At this time, a day had passed since the end of the war.

Cosetes had already led his army back to Nassalik.

This time, Nassalik's 200,000-strong army suffered a total of 2,000 casualties, a total of 70,000 enemy undead, 29,032 subhuman elite troops, and 968 prisoners.

Some of the captives were given to the Stronghold's Worst Hunger Kitsune King.

The Hungry Fox King is the realm guardian of the sixth layer of the Great Cave, and his Zerg dependents need to build a nest in the human body.

There weren't enough living creatures before, and this time it's all made up.

There is also Grant, the guardian of the spider web domain, who also lacks a lot of physical body to build a nest for his children, so he also allocates some to her.

There were still two or three hundred captives left to be temporarily held in the Ice Jie Prison on the fourth floor.

As for the more than 20,000 corpses, Lin Ming was ready to keep them for the undead summoning.

With flesh and blood sacrifices, the summoned undead will become more powerful, which is not comparable to ordinary skeleton cannon fodder.

It is equivalent to nearly 30,000 more undead legions in Nassalik.

After a battle, the only one who did not decrease but increased his troops was Nasalik.


Nassalik, Between the Thrones.

Lin Ming sat on the throne, and below him were the main cadres of Nasalik.

Not only the guardians, but also members of the ghost human clan such as Ziyuan, Zhu Cai, and Bai Lao were also present.

And, of course, the leader of the Warcraft Legion, Su Su.

Everyone knelt on one knee respectfully at this moment, waiting for Lin Ming to speak.

"Get up!"

"It's been a hard time. When

they heard this, they got up.

"You guys did a great job in this battle with Kistau. Hearing this

, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly relaxed a little, and everyone smiled.

"Since the establishment of the Principality of Nasalik, you have all fulfilled your mission well.

"Ziyuan, Bai Lao, Zhu Cai, come forward!"

Hearing this, the three of them stepped forward and lowered their heads.

"It's hard work to be in charge of heavy work for a long time.

"In recognition of your excellent work, I would like to reward you.

"Shion, do you have anything you want, as long as I can do it, I can mention it. Hearing

Lin Ming's words, Ziyuan was a little hesitant, she shook her head after thinking about it.

"It is my honor to work for Lord Lin Ming.

"You deserve it, and it bothers me not to want anything."

Then Aster spoke her mind.

"Well, in fact, I want to be a warrior more than management...... If I can, I still want to try to become a chef......

" ......The

corners of Lin Ming's mouth twitched, he had finally killed Su Su, the "kitchen god", but he couldn't let Ziyuan become the next.

"Ahem, that, you can find a suitable person to take over the position of the head of administration, now that the Principality of Nasalik is on the right track, there will be no cumbersome problems.

"At present, there is no suitable candidate for the head of the orc legion, if you want, I can let you take the position. "

Really, great, thank you, sir!" Ziyuan

looked at Lin Ming in surprise, and then retreated excitedly.

As for the chef or something, Lin Ming didn't say a word.

"Is there anything you want?"


" Zhu Cai hesitated for a moment and said, "I've read all the magic books in the library, and if I can, I want to learn more about magic."

"That's fine.

Lin Ming directly agreed, "Kistawu's magic is very advanced, and their magic books can be given to you when the time comes."

At this moment, a gleam flashed in Dimiugos's eyes, and he immediately understood.

"However, if it's just magic, I can let you enter the Sakura Sanctuary and learn Xi from Oleelle. "

Cherry Blossom Sanctuary?"

Zhu Cai was slightly stunned.

"You'll know when the time comes. "

Thank you, Lord Lin Ming!" Lin

Ming waved his hand to signal that he was not welcome.

"What about Bai Lao, it should be very hard to train 200,000 troops, is there anything you want?"

Bai Lao smiled, his face full of amiability.

"Roar, if Lord Lin Ming really wants to give the old man something, give me a few students.

"The soldiers have graduated, and I won't have anything to do in the future."


The corners of Lin Ming's mouth twitched again, but he didn't expect Bai Lao to be quite dark in his heart.

"Hmm...... Nasalik's words may not be eligible for a while, but that's okay.

"After a while, I'll let you abuse, no, teach my third brother, his person definitely meets your expectations. "

Roar, roar, then the old man will thank you. After the

three of them retreated, Lin Ming continued to reward them.

"Sebas, it's been a hard time, do you have anything you want?"

"Where, it's my supreme honor to be able to serve adults.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Sebas fell silent.

There were some things he really didn't know how to speak.

At this time, Albede seemed to know something, and spoke.

"Master, Sebas manages too many things every day, and he should be sent a helper. Lin

Ming seemed to realize something, so he continued with Yalbed's words.


sense, Sebas

!" "Yes!"

"Since you don't say it, let's get you a special assistant to lighten your workload."

"As for the candidates, you can choose them yourself, no problem with anyone.

Sebas was slightly stunned when he heard this, "But, is it okay?"

"Of course

!" "Thank you, sir!"

Sebas hurriedly bowed to Lin Mingshen to express his gratitude.

"Alright, next, Suoliuxiang.

"Is there anything you want?"

Suoliuxiang said with a blank face, "Please reward me with a few humans, it would be better if they were alive." Sure

enough, Suo Liuxiang never forgot about eating people or something.

"Well, if you're a living human, there are still a lot of criminals in the mines, that's fine. "

Thank you Lord Lin Ming for your gift

!" "What about Ethoma?"

"Dim Sum~~ My subordinates want to eat human-tasting biscuits!" "

I haven't tasted subhuman either, if I can......

" Lin Ming nodded, "There are still a lot of Bingjie Prisons, no problem."

"Thank you, Lord Lin Ming, who is so merciful and compassionate!"

After that, Lin Ming rewarded the rest of the Pleiades one by one.

Heath loves furry things, so she has a room full of stuffed dolls.

Lupus Regina (Wolf Girl) because she likes to hear the screams of desperate people.

Therefore, Lin Ming specially approved that she could enter Bingjie Prison freely, and as long as the prisoner did not die, she could be tossed at will.

After that, the eldest sister Yuri and the iceberg beauty Nabelal also gave the items they wanted.

And then came the Guardians.

"Dimiurgos, say what you want!" <

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Nabelal Gamma

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