Yamsa's resistance, useless.

Niroste directly gagged him with a rope.

"Hmph, are you fascinated by my beauty?"

"But it's a pity, my first time will definitely be handed over to Lord Lin Ming, even if you force you to die, it's useless." "

That little girl in Shatiya and the sow in Yaerbede have actually been favored by Lord Lin Ming.

"But I'm definitely more attractive than them, don't you think?" said

him, several tentacles rubbing back and forth against Yamsa's body.

"Woo, woo!!"

"Sister, I'm the Special Intelligence Gathering Officer of the Great Underground Tomb of Nasalik, Niroste.

"Also known as the Torturer.

"It's rare that Lord Lin Ming has assigned me a task, I must do it well. "

What's next...... We'll be together for a long time~

" "Uh-huh, uh-huh!!"

Yamasa shook her head frantically, her eyes full of fear and pleading, tears already rolling in her eyes.

Nirostri took out a steel needle full of barbs.

"If you cry because of this little pain, it will be very uncomfortable later!"

she said, and she stabbed her steel needle into the small hole in Yamasa's fifth limb.



Three days later, in Kleiman's castle.

Miriam and Callion were sitting calmly drinking tea, only Kleiman's face was gloomy.


Miriam looked at Calleon, "That's right, Calleon. "

Well, it's tricky.

Calleone said lightly, "The commander of the other party is a race we have never seen before, not even the Worm Demon Race.

"The opponent's skills are also amazingly strong, and most importantly, those who don't shoot also look strong.

Kleiman's eyes narrowed slightly, "That's why you released the water

?" "Eh, hey, how could it be?"

Miriam smiled innocently, as if she didn't know anything.

Calleone also explained, "You have also seen the other side's army, and if we can't make a move, we will lose in the end.

"Kleiman, you are also the Demon King, you should know that even if you are against such an army of 200,000, are you sure of victory?"


Kleiman was dumbfounded.

Calleon gave him a meaningful look, "By the way, let me warn you, if the other party uses this as an excuse to attack your territory, then you should be careful. "

Miriam was a little surprised, when did Kallion's mouth cannon attack become so powerful?"


Kleiman frowned, of course he knew what was at stake.

If such a thing really happened, with the remaining defensive strength of Kistau, it would not be able to resist the opponent's offensive at all.

Perhaps, he still has to rely on the two nominal allies in front of him.

Thinking about this, he naturally didn't dare to go crazy, and returned to the previous state of "strategizing".

"Hmph, thanks for the reminder, I'll pay attention.

"If that day comes, you won't be able to die. Both

of them were stunned at the same time.

"Haven't you gotten the news yet?" asked Miriam in surprise.

"Know what?"

Kleiman frowned, realizing that things weren't easy.

"An invitation from the Principality of Nasalik.

Miriam pulled out a letter.

"Nasalik was officially founded and held a grand founding festival.

"It seems that except for the Eastern Empire, all the other forces have received an invitation.

"Huh, didn't you receive it?" Kleiman's

face turned grim, and he slammed the table.

"Do you think someone would invite an enemy nation to such a ceremony?"


"Knock knock!"

Just then, there was a sudden knock on the door.

A waiter handed over an invitation.

"Master Kleiman, someone sent this out of the blue.

Kleiman reached out to take it suspiciously, and after a quick glance, he suddenly became furious, "Who sent it!" "

I don't know, the guards outside haven't seen him, and we haven't seen his appearance. "


!" Kleiman shredded the invitation fiercely, "It's humiliating me

!" Miriam blinked, "Are you going then?"

"Fuck the fart!" "


Miriam reassured.

"What am I talking to about with those despicable bugs

?" Kleman said through gritted teeth, "I'm going to kill them all, sure!!"

"Eh, so brutal?"

Miriam was startled, "If you don't go, we'll go." "


Kleiman looked at the two in front of him with resentment, his eyes turned dark red, and his body began to tremble violently.

"You ...... We're going to attend the founding ceremony of an enemy country?!There's an agreement between us!"

Calleon glanced at him indifferently.

"Kleiman, you have to make it clear that the Artificial Demon King project has failed, which means that the agreement between us has failed. "

Well~ Kleiman, don't be angry, you can continue to call me next time you have something fun."

Kleiman's face became more and more hideous, and his chest rose and fell violently a few times, but he still couldn't hold back, and slammed his fist on the arm of the chair.


the wooden chair shattered instantly, and he glared at the two of them viciously, but in the end he did not attack.

If he really wants to fight, he will be the one who suffers.

So, he could only watch the two leave with resentment, scolding in his heart.

These two bastards, wait and see, I'll kill you sooner or later!


Principality of Nasalik.

At this moment, everyone in the city is busy preparing for the celebration in seven days.

The soldiers patrolling the city walls were also excitedly discussing the celebration.

Banners, bunting and lanterns began to be hung in the streets, and countless flowers adorned the streets.

Not only is there a lively atmosphere in the city, but the large underground tomb of Nasalik is also being arranged.

Many Realm Guardians couldn't leave the Great Tomb, so the huge arena on the sixth floor became the venue for celebrations.

The venue was large enough to fully accommodate the members of Nasalik to celebrate.

Unlike the hustle and bustle of the outside world, the meeting room on the tenth floor is extremely quiet.

It was originally a meeting place for the Supreme Gate, a special room that no one could reach.

At this moment, Lin Ming was holding a pair of white gloves, absorbing the experience points inside.

With a massive amount of experience points pouring into his body, his level is skyrocketing.

Finally ......

[When the conditions are met, the level of Lv99 is increased to Lv100......] ......

(Dividing line)

to add Chapter 2.

Lazy forgetful meow, happy birthday!


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