Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1031: DSI inlet


Little F-22!

The F-22 is currently the world's only next-generation advanced fighter that is about to be mass-produced and put into active service.

The model that Zhuang Jianye accidentally dropped from his bag is very similar to the US-made F-22. It uses a conventional layout. The nose adopts a diamond-shaped structure suitable for stealth. The trapezoidal wings and the rear horizontal tail are also made according to radar stealth. Parallel angle processing.

At first glance, F-22 and F-22 are not distinguished from each other, but if you look closely, you will find that the model is essentially different from F-22.

The first is the air intake. The F-22 uses a traditional rectangular air intake, but internally, it uses a complex S-shaped structure to block the huge aero engine fan blades on the radar reflecting surface. This not only achieves the stealth effect, but also Complicated calculations make the engine's air intake more reasonable and efficient.

Zhuang Jianye's model is obviously different from the F-22 in this respect. It does not use the F-22's complex internal S-shaped inlet for stealth treatment, but uses a streamlined protrusion as a shield.

This is particularly funny if outsiders see the two bulges on both sides of the entire plane, because the plane looks like an angry pufferfish from the front, with its cheeks bulging.

However, Mahmoud was shocked by the bulging streamlined protrusions, because of the similar layout of the intake ducts. He had heard the introduction of aviation experts from the United States at an academic seminar last year. The scientific name is Wuxiang. The supersonic inlet is separated by the surface layer, the English abbreviation DSI.

Because it looks like a mussel, it is also called a mussel-type air inlet by some people.

The main advantage of this device is to greatly reduce the total structure of the aircraft under the premise of ensuring that the aircraft is invisible, so that the aircraft does not need to be equipped with a complicated S-shaped intake structure in the aircraft body like the F-22. A simple DSI needs to be installed at the air intake to solve the active problems of stealth, air intake efficiency, and heavy structural parts.

The second is the vertical tail. Although the vertical tail of the model is V-shaped like F-22, the vertical tail of the model can be moved. This is the angle at which one side of the vertical tail deflects from the model falling to the ground. It can be seen.

This shows that the model is equipped with a more flexible full-motion vertical tail, and without a high-performance vector engine, the aircraft still has strong air mobility.

Finally, and most importantly, that is that the body of the model machine is more rounded than the flat of F-22. On the one hand, it is due to the size of the internal magazine, but on the other hand, it also shows that the model is invisible while taking into account. , Pay more attention to the aerodynamic layout and flight quality of the adult body.

Because Mahmoud saw on it that at the original academic exchange meeting, American aviation experts introduced another epoch-making aerodynamic layout-the integrated lift body structure.

In layman's terms, the so-called integrated lift body treats the entire fuselage as a whole, which has strong lift properties in itself, and is not limited to traditional lift components such as wings.

The advantage of this is that it can minimize the total amount of structure and improve the overall mobility.

The most typical example is that the traditional side strips and wings are integrated into the extension of the intake duct. In this way, the flight quality of the aircraft is not reduced in the case of reducing the structural weight, but the aircraft with the traditional layout is stronger.

There are many similar details on the model. As the so-called layman is watching the excitement and the expert watching the doorway, Mahmoud served in the Air Force in his early years and is a well-known ace pilot in Algeria. Later, he studied at the Moscow Air Force University in the Soviet Union and obtained a master's degree in aviation engineering. , And later received a PhD in aircraft design at Imperial College London, England.

It can be regarded as one of the few high-level officials in the Arab world who understands practice and knows the theory. Otherwise, the academic exchange meeting held by the top aviation experts in the United States would not be able to invite him to visit. After all, the top academic conference is really That is not what ordinary people can understand.

Mahmoud was not only invited to participate, but also benefited a lot from the exchange.

If not, he would not be able to see the many extraordinary features in the model at a glance.

However, just as he exclaimed and was about to take a closer look at the extraordinary details of the model, Zhuang Jianye stuffed the model together with the documents scattered on the ground into his briefcase, then stood up and apologized to Mahmoud and others. Said: "I'm really sorry, please forgive me."

After finishing talking, he turned around without turning back while carrying his Baotou.


Seeing that Zhuang Jianye was just about to leave, Mahmoud finally couldn't sit still. There was no way, the model with a glimpse of it was too tempting, especially the many cutting-edge startup layouts used in the aviation field. Both are monopolized by the United States.

Although Americans seem to be generous in sharing their latest research results with aviation scholars all over the world at academic exchange meetings.

However, in the eyes of most scholars, it is confirmed that the sharing of American aviation experts is more ostentation than reality.

Because of the specific parameters, the materials produced, and the experimental data, American experts did not mention any of the core things in the exchange report. The whole article is about subversion, advanced, and leading such empty and boring bragging words.

After all, I actually just want to express a word~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don’t bother to make any combat aircraft. It’s useless if you do it out. The United States has led a whole generation, no matter what you do. They are all outdated, so what's the use of doing those thankless?

Yes~~ Our Great America is not for a certain country, but for all countries on the earth.

This is so arrogant, let alone countries such as Russia and France that are full of self-esteem, even if Algeria, represented by the low-speaking Mahmoud, faces the arrogant expressions of the Americans and is full of anger.

I am so angry, what can I do besides enduring the Americans' technological hegemony? Anyway, the sky is falling and the sky is high. At least Russia is much more urgent than their Algeria.

This thought Mahmoud was more balanced in his heart, but even so, deep down he still hopes to have the technical prowess of the Americans, at least to walk sideways in North Africa.

I thought I would never see all of this in my life, but I didn't expect that Zhuang Jianye's soul fell so badly that he would let the hope of dying out again.

DSI, fully movable vertical tail, integrated lift body structure.

Although it is only a model, it is possible to integrate these cutting-edge things in the world's aviation aerodynamic layout into one aircraft, even if it is a model, it is by no means a simple model.

That being the case, how could Zhuang Jianye be allowed to leave, and no matter how much he had to make things clear.

So Mahmoud stopped in front of Zhuang Jianye and others in three steps and two steps, and said with a gentle smile: "Mr. Zhuang, I just saw a model in your bag. I wonder if it is the ultimate form of JZB-119?"

As a result, Zhuang Jianye didn't mean to talk any more: "I'm sorry, Mahmoud, I have no comment."


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