At this time, Gu Qing had completely refined the twelve holy heads.

Severed all connections between it and the Great Skull.

And extract all the power within it and refine it into his own body.

As for these twelve holy heads.

As a carrier, after losing its true power, it is also completely dissipated into powder.

Although the big skull could not rely on the perception of the holy head to determine Gu Qing's location.

But at the moment of disconnection, he must have been able to understand that Gu Qing must have discovered this.

And set out to search for him.

So Gu Qing and Neptune must move faster.

If you repeatedly let Him escape, it will be difficult to find.

The Cold Plateau is a cold and mountainous place.

Here, except for some humanoid creatures called cold source people, most of them are all kinds of monsters.

For example, cold spiders and the like.

This is an intelligent and dangerous creature.

The size is very large, even the newborn cold spider can have a body size of more than one meter.

This race also believes in evil gods.

The one they believe in is the spider god Atrak Nakya.

He has always woven His own great web in the land of dreams, and it is rumored that once His great net is weaved, the end of the world will come.

Gu Qing was noncommittal about this.

The two searched for some time on the Cold Plateau, but never found the big skull.

Neptune said, "Maybe he's hiding in the underworld."

Gu Qing had heard Neptune explain to him that in the underground world of the fantasy realm, there was an extremely large space.

There are also many creatures living there.

Gu Qing: "How are we going to get in?"

Neptune "Follow me." Led

by Neptune , the two entered through a hole between a mountain range and went all the way deep.

The space gradually became larger, and a pale light appeared, which protected people from darkness.

As for the source of this light, then it is not known.

In dreams, there are many things that cannot be explained.

For example, if you take a sailboat in the port, you can sail to the moon and so on.

Simply outrageous.

At this moment, a noisy sound suddenly sounded not far ahead.

Gu Qing saw a large group of twisted monsters rushing towards the two.

It seems that they are prey.

Because the two were afraid of alarming the big skull, they had been restricting their power.

Unexpectedly, he would be treated as prey by these underground creatures because of this.

I took a closer look at the creature.

They resemble humans in shape and have a blurred human face without a nose.

The skin is rough and knotty, with a pair of hooves on the feet, and kangaroo-like legs.

Neptune said for Gu Qingke next to him: "This creature is called a demon, it is a carnivorous and violent carnivore, and it often haunts in groups. "

They like to live and survive in dark environments and have no tolerance to natural light, but their senses are very keen and they have a very keen sense of smell in the dark."

Gu Qing nodded clearly.

These demons are somewhat threatening to ordinary people, even ordinary awakened people.

But he and Neptune are by no means ordinary people.

Without waiting for Neptune to make a move, Gu Qing personally made a move, and a surge of electricity surged.

Turn this group of rushing demons into powder.

[Absorb filthy gas, simulation point +2300! ] 【

Absorb filthy gas, simulation point +2920! 】 【

Absorb filthy gas, simulation point +3010! 】 【

Absorb filthy gas, simulation point +3300! 】 】


A series of system prompts sounded.

Let Gu Qing's eyes flash.

These demons can also contribute simulation points!

Perhaps in this underground world, more simulation points will be harvested.

It can also be regarded as a small unexpected gain on the road to finding the ancient unknown.

Along the way.

In this underground world, Gu Qing saw many fantastic natural scenes.

There are gloomy and magnificent ones.

During the period, he continued to probe the location of the big skull, and finally found a little eyebrow.

This guy is indeed in the underground world, and Neptune was not mistaken.

It's just that the location where this guy is located is lower than the underground world.

It seems to be the deepest part of the entire underground world.

After Gu Qing told Neptune about this.

I saw Neptune change his face: "Not good!" This guy is definitely trying to steal the power of the owner.

Gu Qing: "What do you mean?"

Neptune said: "The deepest part of the entire underground world is the Nass Gorge, also known as the Lightless Abyss.

"It's the master's domain."

"He must be trying to steal some power while his master is in a deep sleep to achieve the purpose of unlocking the water lizard seal and rescuing it!"

Gu Qing: "Even if Nordens falls into a deep sleep, it is impossible for others to steal his own power so easily, right?"

Neptune shook his head and said, "That said, I always feel that behind this matter is not simple.

"Maybe that guy will have some special means, or maybe some other existence that will give him some help."

Gu Qing's heart moved, and he nodded, "You're right, it's better for us to hurry over!" The

two of them immediately moved at full speed, but the environment of this underground world was more complicated, which slightly limited the speed of some of them.

Just as he was about to approach the Nas Gorge, Gu Qing had clearly felt that he was there.

However, at this time, there were many unknown creatures surrounding them.

Stop the two.

Gu Qing looked at this creature and only felt a pang of disgust.

You want to strike right away and get rid of it.

This creature is like a large black beast of humanoid type.

Each arm has two forearms with sharp claws, feet that resemble birds or dinosaurs, and are covered with shiny black fur.

Their appearance is very hideous, a pair of protruding eyes are distributed on the sides of the head, and the entire front of the head is a vertical giant mouth with raw fangs.

The volume is large, the lowest has a height of six meters.

The tallest can reach almost 20 meters.

It's already a giant's height.

Neptune frowned, "These creatures are called ancient giants, they are widely distributed in the underground world, they feed on demons, and there are traces of them everywhere."

"These guys also believe in evil gods, and they were not originally in the underground world, but lived on the ground."

"It's just that their way of sacrifice is too morbid and disgusting, and perhaps they also sacrificed Naiarathotep, or his doppelganger, in that way."

"So these guys were expelled from the ground to the underground world by the gods of dreams."

After Gu Qing listened, he only felt speechless for a while.

This ancient giant is also outrageous enough.

He had dealt with those evil god groups a lot, and he generally knew a little about the sacrifice methods of these guys.

They are usually more evil, the kind that normal people will never accept.

As a result, the sacrifice methods of these ancient giants, let alone normal people, could not even accept the special evil gods.

This is simply outrageous opening the door to outrageous.

- Outrageous home!


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