Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1030: Small·F—22

Zarif's remarks were superficially arrogant and dry. He looked like he was afraid that Zhuang Jianye would not let him play. In fact, he was extremely afraid that Zhuang Jianye just agreed to the donkey.

If it was someone else, Zarif would not be afraid even if the other party agreed. He couldn't turn his face out of this living room and refused to admit it. As a business man, he would have already kicked the dough.

The problem is that Zhuang Jianye dared to directly call the Pakistani military chief and ask if he specializes in the production of special equipment for long-range launch vehicles if he wants to turn into scrap iron.

So Zarif knew that he was cooperating with Zhuang Jianye in acting as a double, but his heart was also straightforward. He was really worried that this ancestor who played the cards in an unreasonable manner would target the 200 or 300 million dollars he just mentioned in the next second.

After all, during the Asian financial crisis last year, the loss of Ascendas Group was not small. Otherwise, how could Zhuang Jianye pass the locusts, and he would have to scrape the land three floors down.

Just as Zarif was urgent on the surface and worried, he saw Zhuang Jianye wave his hand nonchalantly: "Zarif, my dear friend, am I the kind of person who ignores friends?

Still the same sentence, JZB-119 has not reached the final form, you don’t need a penny, and I will not install a screw in Pakistan. Because of this kind of bottomless investment, our Ascendas Group jumped in. Don't participate in the cooperation, but keep the funds to improve the people's lives. When the final form comes out, I am moving the factory. "

Zhuang Jianye's words were high-sounding and loyal, but he heard a word in Zarif's ears, Lao Tie, don't worry, we are acting.

Since he was acting, what else Zarif was afraid of, he was immediately filled with indignation: "Zhuang, my dear friend, do you think we are poor? Do you think we are not good enough to see JZB-119? Potential?...Don't answer, I can feel it myself. Since you have already identified it, then I will not hide it. Today I just want to join the JZB-119 research and development plan. The money is not enough, right?"

As he said, Zarif looked at Abdullah: "His Royal Highness Abdullah, the 1.2 billion Pakistan special aid fund approved by the UAE last month is about to arrive?"

Abdullah nodded: "Yes, I just completed the contact formalities with your Ministry of Finance yesterday."

"Do you think this will work? How about we use the 1.2 billion US dollars to set up an aviation technology development fund and invest in the JZB-119 project?"

"This..." Abdullah hesitated. Although the money is given to Pakistan, the UAE still has the right to interrogate how the money is spent. However, it is a matter of opinion.

To be honest, Abdullah is still very excited about JZB-119, and he also agrees with Pakistan's participation in this project. After all, if Pakistan benefits, the UAE can also benefit indirectly.

The problem is that Abdullah is not alone in the UAE. He and his son have already done a helicopter introduction project, which has already aroused the dissatisfaction of other domestic stakeholders. If the light fighter is taken down together, it will definitely be Cause the obstruction of other interest groups.

This is also the reason why Abdullah is optimistic about JZB-119 but he has not made a decision.

Because of this, Abdullah also cannot reply to what Zarif says now.

However, Zarif’s words seemed like a sharp knife to the palace, and Abdullah had to say one, two or three, so he frowned and thought for a while, suddenly looked at Zhuang Jianye, and asked a very tricky question: "Mr. Zhuang, you just It is said that JZB-119 is to reach its final form. I don’t know what this final form looks like? What is its performance?"

After listening to Abdullah's words, Mahmoud, who was sitting beside him, brightened his eyes. It was obvious that he was also very interested in the so-called ultimate form of JZB-119.

Zarif looked at Zhuang Jianye in a learned manner, his silent eyes seemed to say, "My task is completed, and whether it can be accomplished next is up to you."

As for Gu Jingyou and other accompanying persons on the other side of Zhuang Jianye, they were all in fear.

There is no ultimate form, let alone the ultimate form, that is, there is no next development plan.

Even the True Dragon Ⅱ as a verification machine does not have the next target plan. After all, the True Dragon Ⅱ is a test and verification machine, similar to the X-series verification machine in the United States. It is only responsible for technology research and development and does not expect the model to enter. Actual application area.

Otherwise, how can it be called a test verification machine, it is not better to call it a pre-research model.

Even the real Dragon II is in such a dilemma. How can it be better to castrate the **** version of JZB-119? It breaks the level of the real dragon II. The problem is that the true dragon II is a technical verification machine. The UAE and Algeria, even if their heads are filled with red water, they should know that this kind of aircraft is purely technical and not for fighting. By then, will it not be a bamboo basket for nothing?

Abdullah is not like his son Maxim. Apart from Hao, there is only Ha, but besides Ha, he is also very savvy. Seeing Gu Jingyou and others look something wrong, the whole person becomes alert, and then looks Zhuang Jianye asked seriously: "Mr. Zhuang, is your so-called JZB-119 ultimate form true or...false?"

Abdullah's question was straightforward, and there was no room for Zhuang Jianye to turn around.

If it was true, Abdullah would immediately learn the details, but if Zhuang Jianye couldn't get it out, it proved to be a fool.

If it is false, then talk about it differently. What local tyrants hate most is the liar.

So it is true or not~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhuang Jianye must give an explanation today.

None of the people present at the scene looked like his peers. Abdullah was straightforward, and Mahmoud put down his tea with a smile, and slowly added: "We bought a few Su-27 fighters from Russia in Algeria, and I even flew them myself. Well, it shouldn’t be so bad in front of a light aircraft, so...hehe..."

A "hehe..." can be said to have said a thousand words, so that even Zhuang Jianye felt a little bit in his heart, glanced at Mahmoud, never thought that this is the biggest number in the field, the old yinbi, this is a disaster. The kung fu is almost unprepared.

Mahmoud, like a okay person, grinned at Zhuang Jianye who was looking at him, and then looked at Zarif, who had his face several times: "Of course, I believe dear Zarif will give us a reasonable explanation..." Before he finished his words, he looked at Zhuang Jianye again: "What do you mean? Mr. Zhuang?"

Speaking of this, Zarif closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. Obviously he didn't want to participate in this matter anymore. Zhuang Jianye sighed helplessly, sorted out the documents beside him, and picked up the side. When I was about to put my briefcase in, my hand suddenly slid and the file bag crashed and fell to the ground.

When Mahmoud saw this scene, he couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth. The lie was exposed, and Zhuang Jianye was confused. This psychological quality is really...wait...what is on the ground?

Just when Mahmoud was about to ridicule Zhuang Jianye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of an airplane model among the debris on the ground. With just one glance, Mahmoud attracted all the attention of Mahmoud, and the moment of ridicule had already reached his lips. He was replaced by an exclamation: "This is...Small·F-22!"


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