[32 years old: When you pray, you always have a strange feeling.

After some thought, you suddenly understand the source of this feeling.

The Holy Light God Sect relies on faith and has great cohesion.

There are a wide range of believers at the grassroots level, which is a major advantage in the victory of the battle with the imperial royal family.

But these people believe in the so-called God of Light.

But you understand that this God does not exist!

The previous pope was able to pretend because he valued only power.

What does it matter if God does not exist?

But you're different.

You have faith.

Your faith is the light itself.

That's why when you're praying to a false god, it's so unnatural. 【

33 years old: Your reputation is accumulating, and the Holy Light God Sect has become the most powerful sect in the empire.

Some of the other sects that existed before have all been eradicated by you as heretics.

[34 years old: As the Pope, you will lead the faithful to pray together from time to time.

But now that unnatural mood is getting worse as you pray.

You have to think of a solution to it.

Gaze at the towering, golden-resplendent statues of gods in the temple.

You suddenly have some wonderful ideas.

There are even some inexplicable sentences that you don't understand too well.

What can he replace, what prince will look like, rather have a kind of care? or something like that....

Since there is no god in this world, why can't you become a god yourself?

On behalf of the Light itself, to exercise God's authority and responsibility! [

35 years old: This kind of thinking can be called unprecedented and unexpected! ]

You don't know why it suddenly pops up in your head.

After the initial shock, you can't help but be attracted to this idea.

But you're calm, and you know it's going to be very, very difficult to turn this idea into reality.

So you have to sort out the steps and plan first, and this plan is very important and must not be circulated.

When it comes to carrying out your plan, everyone must be your cronies.

Do everything with insurance.

Then you start the first step of this plan.

That's subtlety! [

36 years old: In the empire, I don't know when a ballad circulated.

It's all about you.

Including when you were born, you were wrapped in holy light, which directly alarmed the entire holy light god sect.

As if you were blessed by the Light, you became the youngest Great Demon Mentor of the Light Department.

And later, you exposed the dirt and gloom hidden in the church and the empire, and resolutely led the people and believers to fight.

Remove and purify all that dirt.

The whole ballad is very popular, the melody is brainwashed, and you can sing along with it after listening to it a few times.

In an instant, word spread throughout the empire.

What everyone doesn't know is that in this ballad, there is still hidden information.

That is to imply that you are the spokesperson of the light, the holy God of light who came from the divine realm to save the suffering masses!

[37 years old: You are not in a hurry, because subtlety takes time.

At the same time, you try to be a perfect pope, and coupled with your natural strong appeal, you have a lot of fans.

You are also constantly influencing these believers.

Let them transfer their faith in the God of Light to you.

The process, though slow and careful, is indeed productive.

After all, the God of Light is fictional, invisible and invisible.

But you are real, right in front of you.

When they support you and love you enough, this faith will naturally begin to tilt towards you. [

38 years old: You are full of patience and still silently carry out your plan.

During this period, some keen people in the empire sensed that something was wrong.

But these people are smart people who know that you are now the most powerful person in the entire empire.

They have no evidence, nor have their own interests been damaged, and although they vaguely sense that something is wrong, they do not care much, and they dare not do more. 】


[50 years old: Over the years, you have always consolidated your rule over the entire empire.

Something happened during this time.

For example, the royal family wants to make a fuss again, but now they are no longer any threat to you.

He crushed it at will, and beat them one by one, chopped up a few hard bones, and rewarded a few soft bones with some benefits.

Moreover, after all these years of subtlety, your current reputation in the empire is extremely strong!

But that's not enough!

You are not satisfied with that.

So you secretly plotted something.

Provoked the southern border, confrontation and hostility between humans and orcs.

You left this matter to Sofina.

She is your most loyal subordinate, and she knows a little about your plans.

And she also warns you to beware of Kendini.

Because of what you're doing now, he certainly won't agree.

Kendini sees chivalry as the highest, not you as the highest.

You must think clearly about this.

You nod to show you know.

You have a great advantage as a person, that is, listening to advice.

[51 years old: Fear is the best soil for developing faith.

You understand this very well.

Only when life is miserable will people pin their hopes on the gods and then become more and more devout.

So under the conspiracy of you and Sofina, the Orc Empire launched a series of wars against you.

Countless people on the southern border have been displaced by the fighting and their wives and families have been separated.

Of course you've heard all this, but you tell yourself that you have to go through to fill the world with light.

If you want to succeed, you have to go through labor pains!

Now the orc army has reached an important pass.

If you really break through this barrier again, then you can drive straight into the imperial capital and hit the imperial capital!

And in the city after the pass, there are hundreds of thousands of people.

But the army of the empire could not stop these fierce orcs at all.

At a time when the people are in peril, when they are in despair.

You appeared with the Knights of Light!

You personally strike, and the strength of the Great Demon Mentor level directly dominates the battlefield!

Together with the Knights of Light, they actually blocked the Orc Legion from the pass.

After that, you led the army to fight in person, counterattacked all the way, not only snatched the lost land of the empire, but also drove the orcs back to the south.

After this battle, the news of your victory spread back to the empire, and everyone was cheering enthusiastically.

And your reputation skyrocketed in an instant, reaching a peak! 】


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