Prior to this, because everyone's research goals were limited to martial arts, they used martial arts as a research center.

An extremely large martial arts system has been developed.

But in other aspects, there is no corresponding improvement.

So you start to focus on improving people's livelihood and improving the social system.

This is a long-term and slow-acting job.

But other than that, you really can't think of any other way to make some great achievements so that you can rank in the Martial Temple. 】


[50 years old: After all these years of development, society has changed a lot.

With your own intelligence and occasional inspiration, you have developed many amazing inventions.

Each of these inventions can improve people's lives.

You even invented steam machinery, gunpowder weapons.

Although the masters in the army were completely dismissive of the power of those fire bolts, they still recognized the power of artillery.

The shells fired by a cannon can almost be equivalent to the full force of a centurion-level master in the army. [

51 years old: You are getting more and more popular among the people, and you are very excited.

Your energy has exceeded the expectations of many ministers.

At first, the ministers were very worried when they saw that you were addicted to scientific research and invention.

I'm afraid you've delayed the dynasty.

There are even some ministers who are ready to die.

Unexpectedly, you not only did what they thought was not doing business, but also achieved the effect of benefiting the country and the people.

Even the thing they feared the most, delaying the DPRK's government, did not happen.

You review the folds every day, and you never delay.

The rule of the God Dynasty is in order.

This is not an easy task, because the territory of the Divine Dynasty is vast, and there are too many things that need your approval.

Otherwise, how could the previous Wujiang Emperor not even have time to practice martial arts.

It's because the work is too intense!

In addition, he has poor martial arts qualifications, and he still has dark injuries when he is young, and he is only sixty or seventy years old, and he looks very old.

Originally, according to the estimation of the masters in the Blue Dragon Society, he could live for another twenty or thirty years, but he did not expect that he would be assassinated by the extraterritorial heavenly demon parasitic in the body of the Great Prince.

He died early at the age of nearly seventy.

In fact, your Master Ram Shou was more shocked than they were.

Because only he knows that you are not only able to take care of scientific research and invention and dealing with imperial politics, but even martial arts have not fallen behind.

Progress continues every year.

Of course, with your qualifications, if you practice martial arts wholeheartedly, you will definitely enter the realm much faster than you do now.

But even so, with your current speed of entry, Ram Shou can also judge that you will be able to become a martial arts grandmaster before you are seventy years old! 】


[80 years old: You set off the industrial revolution, and at this time, with the imperial capital of the Xianwu God Dynasty as the center, radiating outward.

The closer the place, the way of life and social system have changed dramatically.

And farther away, it is also constantly affected by this impact, and gradually begins to change.

Over the years, you haven't relaxed in fixing things, because with the help of various tools, you can do it much faster than before.

You've even built railroads so trains can move unimpeded between places.

You built a lot of factories and put people into production.

You've also improved agricultural technology and used the power of machinery to make annual yields higher and higher year after year.

A series of changes you have made have greatly improved people's livelihood, and your name has been widely spread.

In your own way, you have shaped your own great achievements, and you will be remembered by history!

[81 years old: The change continues, and your inspiration seems endless.

With your intelligence, it seems that you can have countless ideas at any time.

It's just a matter of time to make it happen.

However, in this process, there were some obstacles.

Because of the inconvenient transportation before, some remote places are closer to autonomy.

And now the orders of the Divine Dynasty can be directly issued to the localities, which will more or less cause the local magnates to suffer.

Although your changes can better improve the lives of ordinary people, they are still met with some resistance.

Even some people were fooled by the local elites and took the initiative to resist, unwilling to make changes.

You are not a good stubble, in this case, just wipe it all out with a strong wrist.

If it weren't for the fact that the Divine Dynasty had no foreign enemies at all, you would probably become an iron-blooded emperor!

Those people don't know how powerful you are, and they want to protect their own interests by kidnapping local people to force you to compromise.

But they all think wrong, you treat this situation with zero tolerance, and no one can stop you from changing.

Many local magnates who cover the sky with one hand are in ashes under your iron-blooded wrist!

The Divine Dynasty is extremely stable under your rule, and all the ministers will never dare to disobey you, not to mention that you still have the powerful force of the Green Dragon Society in your hands.

It can be said that in this world, as long as you want, there will be absolutely nothing that cannot be done. 】


[100 years old: After decades of changes, the entire Immortal Martial God Dynasty has undergone great changes at this time.

You think it's time too.

You plan to emulate Martial Ancestor Wuzong, and choose to retire now.

So you used his method as well.

He abdicated and passed the throne to his chosen son.

Unlike your father, you only have three sons and five daughters.

Your three sons are brilliant.

The eldest son inherited your intelligence and composure.

The second son inherited your iron blood and ruthlessness.

The third son inherited your martial arts talent.

Fortunately, their relationship is very good, different from you at the beginning.

There was no life-and-death struggle over the throne.

After weighing up, you passed the throne to your eldest son.

Because the current Immortal Martial God Dynasty needs stable development.

The change you bring has had too much impact on the world, and the steps you have taken are too big.

Without the precipitation of time, some problems will slowly emerge.

Whether it is the second or the third, I am afraid that I will numb my claws when dealing with these problems.

Only the boss can have the ability to stabilize the situation.

Of course, the most important thing is that the three of them are of the same heart!

After you abdicated, you went into seclusion.

And as you wish, it was included in the Martial Temple.

With Wuzong Wuzu and another ancestor, he accepted incense offerings from the people. 】


[200 years old: After you live in seclusion, you begin to cultivate the Future Lifeless Sutra.

This technique is indeed very miraculous, and it can use the power of incense to cultivate the divine soul.

At the same time, you also discovered the depth of this exercise.

It is really extremely difficult to cultivate.

Even with your talent, it took a hundred years, and it was just the beginning. 】


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