[272 years old: With the assistance of some loyal courtiers in the dynasty, plus you as a national teacher and father to protect, Gu Nianzhu has firmly sat in the position of the emperor and controlled the entire Demon Dragon Dynasty. ] [

273 years old: Gradually, you find that Gu Nianzhu doesn't seem to like cultivation very much.

He prefers the feeling of being an emperor, and you have seriously asked him if he wants to be an emperor or if he wants to practice hard with you.

He finally chose to become the emperor, and you also feel a little helpless and sighing, because Gu Nianzhu has been relatively lively since he was a child, and it seems that he is not a character who can settle down.

Although his cultivation talent is higher than Fang Miaozhu, he can't practice hard, you think this may be because of the nature of children.

It just so happens that you are now on the verge of a breakthrough, so you plan to retreat for a while and let Gu Nianzhu think about it.

Perhaps when he grows up a little more, he can understand that only his own strength is fundamental.

The so-called emperor is not worth mentioning at all, if he has great strength, any imperial family is just an unnecessary foreign object. [

281 years old: After this period of retreat, your cultivation has finally grown to the peak of foundation building.

However, just by relying on the Divine Turtle Tuna Technique you are currently cultivating, and the old turtle Preservation Divine Method, it is really not an easy task to break through from the peak of foundation building to the Jiedan period.

Among the exercises you have mastered, it is a little more advanced.

But the return to the Metamorphosis is just a magical spell.

Therefore, if you want to successfully break through the Jiedan period, it seems that you need to find another way, or slowly stay up.

Fortunately, you are not in a hurry, because you have an endless lifespan, even the most poorly qualified people, through long-term continuous honing, the accumulation of years can reach a high realm and strength.

What's more, your qualifications are not bad, even if you don't need to build a foundation dan, you can successfully break through to the foundation building period. [

282 years old: After you got out of customs, you found that your son Gu Nianzhu is now 22 years old.

He was now a qualified emperor, and although he had been his emperor all these years, he had not given up cultivation at the same time.

His strength has reached the middle of the Qi training period.

You are still quite satisfied with this, but Gu Nianzhu's attitude makes you a little dissatisfied.

Because he is still relatively nostalgic for worldly power and wealth.

I didn't want to practice hard and finally transcend all understanding.

This makes you a little disappointed, you originally just thought that he was more playful, and after giving him these times to let him be presumptuous, you didn't expect him to still think this way. [

283 years old: Gu Nianzhu is not even satisfied with his current status and power.

He wants to go higher because he has been with you since he was a child.

It can be said that he has stepped on thousands of mountains and rivers, and knows that outside the Demon Dragon Dynasty, there is a wider world.

And he is not only limited to the Demon Dragon Dynasty, he wants to summarize the outer territories into the territory of the Demon Dragon Dynasty.

For this reason, he even started a war and began to invade neighboring countries.

Want to expand the territory.

In fact, in your opinion, although the Demon Dragon Dynasty is definitely only the tip of the iceberg for the entire world, it is not even the tip of the iceberg, it is only a very small place.

But for mortals, this territory is already not small.

You didn't expect that Gu Nianzhu, after being an emperor for so many years, not only did he not converge his heart, but even his desires and ambitions were even more inflated.

You're so embarrassed by this that you don't know what to do. 】

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