[258 years old: Fang Miaozhu noticed this kind of thoughts of yours, she knew that you were for her good, but she did not want you to do this.

For her, the most important thing is that you leave all distractions together and spend your last time with her.

You even had contradictions and disagreements because of this, and you quarreled. [

259 years old: You finally know Fang Miaozhu's intentions and really let go of the obsession in your heart.

You knew that it was irretrievable, so just like Fang Miaozhu said, you let go of all the distractions in your heart and devoted yourself to the last period of time with her. [

260 years old: Fang Miaozhu is pregnant.

You didn't expect that she would actually get pregnant, and you thought about having offspring, but this feeling is extremely complicated.

On the one hand, having offspring is the crystallization of the love between you and Fang Miaozhu, and it is also the most precious and close person to you after Fang Miaozhu leaves.

Of course you will be happy.

Fang Miaozhu is also worried that you miss her too deeply because she is leaving, so she wants to give birth to a descendant to distract you.

Let you transfer your love for her to your children.

But what Fang Miaozhu doesn't know is that you are very worried about another thing, that is, whether what happened to Fang Miaozhu now will continue to repeat itself in your children in the future.

After all, you have the Dao Fruit of Immortality.

You will never die.

But your descendants are not, and you really don't want what happened today to be repeated in the future. [

261 years old: Your offspring was finally born, it was a boy, and you named him Gu Nianzhu in honor of Fang Miaozhu. [

262 years old: Gu Nianzhu is already one year old, he is a very lively child and very cute, your family of three returned to the Demon Dragon Dynasty after playing.

At this time, the Demon Dragon Dynasty is still the same as when you left.

Subsequently, Fang Miaozhu announced that Gu Nianzhu would be crowned prince.

The news immediately shocked the world, but no one dared to raise an objection. 【

263 years old: Under your careful care, Gu Nianzhu grew up healthy and happy.

At the same time, you will also begin to teach him the Immortal Cultivation Exercises, perhaps in the case of cultivating from a young age, it may allow him to go a little further.

Also make the kind of scenario you are worried about come a little late.

You even have a luxury, that is, Gu Nianzhu's talent is very strong, and he can go on the road of cultivating immortals forever.

This way you don't need to worry about the life and death parting scene happening to you again. [

264 years old: Fang Miaozhu has not many years of life, and now every minute is counting down.

You also feel more and more heartache, you are very reluctant, but there is no way. [

270 years old: At this time, Fang Miaozhu was already very weak, and her life was almost coming to an end.

And Gu Nianzhu also grew up to 10 years old.

What surprised you was that I don't know if it was because of the reason that he had been cultivating since he was a child, Gu Nianzhu's cultivation talent seemed to be higher than Fang Miaozhu.

Now that she has started the Immortal Cultivation Technique, this also makes Fang Miaozhu very gratified, she has no regrets. [

271 years old: Fang Miaozhu, as a female emperor, died.

On this day, the whole nation mourned.

At the same time, Gu Nianzhu also succeeded to the throne as a prince and ascended the throne as emperor.

Although he is still young, he has also made some decisions since he was a child, and most of the time he does not need to make decisions at all.

The Demon Dragon Dynasty is already a qualified huge machine capable of running at full speed on its own. 】

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