[299 years old: Over the years, you have been relying on absorbing the power of incense to concentrate on cultivating the Future Lifeless Sutra.

Finally, I have preliminarily mastered one of the most powerful magical powers, the vacuum mahamudra!

As for the 'Lord of the Future' recorded in it, you really can't do anything.

Because the future lord is too difficult to condense.

It is necessary to thoroughly study the entire future lifeless scripture first.

And it requires countless resources and materials.

But none of this is the hardest.

The real difficulty is that sacrifices are also required!

And the strong must make sacrifices.

[300 years old: You have detected the call in the underworld.

You remember that according to the records of the Blue Dragon Society, the Martial Ancestor of the Martial Sect back then also merged into heaven and earth when he was three hundred years old.

Become a god who protects the fortunes of the country.

You know your time is up.

Sure enough, you met Martial Ancestor Wuzong and another ancestor.

You choose to follow them and leave and become the third god of the Immortal Martial God Dynasty.

End of simulation. 【Hint

: The upper limit of the world has been broken, and the intermediate martial arts world has been officially promoted to the advanced martial arts world. 【

Tip: Break the world limit and reward 10w points. 【Tip

: The advanced martial arts world and the advanced martial arts world attributes fit and merge into the advanced martial arts world. 】


Inside the room.

Gu Qing looked at the light in front of him that gradually dimmed.

The final picture is fixed on the three gods.

These three gods are all Gu Qing's vests.

When Gu Qing chose a new simulation and could not manipulate the two vests of Wuzong Wuzu.

They're like programmed AI.

Follow established rules.

In fact, this is also a disadvantage of incense becoming a god.

It will gradually be eroded by incense and become an AI that acts according to established procedures.

Fortunately, Gu Qing was able to take over at any time.

There's nothing to worry about.

As for the incense power exchanged from the system.

With the system as a layer of filtration, these hidden dangers can naturally be avoided.

This is also why, when the substitute encounters the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon, the Martial Ancestor of the Martial Sect will appear on his own even if he does not have Gu Qing's operation.

Because the behavior of the extraterrestrial heavenly demon had already touched the defense mechanism set by Martial Ancestor Wuzong.

Once it threatens the national fortune of the Immortal Martial God Dynasty, it will naturally appear to stop it and eliminate foreign enemies.

Just one point that made him feel very puzzled.

That is, in the Zhongwu world, there will be such a creature as the Extraterritorial Heavenly Devil!

It seems that at that time, the space of the Zhongwu World was already on the verge of a critical point.

The barrier became weak, so it gave the extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon an opportunity.

Sure enough, when this simulated stand-in officially became the god who protected the national fortune.

The world is immediately upgraded.

From the intermediate martial arts world, he was promoted to the advanced martial arts world.

Immediately after, it merged with another high-martial world.

【End of this life simulation

】【Final evaluation: SSS

】【Get points: 100,000

】【Total points: 1709418】


In the end, unsurprisingly, it was another SSS.

Plus the 100,000 points awarded by the world upgrade just now.

This time the simulation has earned 200,000 points!

But this is not the biggest benefit of this simulation.

What really surprised Gu Qing was the technique brought by the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon.

The future is lifeless!

Cultivate it to a high level, and even condense the future master.

When Gu Qing was simulating in the intermediate ancient martial arts world, he encountered a high-dimensional civilization that occupied an entire galaxy.

The sole ruler of his civilization is called the Supermaster.

From him, Gu Qing got an artificial intelligence with strong computing power.

He named him the Lord of the Future.

If the Future Lord is condensed with the Lifeless Sutra, the effect is definitely much more powerful than that!

It's just that the conditions are also very harsh, and if you want to truly condense the future master, I am afraid that it can not be achieved in the short term.

[You can choose one of the talents, and you can draw it in the next life.] 【

Orange Innate Spirit Body

】【Orange Wen Tao Wuluo

】【Purple Royal Child】


Gu Qing did not stay here for much time.

He can see that the innate spirit body can be said to be among the orange talents, and it is also the best.

After so many simulations, I also have a lot of orange talent during this period.

But almost none of them can take its place.

Gu Qing felt that unless there was another rare red talent.

Otherwise, it is basically possible to pass on the innate spirit body all the way.

After determining the inherited talent, Gu Qing couldn't wait to open the exchange list.

[200 years of incense wish power (sustainable exchange): 450,000 points! ] 【

Peak cultivation: 150,000 points! 】 【

Future No Life Sutra: 850,000 points! 】 】


There are many other miscellaneous exchange options.

But Gu Qing didn't need it at all.

I picked out only three items that I was ready to redeem and checked the points I needed.

"Good fellow, this wave has to bleed again!"

But that's not all.

Gu Qing opened the total exchange list again, and at the top was the exchange entry for the power of incense and the power of faith.

All are convertible sustainably.

At this point, among the entries that had been redeemed empty, the redeemable option appeared later.

Because when Gu Qing was simulating, the time of the world was flowing.

Wuzong Wuzu and another vest were also receiving incense offerings.

Naturally, a large amount of incense will power has accumulated.

These can be redeemed.

[300 years of incense wish power (sustainable exchange): 655,000 points! ] 】

【300 years of incense wish power (sustainable exchange): 750,000 points! 】


After Gu Qing saw it, he only felt that his teeth were a little painful.

He just looked at his points, and he felt quite a lot.

As a result, as soon as I turned my head, I couldn't even exchange it!

It's not enough at all!

There was no way, so I had to continue to brush points.

Gu Qing looked at the simulation point, and there were more than 1.6 million.

Don't stay any more, directly carry out one hundred and sixty simulations of the primary Reiki recovery world!

After all of it, 480,000 points were earned.

In addition to what he originally had, it was only more than 2.1 million points.

But there is still no way to redeem all the incense power.

The three hundred years that belonged to the Martial Ancestor of the Martial Sect were really helpless.

Gu Qing had to exchange the rest of the things first.

Wait until you earn more demo points and earn more points.

Then exchange the three hundred years of incense and fire power.


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