The puppet state of Kittau.

Laplace was talking to Kleiman in his room.

It's funny to see him laughing.

"Kleiman, I'll tell you

, hahahaha......" "That's it, that, hahaha

......" "Guess what I saw this time, our ...... Hahahaha......"


Kleiman felt for the first time that Laplace was really indecent when he was not serious.

"You laugh slowly, and then wait until you're done.

"Don't be angry, I, I'll restrain myself, hahaha......"

Laplace still laughed, causing the bruises on Kleiman's forehead to flare up.

It took a long time for Laplace to recover, and then told him the news of Lord Kazalim's resurrection, and relayed the next plan to Kleiman.

"Hahaha, I see, no wonder you're so happy. "

It's great that Lord Kazalim has been resurrected.

After the greetings, Kleiman, who had received the order, immediately began to carry it out.


In the beast kingdom of Yurasanya, Calleon was drinking the wine brought from Nasalik and the Demon Federation, with a satisfied look on his face.

Suddenly, there was a movement in the Demon King's Ring in his hand.

(Kallion, I need a favor from you.)

The originally slightly drunken Calleone heard Kleiman's summons and immediately reverted to the majesty of the Orc King.

(You have to think about it, and after you pay it back, you don't owe each other.)

(Eh, no problem.)

(Tell me what the hell is going on.)

(I need ...... A

moment later.

Celestial Wing Nation Folbrokia.

Frey was in her study working on her country's papers, and like Callion, Kleiman's Ring had been summoned by Kleiman.

The meaning is the same as the previous arraignment of Kallion.

(Kleiman, what the hell are you doing, I don't want to help you clean up the mess.)

(Ah~ Frey, you are still so ruthless, after doing this, the two do not owe each other.)

Frey rubbed her brow, the lonely queen didn't want to keep in touch with Kleiman.

After experiencing Nasalik's military parade, Frey knew that Kleiman's end was doomed, and she saw it very thoroughly and did not want to wade into this troubled water.

But it's best if this favor can be paid off as soon as possible.

Back then, she and Callion were recommended by Kleiman's old master Kazalim to become the Demon King, and this favor has been owed to this day.

It may be a good choice to draw a line with it as soon as possible.

In the end, she agreed.

But in order to clear herself of responsibility, Frey passed the news to the Demon Federation.


In the White Ice Palace, the corners of Qi Yi's mouth outlined a playful smile.

Just now, Kleiman's communication reached him, and as planned by Lin Ming, everything went well.

Looking at Lin Ming, who was sitting across from him calmly drinking tea and teasing Lei Yin from time to time, Qi Yi couldn't help but secretly admire.

He felt that Lin Ming was more suitable to be a chess player.

Compared with his own plan, Lin Ming's calculations are even more unpredictable, and they can also ensure that they are foolproof.

"Are you so sure that they will hold a Demon King Banquet?"

Facing the puzzled Qi Yi, Lin Ming shook his head calmly.

"Only the Demon King's feast can lure Luminas away, and Rozo's purpose is not to fight the Holy War at all, but to serve the one in the Holy Chest. "

Yuki, who thought he was in the fifth layer, never thought that this guy Gulambel should not be strictly speaking 'strong desire' in the atmosphere, but we are in the cosmic layer.

Facing Lin Ming's incomprehensible words, Qi Yi was even more puzzled.


order to show that he was indeed in the cosmic layer, he could only nod his head with a smile on his face, and then pretend to be what he had expected.

"Okay, I'll take care of the rest, and then it's time for me to perform. "

“...... Ah, leave it to me.

Lin Ming snorted and rubbed Xiao Lei Yin's head, and then left the White Ice Palace in her angry scolding.

Misali seemed to see through Kiyi's voice and asked in a low voice.

"Lord Qui, what are we going to do next?"

"This ......"

Kiy himself was a little confused, and had planned to let Luminas deliberately trigger a holy war, and then lead to instability in the Western countries to stifle it.

At the same time, a feast of the demon king was held to uproot Kleiman, the demon king who likes to do things.

But what holy ark, what Gulambella, what atmosphere cosmic layer.

Kii could still understand what he was doing, but now he was suddenly a little overwhelmed.

Then he thought about it, whatever, it's right to pit Kleiman to death first, and leave the rest of the mess to Lin Ming to take care of by himself.

Kii praised his wit.

"Well, let's continue to hold the Demon King's Feast, since Kleiman can encourage Frey and Calleon, according to the rules, the three Demon Kings are eligible to open it, and Rein will inform the major Demon Kings. "

Yes, Lord Kie.

Reyn was ordered not to stop, and began to get busy, and every time a feast was held, he was responsible for picking up and informing him.

Missari remembered something, and then continued to ask.

"Regarding the proposal for this feast, does the Lord of the Monster named Rimuru need to send someone

to inform him?" "He has already proclaimed himself the Demon King, and according to Lord Lin Ming's wishes, Kleiman can just leave it to this person to deal with. "

Let Miriam bring it with her. "

Got it. In

this way, the Demon King's feast was officially opened under the planning of all forces.


Nassalik, Between the Thrones.

Lin Ming sat on the throne, changing his previous casualness and looking solemn.

Below, in addition to Shatiya, the other guardians of the major classes, as well as cadres such as Red Pill and Zhu Cai were all present.

"See the One Supreme Supreme!" said

xN everyone kneeling on one knee in unison.

"Get up.

Lin Ming waved his hand to make everyone stand up, looked at the respectful guardians and cadres in front of him, and after a moment of silence, he said slowly.

"Dimiugos. "

The subordinates are here!"

"Start sending troops to the border of the puppet kingdom, wait for my order, this time you will be the commander of the war, Zhu Cai and Cangying will go with you, and, remember not to wreak havoc, that country is all antiques and is very valuable." "

Obey the order, and the subordinates will complete the task!"

Dimiugos commanded.

"Ma Lei, you also go along, and you are mainly responsible for sweeping the formation and collecting experience. "

Okay, okay, Lord Lin Ming.

Mare replied with resignation.

Immediately, Lin Ming looked at the rest of the people again.

"Red Pill, Shion, and Bai Lao, lead the demon clan to support the Demon Federation.

"Sebas went to the Kingdom of Falmus, without Diablo, the new king's combat power is too weak, to avoid being attacked by people with intentions, you hide in the shadows to protect the new king."

"Yes, my lord!" x4

"Cosetus and Sebas keep an eye on Shatia's side, and if they need support, go there immediately." "

Shanks, the defense of the city is in your hands.

"Yarbede come with me

" and "......"

Orders were given, and Nassalik, a beast of the wilderness that had been sleeping for a long time, once again opened its sharp fangs and began to hunt.


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