When you entered this Immortal Cultivation Sect, you suddenly had a very strange feeling.

It's like entering another world.

But you know that you're still in this world, and you're not really going to other worlds.

It's just an illusion on your part.

And this illusion comes from the abnormality that has occurred in this sect.

You don't know what happened to this sect, but looking at its abandoned appearance now, you know that it will definitely not be a good thing.

Although there may be strange, unknown dangers here.

But you've been looking for so long, and you don't have any clues.

And now it is hard to find an Immortal Cultivation Sect, although it may contain unknowable danger.

But you also have no choice.

You have to check it out.

Otherwise, even if you retreat, you will not be willing.

You carefully looked in this sect, and then you found a broken plaque, which turned out to be called the Gui Yuan Sect.

At this moment, you found that although there was a dead silence in this sect, there was not a single living person, but it did not mean that there were no dead people here.

Because you found some strange traces, this trace shows that there is something moving in this sect.

But this thing has no life at all, and you are attacked by one of them.

Nine dead people barely escaped, but you were also blessed with misfortune, because the attack of this thing caused you to accidentally enter a secret room.

You found some spirit stones in the secret room, but these spirit stones did not know what kind of force eroded them, or they were left for too long.

It was gray, and there was not much spiritual power contained in it.

But even so, it is much stronger than those scattered and broken spirit stones that you collected from the people before.

And the number of these spirit stones is not quite large, and you quickly put them away under the surprise.

In addition to this, you also found a space ring.

From it, you found a lot of immortal cultivation resources, but a large part of these immortal cultivation resources have been eroded by that strange power and become unusable.

But there are also some that maintain a little bit of spirituality, and you find a book of refining exercises and a book of magical methods in them.

The refining technique is only the most common refining technique, but that book of magical methods is indeed very good.

The grade of this magical method should not be low, and the name "Different Phase Return to the Yuan"

is the signature magical power of this Returning Yuan Sect, and you are immediately very surprised.

Because what you are practicing now, whether it is the Divine Turtle Tuna Technique or the Old Turtle Survival Trial Method, it is just a cultivation exercise.

One is used to cultivate and store spiritual power, and the other is to cultivate divine consciousness, and there is no magic power at all.

The means you are using now are still the martial arts you learned in the rivers and lakes, but now those martial arts can no longer keep up with your strength.

It's just barely working.

And now that you have the heterogeneous return, you will definitely be able to get very good help, so that you can have the strength to protect yourself.

This spell is very peculiar, and can condense all kinds of different phases.

These heterogeneous phases can bring a variety of different effects.

Or defense or attack, or a variety of other magical effects.

And when the different phases return to the Yuancheng, you can summarize all these different phases into yourself.

Thoroughly achieve integration, greatly improve their own strength.

Extremely powerful.

It's just that although you are not deeply involved in the world and are very unfamiliar with everything in the Immortal Cultivation World, you still feel very excited after seeing the introduction of this magical spell.

Because you can feel that the power of this magical spell is powerful, and the grade is definitely not low.

Even in the Immortal Cultivation World, it is definitely a very powerful and coveted magical spell.

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