It's just that there is a point that makes Ram Shou also a little elusive.

According to records, the return of the Great Dragon Head will awaken the memories of past lives.

But he looks at you as if he doesn't remember at all.

Therefore, I had to secretly observe first, and even tell the internal structure of the Blue Dragon Society.

Try to awaken your memory.

You've never felt so outrageous.

But it seemed that there was no way to refute it, so he had to follow Ram Shou back to the imperial capital first. [

14 years old: Although you have not awakened your memory, you were accepted as a disciple by Ram Shou because you said the code word of inheritance.

Coupled with the fact that he is a martial arts genius, even if he is not the reincarnation of the head of the Great Dragon, he will be cultivated as the successor of Ram Shou.

You also figured out that the Blue Dragon Society is a huge organization hidden under the Shenwu Immortal Dynasty, and the power inheritance time is even more than that of the Immortal Martial God Dynasty.

If you can get the support of the Blue Dragon Society, the road ahead will definitely be much easier.

So you gladly accepted Ram Shou's invitation and joined the Blue Dragon Society.

However, because of your special status, it is not arranged in any hall.

It was the Blue Dragon Society that entered as the first descendant of the Five Dragons.

As for the fact that you may be the reincarnation of the Great Dragon Head, Ram Shou only told a few other Dragon Heads.

Among them was Emperor Wujiang.

Because he is the second dragon leader of the Green Dragon Society!

Each generation of emperors will become the second dragon head of the Blue Dragon Society, which can be regarded as a tradition and rule set from the beginning.

As for the position of the head of the Great Dragon, it has always been vacant.

In this way, Emperor Wujiang naturally values you very much.

At the same time, I also know the cleverness and extraordinary skills you have shown in the Northern Regions.

The more you look at you, the more pleasing it becomes.

On the other side, because the eldest prince did not die according to the plan, he was captured by the White Lotus Sect.

The second prince and Concubine Wan didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

At this juncture, the second prince keenly discovered that Emperor Wujiang often summoned you and loved you very much.

We talked happily every time, and even personally guided your martial arts.

This discovery can be regarded as surprising him.

Unexpectedly, the obstacle of the eldest prince has not been completely cleared, and another you has appeared.

So in response to you, a series of suppressions were launched.

This time the suppression is not the kind of Wan Guifei before.

Although Wan Guifei was vicious, she only used some small schemes such as women.

And the second prince, but he has been operating in the dynasty for many years, once he makes a move, the threat to you will naturally be great.

You found that Emperor Wujiang actually kept silent about this, turning a blind eye.

After you almost survived, you couldn't help but have a showdown with Emperor Wujiang.

But he told you that he knew about the eldest prince, and he also knew the second prince's scheme with Wan Guifei.

The reason why it doesn't care is because this is royalty.

No matter who it was, if he wanted to take the throne in the future, he didn't want that person to be a flower cultivated in a greenhouse.

After you knew his intentions, you made up your mind to fight with the second prince! [

15 years old: In the process of fighting the second prince, you have shown amazing talent and talent.

Not only martial arts are still improving, but all kinds of tricks and wisdom are emerging one after another.

You have some heritage, such as your grandfather's family will support you.

You can also tide over difficulties at critical moments with the help of some of the strength of the Blue Dragon Society.

But overall, compared with Lady Wan and the Second Prince, it is still too far behind.

Unexpectedly, in just one year, you were not defeated at all.

Not only that, but you're even pulling back the disadvantage a little bit.

This incident directly shocked the entire imperial capital, and you became a stormy figure for a while.

Now that the life and death of the eldest prince are unknown, they originally thought that the second prince would be crowned prince, which is a sure thing.

But I didn't expect to kill you halfway.

This good show can be regarded as mesmerizing for all the people in the imperial capital. [

16 years old: On the other hand, the suppression of the White Lotus Sect has achieved good results.

But the tenacity of the White Lotus Sect also shocked people.

It stands to reason that under the circumstances that attracted the attention of the imperial court, the White Lotus Sect could still hold out for so long.

It's a miracle.

Everyone thought that it was because the Great Prince was in hand, so the imperial court threw a rat and did not dare to force the White Lotus Sect too ruthlessly.

But in reality, this is not the case.

Behind you is the Blue Dragon Society, which has the strongest intelligence power in the whole world.

Even the factory guards secretly controlled by Wan Guifei were far from comparable.

You learned from Ram Shou that the White Lotus Sect is a big trouble.

What they were cultivating was not a martial arten.

It is another extremely weird evil martial art.

It's called the Future No Life Sutra! 【

17 years old: You are like a rising star in the imperial capital.

Talented martial arts, Gu is higher than the second prince.

And you fought with the second prince for so long, Emperor Wujiang didn't say anything, and let the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu below not know what he was thinking.

Especially some keen people have sensed that Emperor Wujiang seems to be more inclined to you, and your back does not seem to be simple, as if you have a very huge backer!

The horror of this backer is unimaginable.

One of the most classic things is that Wan Guifei secretly mastered the factory guard, and since she couldn't deal with you, she would deal with your friends, even your mother's maiden family.

But I didn't expect that under your leadership, a group of extremely powerful figures came, and they all easily killed those factory guards!

And the eunuch in charge of the palace, who is also the highest-ranking metropolitan governor in the factory guard, knelt down directly in fear after seeing the mysterious person next to you.

You know, this palm seal eunuch is known as the existence of the number one master in the palace.

In addition to his own duties, the most important duty was to protect the safety of Emperor Wujiang.

It can be described as a monstrous power!

Wan Guifei was able to command the factory guard, and he also received a lot of benefits, so he would turn a blind eye.

But this time was different, after this time, the factory guard directly disassociated from Wan Guifei and drew a clear line.

Everyone is talking about what the forces behind you are, and they have such a great deterrent.

Even the palm seal eunuchs were scared like that.

Since then, some officials who have reacted quickly have begun to take sides again.

Now as far as the supporters in the dynasty, you are not much worse than the second prince.

Of course, there are some more stubborn ones who still choose to support the eldest prince.

Waiting for the day when the eldest prince will be rescued.

The second prince never expected that the little fart who was not seen by him before would grow so fast.

Only then did he understand that the eldest prince was nothing at all.

The real threat is you!

Eighteen Princes! 】


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