[23 years old: If you want to win the Pope in the church, you must accept help from the Empire.

But their attitude makes you very uncomfortable.

This ambivalence makes you uncomfortable.

Sofina persuades you to relax, this is an opportunity for you.

The contempt of the enemy is the opportunity for our development!

You listened carefully to Sofina's explanation and felt that she was right.

You calm down and on the one hand, according to their cognition, perform to them.

Lower the vigilance of the imperial side, on the one hand, accept all the assistance from the empire.

In this struggle with the Pope, you quickly gained the upper hand. [

24 years old: This year, a major event occurred that shocked the entire empire.

As a powerful sect with a sphere of influence covering most of the empire, the Holy Light God Sect had undergone tremendous changes.

The Pope dies, power changes!

Headed by the Knights of Light, a group of bishops and archbishops as vassals, supporting you as a holy girl, has become the new pope!

The empire even came forward to endorse that you are absolutely qualified for this position.

And you yourself have a large following at the grassroots level.

She soon became the new female pope!

The imperial side is also very happy, because they think that you are completely in their control, and now that you have become the Pope, it is equivalent to the Holy Light God Sect already in their hands.

This huge sectarian force is completely insufficient! [

25 years old: You lie down and try to be bold, ostensibly cooperating with the empire, but in fact you have been secretly accumulating strength.

Finally, you show your fangs.

The empire only realized that you were out of control before you knew it!

But in fact, they never really control you, it's just your intentional cooperation.

In the past few years, you have mediated between various forces within the empire to strive for the greatest benefit.

It has made you grow a lot, your mind has become more mature, and after showing your real fangs, its momentum has completely surpassed that of the previous generation of popes.

You are a scheming city and a powerful female pope, and when the people in the empire discover this, a coolness rises in their hearts.

What kind of existence they have fostered!

It's naturally too late to regret now, and as your relationship with the empire continues to deteriorate, they have begun to suppress you in many ways!

But you are not afraid, you have already prepared accordingly! [

26 years old: As the saying goes, those who win the hearts of the people win the world! ]

The Holy Light God Sect already has a large number of followers, and coupled with the nature of the church, it will cause people to do many impossible things because of their firm beliefs.

And you yourself, not only the means have been greatly improved because of these years of training, but your strength has also become the strongest in the entire empire!

In the confrontation with the top side of the empire, at one time the upper hand was achieved!

The Empire has become angry and wants to tear its face with you!

And you are waiting for this moment!

You claim that the top of the empire has been corrupted by demons and must be purified.

It's a response!

It directly set off a huge change! [

27 years old: The Empire is completely in the battle with you.

The royal family personally negotiated peace with you, and even put forward some important members to serve as scapegoats and calm the anger of the people.

You set a lot of demanding requirements, and they can only accept them all.

They silently recorded this shame, and you became the most powerful woman in the entire empire!

You accept peace talks because you know that the current church, although strong, also depends on the empire.

This is not a war that must be fought to the death, so forcing the empire to compromise is your goal from the beginning.

[28 years old: Over the years, you have experienced too much, first with the Pope, and then with the top of the empire and the royal family.

The Knights of Light in the Church have done a great job for you.

You also remember the agreement with Kendini.

So you re-established the rules for the church and strictly supervised their implementation.

The church, which had already appeared to be decaying, was cleansed up and down.

When some moths came to you because of the need for struggle, you accepted them all.

Kendini has a great opinion of you on this.

And now, the struggle is over, it's time to reckon.

Even if those moths themselves have some strength and have made merits for you, they are still turned over by you.

Liquidate them one by one, make them pay for their previous crimes, and receive the punishment they deserve.

Sofina is noncommittal about your decision, in fact, you can feel it, she disapproves.

Because these guys, although they have bad character, or have done some bad things.

But the ability is still there, it is your help.

If you turn a blind eye and use trickery to control them, the benefits will outweigh the harms.

But you liquidated them anyway.

Because you always remember that your faith is the Light itself, and you want the Light to shine in every corner of this world.

And as a result, Kendini is more faithful to you. [

29 years old: The royal family still wants to do little tricks, but all this can't escape your eyes.

After you knock them, they are much more honest.

At this time, the entire empire had begun to gradually shift from the supremacy of kingship to the supremacy of theocracy.

This is your next goal.

The royal family is also aware of this, and they seem a little crazy, because once you really succeed, it is even more uncomfortable for them than death.

They will go from controlling the existence of the entire empire to becoming a puppet! [

30 years old: After the final madness of the royal family, it finally lost at your hands.

Although on the surface, the royal family still seems to be in charge of everything.

But behind the scenes, it is completely controlled by you.

This empire has become a theocratic empire in your subtlety.

[31 years old: Extreme power makes you feel a little inflated, and at the same time, your strength is invincible.

It seems to have reached its peak.

Start looking elsewhere.

In the southern orc country, it is a place of chaos.

You're determined to purify it, so you're planning to wage a holy war against the Orc Empire!

At the critical moment, Kendini stepped up and stopped you.

The empire and the orcs have been at truce for many years, and if they provoke a war now, it will not only work the people and lose money, but it will not be good for the entire country.

All the high-ranking officials of the empire admired Kendini's courage to speak out, after all, your hands have long been stained with blood along the way, you never blink when you kill, and your eyes are not dry.

If not, you wouldn't have gotten this far so quickly.

Just when everyone thought you would definitely execute Kendini, you thought hard about his words.

After weighing the pros and cons, the idea of starting a war was temporarily dismissed. 】


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