What are the details of the sacrifice method of the ancient giants.

Gu Qing did not ask Neptune , and Neptune also tacitly did not elaborate.

This kind of topic can simply be called taboo.

At this time, these ancient giants surrounded them, obviously with bad intentions.

Specifically blocking out of the Nas Canyon, Gu Qing estimated that these guys had been controlled by the big skull.

"Want to stop us with these things? It's so whimsical, isn't it? "

The strength of the Guge Giant is quite good.

The weakest of them can be compared to the eighth-order and ninth-order awakened ones.

Adulthood can be regarded as having the strength of the Star Rank.

Some of them are more powerful and can reach the Hui Yue Step.

But that also depends on who their opponents are.

At this time, facing the terrifying existence of the two peak of the blazing sun, just relying on the words of these guys, let alone blocking it, even if it is delayed, it can't be done.

At this moment, in the deep dark corner in the distance, there was a movement.

The darkness can be seen creeping, as if it had become fluid.

One by one, unknown creatures slowly walked out of it.

This is a huge and profane monster.

Its shape looks a little like an ape and some like an insect.

The skin on its body hangs in piles, and on its wrinkled head, there are traces of degenerated eyes, and the skull sways from side to side like drunkenness.

On the elongated forelimbs, there are widely open hooked claws.

Although there was no expression on its face, it could feel a cruel and vicious aura emanating from all over its body.

In addition to this, there was a muffled sound of breaking ground.

Around the two of them, huge worms emerged.

This is a huge meat worm with a length of about 100 meters.

The whole body is covered in mucus, and the head has a large, forked mouth full of fine and sharp zigzag fangs.

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giant devouring worm

for a while, the underground space in the demon dance!

Gu Qing licked her lips: "This is like that."

Neptune next to him frowned slightly: "Gu, be careful of those empty ghosts."

He was referring to strange creatures that looked like apes and insects.

"These guys can move through different planes and sometimes take their prey to other dimensions."

"It's a troublesome creature."

"As for those giant devouring worms, although they can also erode the barrier of space and create 'wormholes' that connect different worlds, their own strength is not too strong, and our strength is enough to deal with it."

Compared with the ancient giants, the two new monsters that appear are indeed a little more difficult to deal with.

But in Gu Qing's opinion, they are all just here to send simulation points.

Before Neptune spoke, Gu Qing couldn't help but blatantly strike!

A large area of thunder and fire surged out, and the first to bear the brunt was the ancient leather giant.

These annoying guys, who did not have any ability to resist at all, were instantly submerged under the thunder fire.

To ashes!

At this moment, the ground shook, and suddenly a behemoth broke through the ground.

Exactly the giant devouring worm!

Looking at the creature up close, its smooth, tough-looking surface is filled with disgusting mucus.

The huge mouthparts at the upper end open up, emitting a low-frequency sound wave.

The mucus was splattered out, as if it had rained lightly.

Immediately after, he opened his huge mouth and bit down straight at Gu Qing.

It seems to swallow him directly into the belly!

Gu Qing's surface was shrouded in a red and purple barrier, blocking him from this disgusting creature.

At this moment, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The mucus secreted from the mouths of these giant phagogic worms can really corrode the spatial barrier.

Secretly said in his heart: "Neptune really didn't say wrong, this creature is a little interesting." From

the outside, the giant devouring worm had swallowed Gu Qing whole.

However, at this moment, its tough skin suddenly shone with red and purple light.

Immediately after, the entire body began to be wrapped in countless flames and arcs from the head.

Quickly spread towards the tail end.

In the blink of an eye, this giant devouring worm, which could reach a length of one hundred and twenty meters, turned into ashes.

Gu Qing's figure soared into the air, and the entire underground space suddenly turned into darkness.

Even the mysterious pale luster became much darker.

Vortices formed by countless black clouds appeared.


Among the clouds, red flames wrapped in bursting thunder loomed.

Exudes terrifying power.

A pitch-black sword qi wrapped in heavenly fire and thunder poked out from it.

Immediately after, countless sword qi rushed through this space!

Directly turned into a killing Asura field!

Fragments of the corpses of the ancient giants and the giant devouring worms were scattered everywhere.

In Gu Qing's ears, system prompts also kept ringing.

This made Gu Qing very satisfied.

I didn't expect that coming to chase and kill that ancient unknown statue was able to get some unexpected gains.

On the other side, Neptune wields the Seagod Trident and pierces several giant devouring worms.

At the moment of penetrating the hole, the giant devouring worm instantly condensed into an ice sculpture.

Immediately after, it turned into countless ice chips and scattered down.

After seeing Gu Qing, he prompted: "Gu, you must be careful of those empty ghosts!" "

These guys are able to blend into different dimensions and travel through space."

"Don't be hooked by their hooks and claws, otherwise, you may be dragged into another dimension."

"If you accidentally enter the dimension where the empty ghost itself is, something will be wrong!"

Gu Qing couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

Neptune "Because it is inhabited by indescribable horrors!"

"The master said that even he could not understand the horror of that being."

"He may well be an being above the old dominators!"

Gu Qing's heart moved.

Above the old dominators, isn't that an alien god?

Immediately more careful.

He noticed that he had just been urging thunder fire and sword qi.

Although a large number of ancient giants and giant devouring worms were strangled, they did not kill a single empty ghost.

These guys, like real ghosts, come and go without a trace.

Suddenly, Gu Qing's heart moved.

The figure suddenly shifted, as if teleported, and moved to a position fifty meters away.

And where he was originally located, an empty ghost appeared.

The huge hooked claw was about to hook itself.

Gu Qing snorted coldly, and suddenly saw a black cloud vortex appear out of thin air.

A pitch-black sword qi flew out from it.

Slash at the empty ghost.

But then, a scene that surprised him happened.

The sword qi actually passed directly through the empty ghost and slashed at the cliff wall behind.


Directly penetrate the cliff wall, forming a deep black hole.


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