"

Gu Qing listened to Du Qilan's words, but she was not too surprised.

Because he had presupposed similar possibilities before.

Du Qilan looked at Gu Qing and said, "You have to grow up quickly, it's best not to claim to be my apprentice before that."

"Otherwise, you will probably suffer from me."

Gu Qing is not a pretentious person, and even nodded in agreement.

After the two settled here, they began a retreat.

There was a big man in the Transformation God Stage who personally pointed out, and some of Gu Qing's problems on the way to cultivation were also answered.

This enabled him to successfully reach the peak of refining Qi in only three months.

It then took another two months to consolidate the realm.

You can start trying to build a foundation.

In the previous life, Gu Qing was able to build a foundation because of a foundation building pill left by Si Zimo.

And in this life, Gu Qing decided to ask Du Qilan about it.

"Master, I can start building the foundation now."

Du Qilan nodded in satisfaction.


"In that case, then the teacher will explain to you the matters required to build the foundation."

"Foundation building is the beginning of the cultivator's true separation from mortal people, which is equivalent to officially embarking on the road of cultivating immortals."

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