Demon Federation.

On top of a hanging chair, Miriam was dangling two little white feet, biting a lollipop in her mouth, and staring earnestly at the comic book in front of her.

The next moment, Misari's summons popped into her mind.

Then, with a twinkle in her eyes, she dropped her beloved comic book with excitement on her face and ran out of the house.

Verudera, who was lying on the tatami mat reading comics, couldn't help but wonder, did this girl find something interesting, and she was actually excited to look like this?

Verudra stood up and followed.


In the administrative office, Rimuru was dealing with a mountain of papers.

Beside him, several female demons were delivering a large number of documents to Rimuru from outside the door one after another.

At this moment, Rimuru missed Diablo a little.

With him, the documents would be in a matter of minutes.

Come back soon.

"Rimuru, Rimuru. Suddenly

, a somewhat agitated voice outside the door interrupted Rimuru's musings.


The two white doors were directly slammed into the air by Miriam, who didn't care about this and rushed directly into the office.

"Na, na, the Demon King's feast has begun, come with me for tea. "


Rimuru looked up in surprise when she heard this.

"Why is the Demon King's Banquet open at this time, now that the Holy Church has not retreated, it is difficult for me to walk away.

"Well, I don't know~"

"But Missari told me to call you up, saying that you claimed the Demon King without authorization, which caused Kleiman's dissatisfaction or something, in short, just go together." "

Is that so?"

Rimuru frowned slightly.

Obviously, this is Kleiman's conspiracy, in order to use the origin of the Demon King's feast to lure himself out of the Demon Federation.

Rimuru subconsciously came to this conclusion.

At this moment, Rimuru sensed several powerful auras in the city.

Soon, the three beasts of the beast kingdom, Yellow Snake Horn Albith, White Tiger Claw Sophia, and Black Panther Tooth Faphobio, came to Rimuru.

"Oh, it's been a long time since I've seen three. "

Lord Rimuru, we have something important to know.

Seeing the trio visit, Milim's question was put aside for a moment, and Rimuru led them to the familiar conference room.

"Kleiman has initiated the Demon King's Feast, and it is our Lord Calleone who responds to him. "


Rimuru raised an eyebrow in surprise.

How could this ally be involved?,

seeing his doubts, Albith continued, "Lord Calleon owes a favor before, so he needs to pay it back, and Kleiman has offered to exchange the Demon King's feast for that favor.

"Lord Kallion agreed to Kleiman's terms, but knew it was Kleiman's conspiracy, so he sent us to help. "


Rimuru groped her chin.

At this time, two envoys from the Heavenly Wing Kingdom also appeared in the Demon Federation.

Rukia and Cleya, the two cadres in Frey's hands, are comparable in strength to the Three Orcs.

The two young ladies of the winged clan explained their intentions, and the purpose of the three beasts is the same, they are both here to support the Demon Federation.

Later, Fitz arrives with the three Elaine, who have come to inquire about Rimuru after learning that she is claiming to be the Demon King.

After all, it's no joke that the friends of the Brumt Kingdom are demon kings, and seeing that the holy war is imminent, Fitz left and rushed over with someone.

"Your Excellency Rimuru, I'm here.

"I didn't have time to arrive when I found out that Falmus was attacking, but this time, although there were only fifty people, we were all ready to die.

"Moreover, Brumt also promised to send out cavalry, and they would arrive at once.

Fitz looked generous and righteous, and the three of them all looked at death as if they were ready for death.

Such an attitude made Rimuru stunned for a moment.

"Ahem, that ...... Ladies and gentlemen.

"It's not that exaggerated, it's not that far.

Seeing that everyone had taken out their weapons and put up a formation, Rimuru shook his head helplessly, stopping the group of hot-blooded teenagers from making a move.

At that moment, Rimuru sensed several familiar auruses in the sky above the city.

Everyone walked out of the conference room and into the back garden.

At a glance, I saw a team of Celestial Knights, led by the dwarven king, Gazeru.

"I said junior brother, become a demon king or something, why don't you discuss it with your senior brother, this is not a joke.

As soon as Gazeru got off his horse, he asked with concern.

"Ann la, ala, everything is planned.

Rimuru waved his hand, signaling not to worry too much.

"You guy.

Looking at Rimuru's indifferent expression, Gazeru suddenly sighed.

Suddenly, Gazeru and Rimuru felt an awe-inspiring battle intent at the same time.

I saw five mysterious people in turquoise robes slowly walking out of the trees in the distance.

"This is...... When did you come here?"

You didn't even notice "omnisence"

Raphael, why didn't you inform me


? "Hmph!"

~ I was wrong, let's report it all in the future.

Don't be angry, Raphael.



"Oh, don't you like to hide in the underground?

"Timid as you are, why did you run up from the ground to help the Demon King?"

the man at the head took off the hood that covered his face, revealing a fair face.

Blonde hair, long ears, squinting eyes, uncle.

This is Rimuru's first impression.

Gazeru apparently recognized the comer, and snorted coldly.

"It's a descendant of the elves who like to stay in high places like fools.

"How did you get down to the ground from the city surrounded by sacred trees?"


" Gazeru's eyes froze, and he saw the clue, "This body of yours ......

" "That's right, it's an artificial human."

"After all, you're here to see someone who claims to be the Demon King, so you have to be careful.

Uncle Elf spoke indifferently.

"These are the people of the Wizard Dynasty of Sarion.

Gazeru explained to Rimuru, then turned to greet Uncle Elf.

"You're still the same, Aylador.

"So do you, Gazeru. Just

as the two were greeting.

"Roar? It's actually the same as a real person, I don't know if this kind of technology can be Xi in the next place."

Lin Ming's voice sounded from behind everyone.

Everyone turned around and saw Lin Ming walking slowly with Yaerbed, Ziyuan, Red Pill, Xiluo, and Bai Lao.

"Oh, Your Majesty Lin Ming, it's been a long time.

"Ah, I've been busy lately, so I'll take you to see the new good things they have developed.

Gazru's eyes flashed, clearly excited.


"Almost. "

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