Before he wasn't sure what the other party was, Gu Qing didn't plan to go head-to-head.

Instead, he wanted to get Neptune out first.

Then ask him again to see what happened.

But this guy didn't plan to let Gu Qing leave easily.

Then what else is there to say, just start fighting!

The thunder fire released by the Great Sun Shinjun could not effectively damage this gel-like substance.

It doesn't mean that Gu Qing can't help.

The rushing thunder and fire rushed in all directions.

The gel-like substance is melted immediately after contact.

Even the pink mist could not condense and directly turned into nothing.

Gu Qing took off into the air and looked down.

I saw that the huge gelatinous substance like a plain was constantly trembling.

Condensation then begins.

The result is a large lump of meat about 300 meters.

The exterior also turned dark red, as if it were the muscles of some creature.

Has some textures and lines.

And it is also an infinitive red muscle mass.

Various creeps and shapes are happening all the time.

Gu Qing's brows frowned slightly, because he felt an unknowable aura on this gel-like substance.

When I just used thunder fire to incinerate it, I also received a reminder from the simulation point.

This gel-like substance is alive, and its strength is about above the peak of the blazing sun.

But it is not an ominous existence of ancient times.

Coupled with the unknowable aura that he possessed, it obviously did not belong to it.

It was enough for Gu Qing to judge that there was still an unknowable existence behind it!

It is precisely for this reason that it has not become an unknown ancient one.

As we all know, the ancient unknown is because there is no hope of promotion to the agnostic level, in order to maintain life, it is necessary to change the life form through various taboo-like means.

In the end, it became an unknown ancient one.

And this gel-like substance, backed by an agnostic existence, may have the confidence to advance smoothly.

No radical measures were taken.

That's why it's not an ancient unknown.

After all, there is a right way to go, who would want to go astray?

"No matter who is behind you, since you have decided to provoke me, then prepare to be killed!"

For this gel-like substance, Gu Qing wanted to erase it, naturally it was hand-to-hand.

It's just that the existence behind it makes Gu Qing have some doubts.

But considering that even if he keeps his hand, the other party may further target him.

Gu Qing still decided not to do one or the other!

Just erase it!

After all, the fact that Neptune is lost here is the best proof of this.

In this way, the enemy's strength can also be reduced.

In addition, Gu Qing had another suspicion.

That is the agnostic level behind this gel-like substance, could it be the existence that I saw from the memory of the big skull before?

Thinking of this, Gu Qing directly sacrificed Qiankunding.

A large number of Shangqing innate true flames surged inside, and the jelly-like substance constantly emitted pink mist, but it didn't help at all.

It was then thoroughly trained to form a meat egg with a diameter of only five meters.

It was sucked into the air.

[Absorb filthy qi, simulation point +660590]

After turning back to refine it into a soul bead, Gu Qing devoured it again.

See what is behind it.

Before the other party comes to the door, take precautions.

After solving the matter here, Gu Qing immediately left the deep pit.

In the city of Iranic, a place to stay.

At this time, the chaos in Iranik City is not over, but after the city lord's people enter the bottom of the pit and find that there is nothing there, presumably this farce will end quickly.

Gu Qing didn't care about the crowd outside the window, and first released Neptune from the Blazing Hall.

At this time he was still in a deep sleep.

Gu Qing frowned slightly, using the power of the divine soul to probe.

Sure enough, it was found that Neptune was wrapped in a pink substance.

This is the real reason why he can't wake up.

Gu Qing tried it and found that this pink substance was actually very closely connected to Neptune Divine Soul.

Once the operation is not good, it is easy to hurt his spirit.

I suddenly felt a little troublesome.

After thinking about it, let's refine the gel-like substance first and see if you can find any way to crack it from it.

Sacrifice Qiankunding and urge Shangqing Innate True Flame.

The gelatinous substance inside is constantly calcined.

It became more and more solidified, gradually vaporized, and became a pink mist.

Then the mist began to solidify again, eventually forming a pale pink soul bead.

Although this guy is not unknown, he also has stronger strength than the peak of the blazing sun.

Not only did Neptune fall into its hands, but even Dai Ri Zhenjun almost suffered a big loss.

If it weren't for Gu Qing's personal action, I'm afraid it would really not be easy to get out.

It doesn't take long to devour and refine the soul beads.

With Gu Qing's current strength, it was easy to digest it.

It is in stark contrast to when it was still at the peak of the blazing sun.

Then, Gu Qing began to check the memory of the colloidal substance.

From the source, this gel-like substance was originally a cosmic creature.

It is hosted on a planet and has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years.

It gradually eroded all the creatures on that planet.

After millions of years, the entire planet was finally digested.

Then, it was caught by an unknown being passing by.

The existence seems to be outside its comprehension, and it cannot observe the form of the other party in any way.

But Gu Qing understood that this should be the owner of the unknowable aura he perceived.

The being then adopted the gelatinous substance as a pet.

and named it Baptster.

Although Baptst could not observe the true form of the owner, after a long time together, he also summarized the law.

The most commonly used form of the owner is a humanoid creature shrouded in an insect-like carapace.

The name is Quentin.

Subsequently, Gu Qing discovered a very serious problem!

That is the unknowable existence, although the level of life is sublimated and becomes an existence that all beings cannot understand.

But it still can't shake time!

For example, if someone kills Neptune in the future and refines his spirit, they can check his memory.

And at that time node in the memory, Gu Qing happened to be present.

If Gu Qing could shake the time, he could detect that someone was spying on him outside of time!

And from this, deduce the fate of Neptune later.

However, now, Gu Qing thought about it carefully, he did not have this ability.

And the unknowable being named Quentin in Baptster's memory does not have this ability.

But when he was refining the soul bead of the big skull and checking his memory, the incomprehensible green giant creature found him spying in the shadows.

You even want to do it to him!

Fortunately, with the protection of the system, Gu Qing was able to be safe and sound.

At that time, Gu Qing was still at the peak of the blazing sun.

So it is normal to think that the existence is agnostic.

However, now it seems that being able to feel time and shake time to this extent is not at all unknowable.

The other party is likely to be an existence beyond the agnostic level!


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