Dimiugos stepped forward slowly, respectfully kneeling on one knee.

"Serving the Supreme Being is already the highest wish of your subordinates, and if it is a reward...... "

Whatever your Excellency gives, it is the supreme glory of the Lord."

Lin Ming pondered for a long time, and then took off the ring of Anzi Urgong in his hand.

"I'll give you this union ring. "

This ......" Dimiugos was a little surprised, the meaning of this ring is not simple.

"Take it, it's my reward for your loyalty.

Dimiugos took the ring excitedly, and although his face was impassive, the frequency of the tail wagging behind him increased much faster.

"Then what about Yaula, what reward do you want?" Yaula

grinned, "My lord, I want a rare Warcraft, the Warcraft Legion ......

" "Eh?!Yaura, that's my subordinate, I won't give it to you!"

Before he could finish speaking, Susu jumped out and stopped Yaura's proposal.

Yaula pursed her lips, she could be said to have missed those magical beasts.


" "The Warcraft Legion will be stationed in the forest on the sixth layer in the future, and you will be able to see it every day in the future."

"But after all, it's all handed over to Su Su, and if it's a rare magical beast, Miriam's territory has a lot.

"You can go and catch it yourself, but remember to do it in moderation. "

No problem, thank you, sir!"

Aula nodded excitedly.

Later, when it was Cosetus' turn, he offered to work with the Black Guards on ways to forge stronger weapons.

As a master weapon, Cosetus' forging skills are not bad.

But his forging technique is different from others, others use fire, he uses ice.

This kind of good request, Lin Ming naturally agreed.

As for Ma Lei's words, he actually wanted a world chronicle, although Lin Ming didn't know what he was coming for, he still found him a copy.

Finally, when asked about Shatiya and Yarbed, Lin Ming began to have a headache.

"Master, I want a special reward, preferably my own ......,"

said Albede, resting his hand on his lower abdomen.

Shatiya was less tactful and said bluntly, "I want to give birth to an heir for my master." "

Huh, are you a vampire fertile

?" "Are you capable as a succubus?" "

Hehe, I can use a spirit body to combine with my master and give birth to a new spirit body."

"You, it's completely out of the way. The

two faced each other-for-tat, looking tense, and Lin Ming could only sigh.

"Stop arguing, let's get another reward. "


in the end, because the two don't have anything they want at the moment, the reward is kept for the time being.

When everyone was rewarded, Lin Ming stopped his eyes on Su Su, who was full of anticipation.

"Say, what do you want?"

Su Su's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I'm going out to play, and the master can't take care of me. "

It's because the wings are stiff, and I want to fly.

Lin Ming raised his eyebrows slightly, "Are you sure? I don't care if someone else takes me away." "

Su Su is very powerful now, so he won't be bullied by others!" Seeing Su

Su's sworn appearance, Lin Ming didn't say more.

"Okay. "

"Fantastic, thank you hosts.

"I don't care where you want to go, anywhere else except the Eastern Empire.

"And it's not too late to wait until the founding festival is over to go on an adventure." "

Founding Sacrifice?"

Not only Su Su, but everyone below also raised their heads in confusion.

"Dimiugos, have you preserved the images of this battle?"

Lin Ming turned to Dimiugos, who immediately nodded, "It's already there." "

Publish the image around the world and tell the world that Nasalik has stood on the world stage.

"Just declare this feat with the death of 100,000 soldiers of Kistau. "

Yes, my lord!"

Dimiurgos' eyes instantly became hot.

He couldn't wait!

Lin Ming waved his hand.

"I declare that the Principality of Nasalik is officially established!" "

Ten days later, a founding ceremony will be held to celebrate the official establishment of the Principality of Nasalik. Immediately

, everyone reacted and knelt down on one knee in unison.

"Long live the Supreme!" xN "Long live

Nassalik!" "xN


The meeting ended successfully, and everyone left the tomb excitedly, obviously to prepare for the founding ceremony.

Lin Ming came to the third layer of the cemetery, where there were mountains of corpses.

While the corpse was still fresh, he began to unleash the undead summon.

With the roar of the revenant, the corpses were gradually consumed, and one skeleton knight after another crawled out of hell.

The tall body combined with the pitch-black armor exuded a cold aura, and the terrifying coercion that made people palpitate enveloped the surroundings, making people breathless.

Lin Ming nodded in satisfaction, and then let them be distributed in the first three layers of Nasalik to act as guards.

After doing this, Lin Ming returned to the tenth floor and took out the world prop "Greed and Desirelessness" that he had taken from Ma Lei.

These two battles have given him a ton of experience points, and it's time to level up and break through.



At this moment, he was watching with horror as the monster in front of him approached.

Niroste, the office sin of the five great sins.

Her skin was as white as a drowned corpse, and her body was swollen like a drowned corpse.

Six disgusting tentacles squirmed behind his back, and his octopus-like face was covered with thick lipstick.

At this moment, Niroste was gently caressing Yamsa's face.

"Don't be afraid~ I'll be very gentle. So

saying, she stripped Yamsa of all her clothes.

The sturdy body made Niroste's eyes glow golden, and the swollen body unconsciously pressed against it.

"Don't come here

!" "Kill me! kill me!!"

Yamsa screamed hysterically.



is the first day of the list, and two more chapters have been added.

Happy birthday, meow!

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