[23 years old: In an accident, you found the familiar lotus figure.

You look stunned.

The White Lotus Sect has obviously been wiped out, and this is the imperial capital of the Immortal Martial God Dynasty!

If there are still followers of the White Lotus Sect here, then the situation is really serious.

At the same time, you were once again assassinated by several masters.

Their martial arts are very peculiar, not only for the flesh, but also for the divine soul.

Fortunately, your strength is already very strong, and your martial arts have also been cultivated to a very advanced level.

These assassins are not your opponents at all, and you captured one of them alive, intending to use the Soul Search Dafa to properly explore the secrets behind them.

As the strongest divine skill in the world, the biggest feature of martial arts is that it is all-encompassing.

There are naturally various cultivation methods related to spiritual martial arts, and the Great Method of Soul Search is one of them.

It's just that compared to other types of martial arts, spiritual martial arts are more dangerous and more difficult to cultivate.

The average person simply cannot succeed.

Fortunately, your martial arts talent is extremely high, and there are no obvious shortcomings, no matter what kind of martial arts, it is extremely prominent.

To your surprise, the Soul Search Dafa could only search for a blank.

In the blank, there is a white lotus flower.

This is simply incredible to you, how can the human soul be blank.

You suddenly remembered the Great Prince, maybe he was not the Great Prince of the past!

But how to confirm this has become a difficult point. [

24 years old: This year, you have been searching for the remnants of the White Lotus Sect hidden in the secret, and although the results have been achieved, they have not cured the symptoms.

At the same time, the investigation of the Great Prince was also underway, but some ministers mistakenly thought that you wanted to take action.

Some ministers who have already turned to you have taken matters into their own hands and done some self-defeating things.

It's a headache. [

25 years old: This year has a big event.

Emperor Wujiang actually died!

Even if his body has gradually aged, he should not die so quickly.

You think there's something strange about that.

But it is difficult to probe, because the series of chain reactions caused by the death of Emperor Wujiang involve your energy.

Fortunately, you still have a master, and Emperor Wujiang is also the second dragon leader of the Green Dragon Society.

His death was strange, and the rest of the Blue Dragon Society naturally wouldn't let it go so easily.

However, because Emperor Wujiang's death was too sudden, he had not yet made an edict.

The eldest prince, as the crown prince, should inherit the throne.

As a result, the situation was instantly reversed.

You unite with Ram Shou to test the Great Prince together.

Prepare to expose his true face before the enthronement ceremony.

Unexpectedly, the eldest prince was silent on the surface, but in fact, he had already mastered a not weak force.

And there are also a large number of masters under him, which have restrained the Blue Dragon Society.

It actually suppressed you.

Seeing that the enthronement ceremony is held as scheduled, you are ready to put everything together.

Before ascending the throne, a consecration ceremony takes place.

But at this moment, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the Martial Ancestor manifested in front of the hundred officials.

Immediately after, the eldest prince was also forced to show his true face.

It turned out that the body of the Great Prince had long been parasitized by an inexplicable existence!

And the existence that parasitized in his body was an extraterrestrial heavenly demon!

All the mysteries are revealed at this moment.

The reason why the White Lotus Sect can prosper, even under the suppression of the Divine Dynasty, it can survive tenaciously.

It is relying on this extraterrestrial heavenly demon behind it.

He is not the rumored lifeless old mother, but because he has cultivated the Future Lifeless Sutra, he is under the banner of the lifeless old mother.

If he really parasitized in the body of the Great Prince, he would be successfully canonized and ascended the throne.

It is equivalent to directly stealing the national fortune of the Xianwu God Dynasty.

Martial Ancestor, who was a protector of the country, naturally disagreed.

So he directly manifested and started a fierce battle with this extraterrestrial heavenly demon.

Finally, he succeeded in killing it.

After eliminating the extraterritorial heavenly demon, the Great Prince's originally suppressed divine soul was gradually awakened.

As the saying goes, a country cannot be without a king.

Since the eldest prince is still alive, he naturally needs to continue the enthronement ceremony.

But to everyone's surprise, he didn't want to.

In contrast, he thought more, 'Drink awake only to sit in front of flowers, drunk to spend sleep.'" Half awake and half drunk day after day, flowers fall and blossom year after year's life.

In the years that he had been suppressed by the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon, everything outside was actually something he could see and perceive.

That kind of deception and intrigue made him feel very tired and uncomfortable.

He still likes his old life.

So voluntarily gave up the throne and gave it to you to inherit.

Before leaving, the eldest prince handed you a roll of things.

When you return, open it and take a look.

It is written above exactly - the future has no life scripture! 】

【26 years old: The eldest prince lives in seclusion, the second prince is gone, and now there is no one to compete with you.

You naturally inherited the throne and became the new emperor of the Xianwu God Dynasty.

Emperor Wuxuan!

As for the scroll of the Future Lifeless Sutra that the Great Prince handed over to you before leaving, you hesitated for a long time and did not open it.

After all, it is not a practice that belongs to this world.

It was brought by the extraterrestrial heavenly devil.

And based on all the things that the White Lotus Sect showed before, you can conclude that this technique must be very evil!

The martial arts canon is enough for you to cultivate, this divine skill is all-encompassing, even with your qualifications, it is very difficult to completely understand it.

It's something you can do with a lifetime of energy.

So you don't lack divine skills, not to mention a practice that can be dangerous.

But inner curiosity always haunts you. [

27 years old: In the end, you decided to refer to the future lifeless sutra.

Just as the so-called touch-like bypass, the martial arts itself is a mixture of countless exercises.

Perhaps looking at this extraterritorial practice may bring you different enlightenment.

Driven by curiosity, you open that scroll.

I was immediately fascinated by the depiction inside.

After three days and three nights, you only feel that this is a peerless divine skill that is by no means inferior to the martial arts, or even more advanced than the martial arts!

In the future, the Sutra of No Life comes from the Buddhist sect and can use the way of incense and fire to cultivate the divine soul.

After cultivating it to the Mahayana realm, it can even forge the 'Lord of the Future'!

The 'Lord of the Future' is mysterious, able to deduce the changes in heaven and earth, and deduce all the mysteries of everything in the world.

Whether it is martial arts or spells, it can be used for deduction.

You can even extrapolate the past and the future to calculate all the changes!

In addition, within the Future Lifeless Sutra, there is also a Buddhist power with infinite power.

It's called Vacuum Mahamudra!

This divine power is divided into two parts, the divine soul and the flesh body, not only the physical body can be used, but also can be attacked with the Yuan God, cultivation is complete, the spirit and flesh are one, and the power is even greater! 】


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