The young man, wearing a navy blue robe, introduced himself as Chen Tong.

From the third day of March.

Your brow furrowed slightly, and your mind was thoughtful.

But you remember, Flower Butterfly told you before that the four of them were from August 15.

I couldn't help but secretly say in my heart, is there still the fourth day of March, the fifth day of March, the sixth day of March, or August 16, August 17, August 18 and so on?

What a large and tight organization this is!

Chen Tong brought you two news.

First of all, according to the investigation of secret agents, the so-called 'White Lotus' is likely to refer to the White Lotus Sect!

This sect arose a hundred years ago and has been developing secretly ever since.

Because in the past few hundred years, there have been many riots in the world, but they basically have no impact on the Xianwu God Dynasty.

It was easily suppressed.

Therefore, this White Lotus Sect could not attract the attention of the Immortal Martial God Dynasty at the beginning.

Until later, the White Lotus Sect actually developed stronger and stronger under the noses of the Divine Dynasty.

By the time it was discovered, it had become a behemoth hidden in the darkness!

You ask what exactly the White Lotus Sect is.

Chen Tong said to you this paragraph: Red dust is like hell, all sentient beings are suffering, reincarnation is endless, sorrow is endless, have mercy on my world, there is a god descending from heaven, there is no birth mother, and there is a vacuum hometown.

You are amazed.

I didn't expect this White Lotus Sect to be so rebellious!

You know, now the world only recognizes that the two enshrined in the Martial Temple are the real gods!

Especially the first generation of founders of the Immortal Martial God Dynasty, Martial Ancestor Wuzong!

But this White Lotus Sect actually claimed that there was a god descending from heaven, and this god was even called the lifeless old mother.

It's really audacious.

You quickly asked what the other news Chen Tong brought.

I saw Chen Tong looking at you and saying that the other news was only for you personally.

You feel bad in your heart.

Sure enough, Chen Tong said that the news was that His Majesty was going to summon you back to the palace.

You have experienced so much here, but you still haven't been able to save the Great Prince.

Naturally, I don't want to go back like that.

But the emperor's order cannot be violated, and you have to obediently obey.

Chen Tong comforted you, saying that the seriousness of this matter has exceeded the scope of the original circle.

Their actions will be mainly aimed at the White Lotus Sect next, and it will be dangerous if you continue here.

Your Majesty is also worried about your safety.

After all, the eldest prince has been taken away by the White Lotus Sect, if you, the eighteenth prince, plant it here again.

Your Majesty will be distressed, and the face of the royal family will be lost!

You have no choice but to say goodbye to the flowers, butterflies and vipers.

Depart for the imperial capital.

It's just that there is a little that you feel very strange.

Whether it was Chen Tong, or Hua Butterfly and others, they let you go on the road alone with such confidence.

Even if they agree with your martial arts and wit, judging from the current situation, once you are left behind, you are likely to be targeted by the people of the White Lotus Sect.

If you fall into a siege, it is also possible to miss and be caught.

Soon, this doubt of yours will be answered.

Sure enough, as you expected, just halfway through, I met two masters!

These two people shouted for their lifeless old mother and vacuum their hometown.

One side attacked you.

Although your martial arts are not weak, your cultivation time is still short, and you are not their opponent at all.

After only two rounds, he was about to be captured alive.

At this critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared.

Free you and fight those two White Lotus masters.

In just a few moments, it was completely suppressed.

Killed one person, captured one alive.

It's a pity that the person who was captured alive couldn't escape and died directly from menopause!

You find that it is your master, Ram Shou, who appeared and saved you!

Only then did you understand that no wonder Chen Tong and Hua Butterfly and the others were not worried about you at all.

It turns out that your master has always been by your side!

At this moment, you are very curious about the identity of your master.

I couldn't help but ask about his identity, as well as his relationship with Chen Tong and Hua Butterfly and others.

Whether it is the person on the third day of March or the person on the fifteenth day of August.

Ram Shou laughed after hearing this.

It is said that he is neither the third of March nor the fifteenth of August.

He is the Five Dragon Leaders of the Blue Dragon Society!

You are extremely shocked.

The Blue Dragon Society, a huge organization that only exists in legends in the Immortal Martial God Dynasty!

It is rumored that it was founded by Wuzong Wuzu.

But there is also a saying that the Blue Dragon Society has been established for many years before the Martial Ancestor!

The Blue Dragon will have seven dragon heads.

Among them, the Great Dragon Head has the magical ability of reincarnation.

And Wuzong Wuzu is one of the reincarnations of the Great Dragon Shou.

For thousands of years, the Green Dragon Society has been waiting for the return of the Great Dragon Head again!

At this moment, you finally understand why Ram Shou can appear in the heavily guarded palace with dignity.

Why did the father only send a few people with flower butterflies?

Instead, they claimed to be from August 15.

Ram Shou told you that the Blue Dragon Society is so huge that even your father does not have complete command power.

Has a certain degree of independence.

In the entire imperial capital, you are the first to know about the existence of the Blue Dragon Society, except for your father.

In the Blue Dragon Society, there are a total of three hundred and sixty-five altars, and there are exactly three hundred and sixty-five days in a year.

Chen Tong and Hua Butterfly and the others were just from two of them.

In addition to the seven dragon heads, the Blue Dragon Society has a total of twelve halls.

The month is codenamed respectively: "New Year" is responsible for the goal; "February" is responsible for infiltration; "March" is responsible for delivering messages; "April" is responsible for financial resources, and "May" is responsible for punishment; "June" is responsible for training; "July" is responsible for planning; "August, September, October" is responsible for action; "November" is responsible for purging rebellion; "December" was responsible for the assassination.

Flower Butterfly and the other four are all from August, who is in charge of the operation.

Chen Tong, on the other hand, came from March, which was responsible for delivering the news.

Then, you acutely sensed that something was wrong.

Looking at Ram Shou suspiciously, he didn't understand such a secret thing, why would he tell you so easily.

Even if you are his apprentice, this is not justified.

After all, Ram Shou is only the head of the five dragons.

The Blue Dragon Society is not his alone.

He has no right to divulge the secrets of the Blue Dragon Society at will.

When you asked your doubts, Ram Shou said something that shocked you.

He suspects that you are the reincarnation of the Great Dragon Head!

Because you have inadvertently said code words that only the seven dragon heads know before.

When you think about it, you did have an extra poem inexplicably in your mind before.

The earthquake is high and the mountains are beautiful through the ages.

The door faces the sea, and the three rivers merge into the water for 10,000 years.

Unexpectedly, when he inadvertently groaned, he was actually heard by Ram Shou!


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