It's a pity that Gu Qing has just entered the unknowable level now, and he can't clearly feel what kind of realm he will reach after breaking through the unknowable level.

This discovery made Gu Qing's heart rise again with a sense of crisis!

I thought that after I upgraded, I already had enough self-protection ability.

Unexpectedly, he underestimated the strength of the enemy before!

Even if it is agnostic, it is probably not the opponent of that existence!

"This is trouble!"

What is clear now is that the existence behind Baptster is not the one he had imagined.

You'll have to keep watching.

See what is the connection between this agnostic existence and the one behind the big skull.

Or as Gu Qing thought before, Neptune was attacked by Baptster just a coincidence, and there was no connection between them.

Baptster is a special life form with a very long lifespan.

Before encountering Quentin, it had survived for millions of years.

And after that, I don't know how many years have passed.

Basically, the memories that were not very important were all skipped by Gu Qing.

Finally came the section that interested him.

A hundred years ago, Baptster followed his master Quentin to earth.

Their goal was to find a mudstone slab.

Finally, ten years ago, they found the mudstone slab.

And read the name on it.

So a taboo exists and awakens from the river of time.

Returned to the world.

"It's Him!"

The existence that had awakened from the river of time did not appear in Baptster's memory.

But Gu Qing still had a feeling of being targeted.

It's just that the other party did not act rashly.

The feeling of being targeted made Gu Qing feel very familiar.

It was the existence that he saw in the memory of the big skull!

No wonder that in the memory of the big skull, he felt the incomprehensible green existence, and he was not surprised by his appearance.

There was even a feeling of seeing him.

It turned out that according to the timeline, when he had just woken up from the river of time, he had already sensed Gu Qing's existence!

Later, when he woke up the big skull, he found Gu Qing.

No wonder he chose to strike directly at Gu Qing!

At the same time, a memory also surfaced in Gu Qing's mind.

When he was still on Blue Mercury.

The first time he entered the wilderness, he was with Ji Ziyao, one of the nine generals in the special bureau.

But not long after entering the wilderness, Ji Ziyao received an important piece of information.

It is claimed that someone has pronounced the name of the mudstone tablet, awakening the forbidden existence that sleeps in the river of time!

Then he left in a hurry, leaving behind a confused Gu Qing.

At that time, Gu Qing was still thinking that the sky had collapsed and there was a tall man on top.

I put this matter behind me.

Unexpectedly, many years later, he really let him run into it!

Simply outrageous!

Gu Qing pouted and sighed about the impermanence of the world, after the large intestine wrapped the small intestine.

He decided to continue watching Baptster's memory.

For some time afterwards, Baptster and his owner were dormant in Blue Mercury.

During this period, there were also confrontations with special games.

It's a pity that the Special Bureau can't do anything to them at all.

Until some time ago, I entered the fantasy dreamland.

Baptster is responsible for luring Neptune over and devouring him.

And its owner personally went to Dillas-Lin Harbor to solve Gu Qing.


After reading all this, Gu Qing found that the assumption he had made before was not valid.

These guys are really with the big skull and Gunaba.

Behind everything, it all points to the incomprehensible green being.

He is not an old ruler or an alien god.

But it also has a power that Gu Qing is difficult to match.

It's just that for some reason, he didn't enter the dream realm himself.

It's just a constant dispatch of subordinates.

And the purpose is also clear, that is, to release the sealed water lizard.

In the fantasy dreamland, there are many sealed old dominators.

But his purpose is just the lizard.

In addition, the most distinctive feature of the water lizard is the green mist!

It couldn't help but make Gu Qing suspect that there might be some kind of connection between the two!

First he sent the Great Skull, and after his defeat, he sent Gunaba to act with Quentin's master and servant.

Gunaba's mission is to go to the place where the water lizard is sealed.

Accept the transformation of the green mist and become a container for the spiritual will of the water lizard to descend on the part.

Become His doppelganger.

The task of Quentin's master and servant is to solve Gu Qing and Neptune .

It's just that I don't know why, Quentin, who went to Dilas Lin Gang to find Gu Qing, never made a move.

Gu Qing rubbed his chin, guessing that the other party should have felt his breath and successfully broke through to the unknowable level.

That's why out of caution, I didn't shoot.

As a result, after Gu Qing left Dilas-Lin Harbor, without finding Neptune , he went directly to the lake where the water lizard was sealed.

Then crashed into Gunaba, which was undergoing transformation.

After a fierce battle, the opponent's scheme was crushed again.

Gu Naba was also killed by Gu Qing, and even the corpse was put away as a sacrifice for the future lord to condense in the future.

After Gu Qing returned to Iranic City, even Baptster was solved by him.

But Quentin, who was its owner, still did not appear.

It's as if it has disappeared.

Now, it's a bit confusing.

Gu Qing is not afraid of the other party's appearance, the big deal is a battle!

But now that the other party is hiding in the shadows, before he is not sure what kind of calculation he is making, this feeling of having to be on guard at all times is really a bit of a diaphragm.


Gu Qing let out a long breath.

I thought that in the days of dreamland, it would be more leisurely.

Unexpectedly, unknowingly, he was involved in a huge whirlpool.

But now he can't leave the dreamland.

Once you leave, you are likely to be noticed by the cosmic alarm clock Gehros.

At that time, it will definitely be found by the other party.

This kind of existence that even the old dominators regarded as a huge fear, and whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to find Gu Qing, I was afraid that the final result would not be too good.

Because the gap between the two sides is too big, even if the other party has no intention of hurting Gu Qing, it only needs to be an unintentional action.

It may set off a huge chain reaction and cause damage to Gu Qing that is difficult to recover.

It is even possible to wipe it out directly!

Not to mention, what if the Cosmic Alarm Clock is not a good thing to find Gu Qing?

Then Gu Qing didn't have any room to resist!

Therefore, he needs to take advantage of this hundred years gap to strengthen himself as much as possible.

At the very least, you must also have the strength to communicate normally with the big alarm clock of the universe!

Retracting his thoughts, Gu Qing looked at Neptune who was lying on the bed not far away.

From Baptster's memory just now, Gu Qing had already understood its specific structure.

Although this kind of life form is peculiar, once the principle is known, it is still very easy to deal with.

According to the method, Gu Qing easily removed the pink substance wrapped around Neptune Divine Soul.

I saw Neptune trembling and gradually woke up.

When I opened my eyes, I still looked a little dazed.

After seeing Gu Qing, he understood that he was saved.

Excitedly said, "Gu! I don't know how to thank you! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have lost my life many times! Gu

Qing's complexion was not very good.

Waving his hand, he said: "Don't say more if you are polite, I have good news here, a bad news, which one are you going to listen to first?" "


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