This is also the reason why when I was a mortal, I wanted to look for immortal yuan, but I could never find it.

Because even if an immortal cultivator is standing in front of you, you can't recognize him.

It is impossible to recognize the other party's cultivation at all, and unless the other party takes the initiative to show and admit it, a mortal cannot feel the immortal cultivator.

After all, immortal cultivators are also human beings, and they are no different from ordinary people in appearance.

Ordinary people do not have enough eyesight, and they can't tell the difference between ordinary people and immortal cultivators.

But now you have truly entered the immortal path and become a member of the immortal cultivators.

Then you will be able to feel the presence of other immortal cultivators.

But a year has passed, and you haven't found a single immortal cultivator at all.

Even Fang Ting was nowhere to be seen.

Not to mention what kind of Immortal Cultivation Sect it is, there is no trace at all. [

133 years old: You have been searching for nearly two years, and your footprints have exceeded the range you had traveled when you walked the rivers and lakes before.

You once again feel the vastness of this world, but your purpose has still not been achieved, and you still do not see the slightest trace of immortal cultivators.

[134 years old: You're still searching. [

135 years old: You found some clues this day, although you didn't really see other immortal cultivators, but these clues guided you.

It makes you feel that there is a good chance that you will actually find traces of immortal cultivators.

After some twists and turns, you finally come to a place.

It doesn't look out of the ordinary, but when you actually step into it, you find that it is full of prohibitions.

On the ground are the corpses and bones of a large number of creatures, including various animals.

There are tigers, lions, horses, rabbits, mice, birds...

They have all been reduced to bones.

Among these white bones, you also see many white bones that belong to humans.

They all seem to have triggered the ban here, which is why they died here.

You can't help but be wary, you know you're not looking in the wrong place.

It is very likely that there will really be traces of immortal cultivators here.

But at the same time, you also know that it is very dangerous, and you can see it from the bones.

You are cautious, but you are not afraid to retreat.

This danger alone is not enough to make you hold back.

As you move forward, some prohibitions are triggered by you, but their power seems to have diminished a lot.

Maybe it's been too long, and you already have the cultivation of the foundation building period now, although you don't know any spells, but your strength is already very good.

And you are still an immortal cultivator who entered with martial arts, although those martial arts are much weaker than the spells of immortal cultivation, but after all, it is the only means you can get your hands on now.

Although you can't use spells, you still have some self-preservation strength when using your previous martial arts.

With spiritual power as a boost, your previous martial arts power has been drastically improved.

There were thrills along the way, you broke through this prohibition, and sure enough, you saw the real scene that was covered up behind the formation.

The pavilions here are very dense, and there are many magnificent halls, and it is obvious that this is the Immortal Cultivation Sect you are looking for.

But for some reason, there is a dead silence here, nothing.

And many of the buildings are dilapidated.

A hint of foreboding arises in your heart.

He quickly jumped up and entered this sect.

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