The ticket to Zhongwu World only needs 10,000 simulation points at a time.

This is nothing to Gu Qing now.

He still has more than 1.9 million.

Straightforward and continuous reopening.

After brushing nearly thirty times in a row, I finally came across a good ten-time draw.

I believe that this time it should be possible to achieve the goal.

【Please draw talent cards! 】 【

Orange Innate Spirit Body (No matter in any system, when you cultivate, you will get a great bonus. Intelligence +10, Physique +30)]

[Blue ascetic (Your perseverance is extraordinary, as long as you endure hardships, you can constantly exercise your willpower, so that your strength gradually increases. Intelligence

+10, Physique +10)] [Blue Conan Physique (Your side is often accompanied by the shadow of death, wherever you go, is the crime scene. Intelligence +10, charm +10)]

[Purple mechanical ghost talent (your scientific research ability is very powerful, but the angle is extremely tricky, often study some strange, not much use, but the difficulty is very high, ordinary people can not do things at all. Intelligence +30, Charisma +10, Luck +5)]

[Blue Glamour (You have a high charm and a very attractive temperament, no matter how weird the opponent's XP is, you will just poke the other party's G-spot. Charm +25)]

[Orange Wen Tao Wuluo (You can be Wen Nengwu, can be described as both civil and martial, not only can strategize, but also can go into battle to kill the enemy. Intelligence +20, Physique +20, Charisma +20)]

[Purple Royal Child (You will be born in the royal family, and the blood of the royal family flows in your body. Charm +10, Family +35)]

[Blue Dance Ink (You have loved calligraphy since childhood, or you can grow up to be a calligrapher.) Intelligence

+10, charm +10)] [Blue Fist and Foot (Physique +10, practice Fist and Foot Kung Fu, you can get a great bonus)] [Blue

Single Nobleman (You have been in a thousand flowers, a leaf does not stick to your body, always maintain a single state, and swear never to start a family. Glamour +20)]


This time, the worst of the ten consecutive draws was blue.

It's the best card that has appeared since so many simulations.

At the same time, Gu Qing discovered something.

That's when he goes on his new Sims, because time in the Nakamu world is in a state of passage.

Therefore, the incense wish power of Wuzong Martial Ancestor and his other vest is still accumulating.

This can be seen from the exchange list.

It seems that there is no need to enter the vest of Martial Ancestor Wuzong specifically to harvest the incense willpower.

Even if you continue with a new simulation, the incense will automatically accumulate.

When the time comes, it will be nice to redeem it again in one go.

Gu Qing looked at the ten consecutive draws this time, two oranges and two purples, and the rest were all blue.

The first thing that caught his attention was the ascetic talent.

This talent looks ordinary, it seems that as long as you can endure hardships, you can exercise willpower and make your strength continue to grow.

It may not seem like a big deal, but in fact, this talent definitely deserves the blue level.

Because in this world, it is not at all useful if you can endure hardships, but if you can work hard.

Being able to endure hardships and work hard does not make people succeed, it will only make your boss successful!

Because most people are just ordinary people.

The greatest effort of ordinary people is to live.

If you just need to work hard, you can succeed, be able to throw off your peers, and be able to climb to higher peaks.

That means that you are already extremely extraordinary, not ordinary!

Some of the rest of the blue talents are also good and bad.

There was even something that made Gu Qing frown.

Such as glamorous.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this talent itself, but the more you look at this introduction, the more you feel cold behind it.

Whether the stand-in is male or female, it doesn't seem to be a good look.

In the end, Gu Qing identified the three talents he selected.

[Orange Innate Spirit Body

] [Orange Wen Tao Wuluo

] [Purple Royal Child]


The stand-in appeared in the royal family, which is a very good start.

Gu Qing felt that this could save him a lot of things.

It can be achieved more easily.

Coupled with Wen Tao Wuluo, maybe he can become the emperor of the Xianwu God Dynasty again.

If you achieve great deeds, you can naturally be included in the martial arts temple and be offered.

Become a god who blesses the fortunes of the Immortal Martial God Dynasty.

Accept the incense offering of the hereafter.

This is followed by assigning attribute points.

Intelligence: 0 (Talent Additional 30) Physique: 0 (Talent Additional 50) Charisma: 0 (Talent Additional 30) Family Situation: 0 (Talent Additional 35)





The initial five properties that need to be assigned.

The first four attributes, all have talent attached.

Therefore, Gu Qing did not distribute the initial 20 attribute points to them.

Instead, it was directly added to the last luck.

【Start a new life! 】 [

0 years old: You were born and a boy. 【

1 year old: You were born to a noble concubine, the eighteenth son of the current Wujiang Emperor. [

2 years old: You have lived in the courtyard of the deep palace since you were a child, surrounded by palace maids and eunuchs.

[3 years old: You often wonder what it will be like outside the high wall.

In the same year, you began to cultivate the ancestral martial arts, which you heard was handed down by the first founding emperor Wuzong.

The whole world is practicing this peerless discipline.

Anyone can get started and learn some rudimentary skills.

It is the easiest martial art to learn in the whole world.

But at the same time, it is also the most difficult to learn.

Because it's easy to get started, it's hard to master!

Normal people can get started, even if they are good, if they can learn the book, they can already be regarded as talents.

If you can even master the middle book, you are a martial arts genius!

It has been more than a thousand years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and only a few people can master and master the next volume.

Without exception, all of these people have become true martial arts grandmasters and pillars of the country. 】

【4 years old: You have shown a very strong talent, you can be called a martial arts wizard!

The speed of learning martial arts is very fast, and he already has some strength at the age of four.

But your mother warned you that you must hide your clumsiness, and you must not expose your strength and talent casually.

One of the words she most often admonishes you is that Mu Xiu will destroy it in the forest wind!

You still don't understand why you have a strong talent and can obviously get the attention of your father, but you still have to hide it. [

5 years old: This year, your intelligence has been developed, and your vision and way of thinking are not as naïve and ignorant as before.

You can already see some of the current situation, and you can understand your mother's good intentions.


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