Originally, Lin Ming's level had already reached Lv90.

After consuming most of the experience points in "Greed and Desireless", he successfully broke through to the maximum level of Lv100.

At this moment, the voice of the world suddenly sounded.

"Confirmation of the Human Soul Necessary for Evolutionary Conditions...... Failed, the specified conditions were not

...... [Affected by the laws of another world, the system turned on automatic correction and began energy supply...... Excess XP detected...... Correction opens!]

"The prescribed conditions are met, and the individual begins the evolution of the demon king...... Most of the

experience in "Greed and Desirelessness" disappeared instantly, and Lin Ming suddenly felt weak.

He felt as if his body was about to evolve.

This is the blessing of the laws of the world, and the process of becoming the "true demon king" recognized by this world.

"I'm so sleepy~"

Lin Ming's vision began to become a little blurry, and his consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

"No, you can't stay here and evolve. "

The room was safe, but no one was allowed to come in, and if something went wrong, it would be terrible.

Lin Ming bit the tip of his tongue and tried to regain consciousness.

Then a teleportation came directly in front of Albede.


?" Yarbede exclaimed in surprise, seeing Lin Ming's stumbling appearance, he immediately asked eagerly, "What's wrong with you?"

"Take me back to the room, I want ...... Evolved......"

Lin Ming's voice became lower and lower.

Albede hurriedly picked up Lin Ming, teleported back to the room, and put him on the bed.

"Zhu Cai......

" "Master, now is not the time to think about other women. Albede said angrily.

"Stupid...... Zhu Cai they ...... These named monsters are dangerous...... Send someone immediately...... Bring them back......"

Lin Ming said intermittently, his eyes slowly closed, and he finally fell asleep.

"Notice, Individual Name: Lin Ming's Demon King Evolution Begins

" "At the end of it, blessings will be assigned to the monsters of the next lineage"

This time the voice of the world appeared at the same time, and the monsters who had a soul corridor connection with Lin Ming were in their minds.

The next moment.

The beast-eared maids on the ninth floor, the ghost people in the city, and the high-ranking demons in various positions in the city all heard this hint at this time.

Jarbede received the news from the maids and came to his senses.

(Dimiugos, the master is evolving towards the Demon King, and is in a coma at the moment.)

(Monsters that were previously named by their masters will fall into weakness when they receive blessings, and you bring someone to protect them.)

(Understood, are you okay?)

(It's okay, I've heard adults say it's normal.)

(That's good.)

After the order was given, Yarbede silently accompanied Lin Ming's side.

It didn't take long for Shatiya to appear in the room.

Looking at Lin Ming lying on the bed, she frowned slightly.

"How could the master suddenly evolve into a demon king?"

"I don't know, I can only wait for the master to wake up and ask." "


Just when Lin Ming's consciousness fell into darkness, his mind was not calm.

"Sue! Demon King Evolution Begins, the Body Will Be Reconstructed and Evolve into a New Race

" "Confirm! Race: Unknown, Race Wrong...... The evolutionary direction

of human beings in the ...... of Evolution Termination is not that of the Demon King, and the laws of the world seem to be in trouble.

However, the next moment.

[Race Template Unlocked, Character: Lin Ming, Race

: Immortal Department] "Race: Immortal Department, Super Evolved into Immortal Demon Department...... Success, all capabilities have been greatly improved. Lin

Ming, who was lying motionless on the bed, began to glow with golden light as the words of the Voice of the World fell.

The golden light illuminates the entire bedroom, as dazzling as the sun.

A trace of pain appeared on Lin Ming's face, and then, an extremely strong coercion emanated from his body.

Under this coercion, Albede and Shatia in the room couldn't help but tremble, and involuntarily took two steps back.

This is just the overflow of Lin Ming's power.

His body is undergoing earth-shaking changes!

《Acquire the inherent skills "Star Demon Control", "Perception of Everything", "Demon King Domineering", "Dimensional Manipulation"...... "

Gain Resistance, Evolution, "Physical Attack Invalid", "Magic Attack Invalid", "Natural Influence Invalid", "Status Abnormality Invalid", "Holy Demon Resistance",

......", "Evolution...... It's over!》[

The Otherworldly Skill Library is successfully connected, apply for ability acquisition, and apply for advancement with unique skills "Summoner" and "Source of Time"] "

Notice, the advanced conditions are insufficient...... Fail!》

[Sacrifice the inherent skill "Celestial Surrender", "Rescuer", "Dimensional Controller", request to advance again]

"Sacrifice! Sacrifice the inherent skill "Celestial Arrival", and evolve the unique skill "Summoner...... Succeeded. >

> "The unique ability "Summoner" has evolved into the ultimate ability "King of Summoning

"" "Sacrifice!" Sacrifice the inherent skill "Savener", "Dimensional Controller", and the unique skill "Source of Time" to evolve...... Succeeded. "

The unique ability "Source of Time" has evolved into the ultimate ability "King of Time and Space"

" "Notice! Individual Name: Lin Ming, the Demon King has evolved and began to grant blessings to the monsters under his lineage"

The world has opened a grand soul feast in order to celebrate the birth of the new Demon King.

Within the Principality of Nassalik.

After Dimiugos's rapid coordination, a large number of troops entered the city, protecting the high-ranking demons and ghost people who were still working.

Because before they could take them away, Lin Ming's evolution had already ended, and they suddenly fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

Red Pill arrived in the city with Shiloh and the others, and the result was an irresistible sleepiness.

"Plop plop!" The

hundred ghost people behind him fell to the ground one after another, falling into a state of slumber.

Red Pill collapsed into Shiloh's arms as soon as his body went limp.

"What's going on...... I'm so sleepy~

" "Don't be afraid...... I'll protect you......"

Red Pill always felt that something was wrong.

With Shiloh's assurance, Red Pill slowly fell asleep in her arms.

Gently stroking Red Pill's resolute face, the corners of Shiloh's mouth outlined a smile.

"Oh, I've finally found you.

Dimiugos's voice appeared in front of the two men, followed by a group of soldiers.

The group was immediately protected.

This is happening all over the city.

Hundreds of ghost city guards and red-haired uncles were patrolling the road, and the next moment there was an overwhelming feeling of vertigo.

Fortunately, in addition to the ghosts, there are also many subhumans in the team, and they are not affected and protect the ghosts.

Vermilion is the most relaxed.

In the principal's office of the Academy of Magic, she lay directly on the table, as if she had taken a nap.

As time passed, half an hour later, everyone opened their eyes.

All the evolution is complete!

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