Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1120: Important issues for the next generation of combat aircraft

Yes, others don't know the character of Zhuang Jianye. Xue Weidong, who has been dealing with Zhuang Jianye since the TY-2 drone, knows this too well.

   There is a bottom line, and there is no loss in big festivals. However, above this, Zhuang Jianye is a scam with no lower limit.

   Therefore, others may worry that if they do not buy an FBC-1A fighter-bomber, they will not be able to obtain the required combat effectiveness.

   Xue Weidong is not afraid, because the people who worry worry about it is because of insufficient funds. Is the fund a matter for the "Golden Helmet" troops?

Because of this, Xue Weidong’s thinking on the issue of equipment is very clear, not necessarily the most advanced, and he will not be led by the nose by the so-called gimmicks, so the fit is the most important thing. As the saying goes, only the feet know whether the shoes fit. A well-equipped piece of equipment in their "golden helmet" troops is not satisfied, but the impact is not a matter of money, but a major issue of the combat effectiveness of the entire army.

   The FBC-1A fighter-bombers had this kind of unacceptable situation before.

  So that the "Golden Helmet" unit that took three FBC-1A fighter-bombers for testing has been unable to determine the position of this model in the composition of the unit's combat system for a long time.

   After all, in the attack leopard mode, the overlap with the Su-30MKK fighter-bomber is too high, coupled with the weak mobility, it really makes the "Golden Helmet" troops feel tasteless.

   As for the stealth leopard mode, it is indeed good, especially the body conformal bomb bay with ultra-low altitude penetration, even better than the Su-30MKK.

  The problem is that the ammunition carried in this mode is too small, and the power is too low. The general face kills are OK. When encountering strong bunkers and fortifications, they are a little weak, and they are also tasteless.

Therefore, we obtained three "Golden Helmet" units of FBC-1A fighter-bombers, that is, test and test, and then did a battle with the S-300 anti-aircraft missile battalion according to the requirements of superiors, and then...there was no more, FBC-1A fighter-bombers They didn't even think about who the "Golden Helmet" troops were equipped for. They weren't prepared to ask for it anyway. If it weren't for that, why Xue Weidong, who was also watching the scene, would not say a word until now, it is not a plan in his mind.

   But now Xue Weidong is uncharacteristically requesting batch equipment of FBC-1A fighter-bombers.

  All those present were experts in the military. It is still unclear where Xue Weidong had taken a fancy to the FBC-1B fighter-bomber that the chief officer of the HNA unit just mentioned.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   If the FBC-1A fighter-bomber is a tasteless one, then the FBC-1B fighter-bomber cooperates with the expanded body-conserving magazine and the DZB-1200 stealth air-fire In the case of cruise missiles, the grade has been improved by several knots at once, and the combat capability even exceeds that of the Su-30MKK fighter-bomber.

As for Xue Weidong only said that it is equipped with FBC-1A, but did not mention FBC-1B. The reason is very simple. As an improved version of FBC-1A, how advanced FBC-1B is, cannot escape the root of Type A, so from A It is definitely feasible to upgrade from type B to type B, not to mention that according to Zhuang Jianye's urgency of putting business to the core, several upgrade packages will inevitably be introduced.

   At that time, not only can the money for the new machine be transferred, but the old model will also not be let go.

   Old and young take all, the old and the new are the same as Zhuang Jianye's style.

Others don’t know if they don’t know, Xue Weidong is very clear anyway, so he just needs the A model, which is cheap and easy to use. When the B model is officially launched, we can find Zhuang Jianye to upgrade. There is really no need to let Zhuang Jianye set this product. Thing is slaughtered twice.


   The head of the headquarters heard what Xue Weidong said, but did not agree or object, but responded, raised his eyes to Xue Weidong, and asked: "Do you think FBC is suitable for your current needs?"

   "Yes, the chief, we don't see anything with Type A, but Type B can already meet our minimum needs." Xue Weidong stood upright and answered seriously.

   However, the head of the headquarters frowned unconsciously: "Is it the lowest demand?"

   Xue Weidong didn't say a word now, he just hesitated for a moment, and then focused on his head.

After   , the head of the headquarters asked a few more questions, and Xue Weidong also answered them quickly and concisely.

However, in this conversation, the high-level cadres and leaders of the surrounding troops heard the clouds, mountains, mists, and mists. If you don’t know it, you don’t know why. They all know what every single word means. Together, they don’t understand. What do you mean.

  Only the star-studded chiefs beside the head of the headquarters knew exactly what these two men were talking about.

   That is an important research topic for the next generation of combat aircraft-the actual combat needs of future aviation.

No way, China is different from the United States and Russia. Since the 1980s, the pre-research of next-generation combat aircraft has been carried out. Based on the third-generation combat aircraft, a number of test and verification aircraft have been developed to demonstrate the next generation of the country. The actual combat requirements of combat aircraft, and use this to determine the target details of the next generation of combat aircraft.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   China started very late in this regard. After the first flight of the No. 10 project, it officially had preliminary goals. However, it suddenly jumped from the third generation to the next generation. Combat aircraft face many difficulties, one of which is the actual combat needs of aviation.

   The general performance can refer to the chronological classification standards of foreign troops, but what about the details?

   These things are the secrets of various countries, even if you want to find them, you may not be able to find them.

Therefore, it can only be through the continuous practice and summary of their own aviation forces to constantly explore these details. The indicators~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Americans are the easiest, because they have F-117 and B-2 and have accumulated a wealth of stealth. The experience of using combat aircraft has many demonstrators to enrich the practice, because when the F-22 was born, it represented the pinnacle of aviation technology on this planet.

Russia is a little worse, but it also has the technical support of the former Soviet Union. The Ya, 141, Su-47 and MiG 1.44 are all beneficial attempts by the former Soviet Union on the next generation of combat aircraft. Although these projects have been greatly affected by the collapse of the Soviet Union. Great influence, but these technologies still allow Russia to avoid many detours in the development of the next generation of combat aircraft.

   Compared with the United States and Russia, the domestic technology and experience is so weak that it can’t be described as starting from scratch. At least there are two hands for starting from scratch. What about domestic aviation? The start was really white and clean, there was nothing.

  Under such a situation, what should I do if I want to determine the future operational requirements and many technical details of the aviation unit?

   can only squeeze the potential of existing combat aircraft as much as possible, and then calculate the required technical details based on the potential value.

   It’s just that although this can partially complete the formulation of the detailed parameters of the next-generation combat aircraft, it is ultimately a stopgap measure. The best way is to have a stealth combat aircraft to let the troops fly, so as to better summarize the relevant experience.

   The problem is that even if the stealth combat aircraft is wanted in the country, it is impossible for a large country outside the region to sell it. What should I do?

   At the time when the master was very troubled by Xue Weidong at this time, the FBC-1B fighter-bomber was born. Xue Weidong looked at it, um~~ it was it.

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