It is said that once you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea, and the personnel here are complex, there are many factions, and countless intrigues are staged every day.

Your mother warns you to be careful in the future, because the closer you get to the place of money and power, the bigger the storm will be, and if you are not careful, it will be torn to shreds.

And with your current status, you are already doomed to experience the cruelest storm in the world in the future.

That's the battle for the throne! [

6 years old: The empress only knows about the Buddha every day, but when it comes to the world, in the entire harem, only Wan Guifei has the highest status.

And this person is a woman with a heart like a femme fatale and cold means.

Although the eldest prince born to the empress was made a prince, he only knew that he was obsessed with studying poetry and song every day, and never asked about imperial politics.

He even did the absurd thing of driving out some ministers who wanted to join him.

And Wan Guifei's son, that is, the second prince, inherited her mother's character and was very scheming.

In the middle of the dynasty, he has very good contacts and energy.

Although the eldest prince is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, according to the state he is showing now, I am afraid that he will not be able to be qualified for the emperor in the future.

Therefore, the second prince still has a good chance, and he has been working hard in this aspect.

At the same time, Concubine Wan also gave her son enough support and stared at the harem.

It is absolutely not allowed to appear and be able to threaten his son's situation.

It is precisely because of this that although you are extremely talented and have a strong talent for cultivation, your mother still lets you hide.

It is because now the power of Wan Guifei and the Second Prince is huge, if it is found that you may pose a threat to the Second Prince, then you will be in danger at that time! 】

【7 years old: As the youngest prince, even if you do not show dazzling light, you have also won the love of many Wujiang Emperors.

Although you are only seven years old and have no background at all, you are still hated by the narrow-minded Concubine Wan because of this.

Several times were suppressed against you, and you all survived without risk.

At the same time, you also made several good friends, all of whom were your brothers and sisters, that is, the princes and princesses born to the rest of the concubines.

Most of them, to a greater or lesser extent, have been suppressed by Wan Guifei.

Maybe it's connected to fate, or maybe it's because you're young, and you're very smart and sensible, so I love you very much.

But this kind of behavior was seen by Wan Guifei, but she thought that you were trying to collude with the rest of the brothers, and was seen as provoking her authority.

Suppress you even harder.

Fortunately, your mother's maiden family still has some power in the DPRK, and after your mother asked for help from her maiden family, the matter finally passed.

Even the second prince was very puzzled by Wan Guifei's behavior.

In his opinion, he has no opponent at all, and you are just a little brat, not enough to be his opponent.

The eldest prince was intoxicated with flowers and birds all day long, chanting poetry, and he was even more disdainful of him.

In his opinion, the imperial throne is no longer him, and he does not need to be so sensitive at all.

Concubine Wan finally stopped, but she always felt that you were different from those other princes.

What is different, she can't say, just feel threatened.

It is precisely for this reason that she will always chase you, suppress and embarrass you.

After you learned about this, you also felt speechless.

I can't help but sigh, women sometimes really feel success, defeat also feeling.

Women have always been emotional creatures, and when doing something, they often don't even need to consider reality, logic, cause and effect, and pros and cons.

Just because of the feelings! It's possible to do something weird.

But sometimes, this so-called feeling is very strange!

It is simply the rumored sixth sense!

[8 years old: This year has been relatively calm overall.

But you can still feel the malice from Wan Guifei.

You don't feel like you should sit still.

Moreover, you have a talent of heaven and earth, super talent, extremely strong cultivation talent, and you are not willing to be buried like this.

So you decide to develop secretly, and when the time is right, you will rise strongly! [

9 years old: After the imperial dynasty has ruled for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be some corruption.

Especially in the absence of convenient tools, the rule of remote areas is very weak.

It was generally left to the princes to manage themselves.

But in this way, there are many undesirable consequences.

Although martial arts powerhouses can travel thousands of miles every day, not everyone is a martial arts powerhouse.

Therefore, in addition to the scope of the power center of the Immortal Martial God Dynasty, various things will always appear in some remote areas.

This time, far north, there was another rebellion.

After Emperor Wujiang learned of this, he was not in a hurry, after all, this kind of thing had appeared many times.

Just send someone to suppress it.

But at this moment, Concubine Wan suddenly stepped forward and blew the wind next to the pillow.

It is said that some parents are short, but intentionally or unintentionally mention the eldest prince.

The main idea is that the eldest prince studies poetry and song all day, and it is difficult to be a big task in the future.

It happened that there was a rebellion now, and Emperor Wujiang also started thinking about whether to let the eldest prince go out and experience it.

During the whole process, Concubine Wan did not have any intention of guiding Emperor Wujiang, but only mentioned the eldest prince a little at the right time.

Then let Emperor Wujiang go by himself and then associate it later.

There is no better way to say this, not in demagoguery, not in seduction.

It's about letting others think for themselves.

People tend to be less trustful of the opinions put forward by others, and will think about it, weighing the pros and cons.

But for the ideas they take the initiative to come up with, they will relax their vigilance and trust a lot.

This is the means of Wan Guifei.

Sure enough, Emperor Wujiang himself was not satisfied with the performance of the Great Prince.

So I thought that I could take this opportunity to experience him.

He gave the eldest prince the post of overseer and asked him to follow the army to calm the war.

And this move can be regarded as hitting the arms of Wan Guifei.

As long as the eldest prince left Emperor Wujiang's side and stayed away from the imperial capital.

Then the operability of some unconventional means is much higher! 】

【10 years old: The eldest prince set out with the army, and this opportunity can be said to be very important for Wan Guifei's mother and son.

All their energy is focused on this.

What they need is to make the Great Prince disappear without knowing it!

Of course, this operation is still difficult, and once exposed, then their mother and son will all be doomed!

Therefore, delay the eldest prince's return to Beijing as much as possible, and even let him make mistakes, or be caught or even killed by the enemy.

This becomes the optimal solution.

And just when the eyes of Wan Guifei and the second prince were all staring at the eldest prince, you were secretly developing.

Who would have thought that a ten-year-old child would be able to take the initiative and develop secretly.

The first step you have to do is to form your own power team! 】


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