[18 years old: The second prince, who has always been in control of the victory, actually fell behind when facing you, a child he once looked down on. ]

It made him feel extremely annoyed.

The second prince has been successful since he was a child and has never suffered a major setback.

And this time the setbacks and blows were too big for him.

It actually made him a little dizzy.

Directly took the dumbest way.

Send killers to assassinate you!

But what he didn't expect was that you were no longer a child earlier, you have grown up now.

You are already eighteen years old.

And your martial arts advancement has never stagnated.

At this time, the force value is already very good.

The killer sent by the second prince is not your opponent at all.

You can easily block it, or even catch it alive.

With such a conclusive evidence, the blow to the second prince was naturally great.

You don't have any soft-heartedness at all.

Directly found the father emperor.

After learning that the second prince actually sent a killer to assassinate you, Emperor Wujiang also seemed very angry.

Because this is breaking the rules of the game!

Emperor Wujiang has not interfered before, just to see which of your brothers has better means and who can take on great responsibilities in the future.

And the second prince's move undoubtedly greatly reduced the rating in the heart of Emperor Wujiang.

Just when Emperor Wujiang was about to surrender the second prince.

At the critical moment, Wan Guifei appeared crying and took all the blame on herself.

Claim that the killer was sent by her.

The second prince did not know.

Send someone to assassinate a prince, even if she is a noble concubine, I am afraid that the consequences will not be too good.

But even so, Concubine Wan still stood up and wanted to apologize for the second prince.

You also had some emotion for a while.

Even a femme fatale woman like Wan Guifei with vicious means will give everything for her son.

It's really pitiful for the parents of the world.

After all, Emperor Wujiang did not lower too much punishment.

After all, the so-called killer is not a threat to you at all and does not cause any losses.

Just let Concubine Wan follow the queen to worship the Buddha and wash her heart.

The second prince was grounded and not allowed to leave his mansion for three years.

In this way, although it seems that the punishment is not severe.

But in fact, they have already been pronounced their defeat.

All of them have been treated cold, isn't this the time for you to grow?

Perhaps Emperor Wujiang handled it this way for another purpose.

That is, so that you always have a sense of crisis, do not feel that there is no longer something to threaten yourself.

This leads to a sense of complacency.

Just like the second prince, he can't accept a little failure. [

19 years old: Concubine Wan lost her power, and the second prince was also grounded.

Now is the best time for your development.

The ministers who were originally wavering have all come to you at this time.

You are in the limelight in the imperial capital for a while.

[20 years old: You have basically built your own power network.

Successfully replaced the original second prince.

At this time, the crackdown on the White Lotus Sect also made great progress.

Found the location of each other's lair.

You received an order from Emperor Wujiang to let you lead the army and cooperate with the masters of the secret Blue Dragon Society.

Go and sweep the lair of the White Lotus Sect and rescue the Great Prince!

Your brows frowned slightly, you just suppressed the second prince, if the eldest prince is rescued again, the situation will change again.

After all, the status of the eldest prince has not been revoked!

You instantly understood Emperor Wujiang's intentions.

He's another test for you.

Just take your own son's life to test another son.

It's a little chilling.

You promised this and led the army to go.

Along the way, I found that many people were secretly believing in their motherless.

You were very surprised, you didn't expect that the White Lotus Sect could develop to this scale while being suppressed so fiercely.

You are in the light, and the masters of the Blue Dragon Society are in the dark.

Together, you swept away the White Lotus Sect's lair and successfully killed many masters.

The White Lotus Sect even already has a lot of armed forces, these people are not even afraid of pain at all, although their martial arts are slightly weaker, their combat effectiveness is not weak.

But alas, in front of the army in your hands, there is still a gap.

In addition, you are also quite talented in leading troops to fight, and the dispatch and command are very appropriate.

It took little effort to annihilate these rebellious believers.

After entering the lair, you find an unkempt man.

He is the Great Prince!

You were still fantasizing before, maybe after so many years, the eldest prince might have died a long time ago.

But alas, when you actually find him, this illusion is shattered.

At that moment, you also have a lot of thoughts in your mind.

Do you want to kill him directly.

Then he lied that he had not found the Great Prince, or that the Great Prince had been killed by the people of the White Lotus Sect.

It's easy for you.

It is only necessary to silence a few soldiers who know about it.

You've struggled and you don't do that.

Because you found that once you really decide to kill the killer, then what is the difference between you and the second prince?

Although you are the most ruthless imperial family, you still don't want to be an executioner of your brother. [

21 years old: After the eldest prince was rescued back to the imperial capital, he has been living in seclusion.

The second prince's grounding has also ended.

It's a pity that he has already gone away.

There's no way to fight you anymore.

The days seemed to have slipped into calm.

It's just that one thing is very strange, in the imperial capital in the recent period, it seems that there are always some very bizarre cases happening.

The people who died are also quite strange.

The people of Dali Temple investigated for a long time, but they did not find a reason. [

22 years old: Emperor Wujiang was close to seventy years old at this time.

The body is deteriorating.

It stands to reason that the life expectancy of a normal person has reached 100 years.

If you have achieved success in cultivating martial arts, you can even reach two hundred years old.

Even Grandmaster masters can live longer.

Emperor Wujiang is only seventy years old now, and he shouldn't be so unbearable.

In fact, Emperor Wujiang's martial arts talent was not high, or very poor.

Wu Dian has also been hovering at the entry level.

In addition, he ascended the throne a long time ago, dealt with imperial politics all day, and did not have much time to cultivate.

When he was young, he suffered a serious internal injury.

If it weren't for some masters to continue his life, I am afraid that he would not even be able to survive the age of seventy.

When you visited Emperor Wujiang, you learned in casual conversation with him that the eldest prince seemed to be a little abnormal.

The previous eldest prince was always obsessed with poetry and song, and was elegant and easygoing.

But the current eldest prince is like a stuffy gourd, expressionless, making people unable to see the depth.

Everything is done very decently, but it feels better like a puppet being manipulated.

Emperor Wujiang said that he had already asked the masters in the Blue Dragon Society to investigate, and did not find anything suspicious in the Great Prince.

And the eldest prince is not pretending to be someone else.

This makes this even more suspicious. 】


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