Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1121: This is not a drill

The reason for this is very simple. The FBC-1B fighter-bomber is equipped with an expanded body conformal bomb bay that is large enough and strong enough.

   You must know that the DZB-1200 stealth air-launched cruise missile has a length of 4.03 meters, a bullet diameter of 0.84 meters, and a weight of one ton.

   What does a conformal bomb bay that can hold such ammunition?

   As long as those special purpose, most of the domestic ammunition expansion type body conformal bomb bays can be applied.

  The advantage of this is that the FBC-1B fighter-bomber can have a variety of air combat modes while carrying an expanded conformal bomb bay.

   For example, the air-optimization mode with all air-to-air missiles mounted.

   Another example is the anti-ship mode with two C-802 anti-ship missiles mounted.

   A composite mode of joint mounting of air-to-air missiles and precision strike weapons.


   These models are not a problem on the second and third generation aircraft, but they are a big headache for the next generation combat aircraft.

  Because the next-generation combat aircraft requires stealth and supersonic cruise, all weapons are installed in the bomb bay of the body, and the space for fighter jets will not be large. Therefore, the volume of the bomb bay is bound to be limited.

   How to achieve the maximum mount optimization in the limited bomb bay so as to maximize the combat effectiveness of the platform is not determined by the designer's upper lip and the lower lip, just a slap on the head.

   is a practical and effective empirical plan from the aviation team.

   Because of this, the significance of the FBC-1B fighter-bomber as the "golden helmet" lies in this.

Therefore, Xue Weidong does not care about FBC-1A. After all, in the conformal bomb bay mode of this model, the mount is too small to meet all-dimensional requirements. However, the FBC-1B fighter-bomber is different, at least in the weapon mount. Xue Weidong is confident that a reasonable weapon allocation plan will be developed for the next generation of combat aircraft.

  Of course, ordinary army leaders and high-level cadres don't know about such things, so it's no wonder why they become more confused as they listen to the dialogue between Xue Weidong and the head of the headquarters.

   But Xue Weidong doesn’t care about it, let alone the head of the headquarters, his old man now has only one wish, and that is to lay the foundation for the next generation of killer equipment in China before retiring!

   If you can see one or two pieces of equipment into service in your lifetime, you will be considered earning. If you can't wait for that day, after smiling Jiuquan, you won't be ashamed of seeing the old chiefs over there.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   So the head of the headquarters hesitated and nodded: "You will form a report as soon as possible. When the Northwest Aviation Plant is officially finalized, you will give priority to equipment ."

   "Yes!" Xue Weidong immediately stood at attention with his loud voice.

   "What about us, the chief?"

   "Yes, Chief, we also want to equip FBC-1B fighter-bombers"

   He looked at Xue Weidong’s “Golden Helmet” unit so quickly that it was approved by the head of the headquarters to be equipped with the FBC series of fighter-bombers. The two chief officers of the two aviation units who were competing for priority to equip this series of aircraft were anxious.

   can't help but rush, even the "golden helmet" looks at the equipment, what reason do they have to give up? What's more, the chief officers of the two aviation units also took a sigh of relief in their hearts. Why do the "golden helmets" have to be superior, other units can't?

  Because of this, the two chief officials came up in a posture of never giving up.

   The head of the headquarters naturally saw that if he didn't give an explanation today, the two of them could catch up to his home in the capital, squatting on the threshold with him forever, and the heaven and the earth were in harmony, and they would dare to join the king!

   If this is the case, it doesn’t matter if the head of the headquarters is a bad old man. What can the wife at home do? What if I let him sleep on the sofa every day?

So he gave a light cough and prepared to make a round, but before the words came to his lips, a lieutenant colonel hurried in with a satellite phone, and immediately handed the phone to the head of the headquarters with a nervous expression: "Beijing, the meeting of superiors. !"

   is just a few words, the head of the headquarters is affectionate, and solemnly answered the phone: "Is...what? The Yangtze River breaks? Yes...I understand, I promise to complete the task!"

Before the words were over, the head of the headquarters had already stood up and handed the satellite phone to the officer on the side. Then he scanned the senior cadres and leaders of the troops present, and said in a deep voice that he had not said for many years: " I order..."


   "It seems that this wine can't be drunk anymore. Don't think too much about Lao Zhuang. This task is too tight. When we have the opportunity, let's drink it again. Rest assured that there are opportunities!

   Not long after the head of the headquarters issued orders to the cadres and leaders of the various units, the news was received in the small manor deep in the Taihang Mountains.

   The head of the headquarters was appointed as the deputy leader of the flood fighting and rescue command leading group and the commander-in-chief of the front-line command. He immediately went to the site of the Yangtze River levee breach, unified command of the levee closure work, and ensured the safety of people's lives and property in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  Because of the emergency, the head of the headquarters was too late to complete the exercise summary and national defense engineering test evaluation, so he hurried through the command center

  ’S communication system issued orders to the relevant troops to mobilize the troops nearest to the breach of the levee to rush to help quickly, and then summoned his entourage to reach a Yun-12 liaison plane belonging to the national defense project to the frontline of the flood.

   Tian Jun, as the security officer of the head of the headquarters, naturally had to accompany him, so this guy shrugged off the two boxes of Moutai that he had lost in the bet without saying anything, and left Zhuang Jianye with nothing to say.

   It is impossible to point to Tian Jun’s nose and say, don’t you have one, let’s talk about my two boxes of Maotai now.

   It is estimated that he would dare to do it like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The head of headquarters can immediately take him to block the breach.

Zhuang Jianye is not so ironclad. What's more, as the head of the headquarters cancels the follow-up assessment and summary, Zhuang Jianye's closed management is also lifted. At this moment, Zhuang Jianye is thinking more about how to reunite the family and the operation of the group during this period. Are there any major flaws in the situation?

   Compared with these two major events, two boxes of Maotai are really nothing.


   "Then according to Lao Tian, ​​we have a chance to get together. I happen to be running a project in the capital in the second half of the year. We have time to get together at the end, not bad at this time."

Tian Jun never expected that Zhuang Jianye would come out like this. He immediately praised his old face, but before Tian Jun could continue to say anything, he saw Zhuang Jianye step forward and pat his shoulder: "When you arrive at the front line of flood fighting, take good care of the headquarters. Chief, old man, when you win, my Maotai is open for you to drink!"

   "I borrow your good words!"

   "A word is a deal!"

   Tian Jun smiled when he heard the words, took a cell phone to Zhuang Jianye's cell phone, and then turned around, striding away like a soldier on the move.

And Zhuang Jianye, who got his mobile phone, called his wife Ning Xiaohui immediately after Tian Jun left. After learning that everything was in order at home, he relaxed, and chatted a few more words, put down the phone, and prepared to give Lin Guanghua and Peng Chuan called and asked about the group.

As a result, before dialing Lin Guanghua’s number, he called in. Zhuang Jianye picked it up and sneered: “It’s really a tiger without a tiger in the mountains. If they don’t come to trouble me, I’m still looking for them. Lei and the others are on standby 24 hours a day and tell them this is not a drill!"

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