Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1122: Phantom of Capital

At the same time that Zhuang Jianye issued his layout to the Ascendas Group, in the office building in the center of Magic City, in the flat-floor office area with the brand of Reid International Trading Company, Mike Cai wore a neat Italian custom suit with his hands in Dou, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of his own office, looking down at the Pudong New Area under construction on the other side of the Huangpu River, with an imperial scorn on his face.

"Why are not you talking?"

Just a few minutes later, Mike Tsai suddenly asked. In the spacious office behind him, there were several people who were equally well-dressed. However, at this time, the few people who were in the meeting were a little bit cold. After asking a question, he turned his attention to the upstart in the magic city.

"No, Mike, we think this is very inappropriate. This is to let outsiders know that they will be jabbed in the backbone for a lifetime." The strange silence lasted for a minute, and a middle-aged man in a black suit and red tie wrinkled. The brow spoke first, and a lady with delicate makeup sitting next to him also nodded her head.攫攝攫攝

   "Let outsiders know? Who let outsiders know? Is it you? Mr. Li Ruihong?"

   Mike Tsai didn't even turn his head, just staring at the lively scene outside the French windows, but the corners of his mouth evoked an arc of contempt.

Li Ruihong, who was talking just now, froze suddenly, his fat face twitched, and he didn’t know what to say, but before he could speak, he had already picked up a cigarette and lighted it on the French window. But he continued with a sneer: "Please put away your home country, benevolence, justice and morality. In this world, only capital is eternal. If you don't agree with this concept..."

With that, Mike Tsai shrugged his shoulders casually, and then slowly turned around: "Then spit out all your villas, luxury cars, and the money you earned, and I will give it to you when you want to show it. I have found a satisfactory position in the world in my home country. Don’t worry, I, Mike Tsai, is still a bit thin in this respect."

  As soon as these words came out, one of the people present was silent, and even Li Ruihong, who had plucked up the courage to propose just now, lowered his head nerdy.

   There is no way, as Mike Tsai said, they care more about the benefits that capital brings to them than the vague things like benevolence, justice and morality.

   What's more, Mike Tsai’s words are not alarmist, as long as he wants to, he can ruin anyone present at any time, and his body will be exhausted.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Because Mike Tsai is not only a high-achieving Chinese student graduated from Yale University in the United States, but also a double master of economics and law. It also represents the capital of Wall Street on the other side of the ocean. That country disregards the global technological strength.

Yes, the Chinese name Cai Weiwei, but the guy who calls himself Douglas Mike Cai from beginning to end, stands behind the authentic American capital. Because of this, Mike Cai, who has studied abroad at public expense and returned from school, is not like other people. The overseas students return to serve the country as well, but lead the giant crocodile capital to stir up trouble in the country and kill the Quartet.

Soon he became famous in the magic city, but Mike Tsai was not satisfied with these, or the capital behind him didn’t care about these petty jokes at all, so Mike Tsai soon adjusted his strategy and began to take advantage of domestic and foreign investment. Loose policies and local governments' eagerness to attract foreign investment have begun to aggressively enter domestic high-quality assets.

  For example, carved cards and big treasures in the field of daily chemicals; Tianfu Coke in the fast-moving consumer category; Panda TV Factory in the home appliance industry; Taihu Polyethylene in the heavy chemical industry...

   In just two years, Mike Tsai wielded the tentacles of capital, deeply rooted in the delicious flesh and blood of the domestic economy, and constantly drew staggering excess profits.

For example, the Dabao acquired by him. Originally, the local government hoped to rely on the joint venture with Mike Tsai to bring this well-selling daily chemical brand to a higher level, thereby solving local employment and economic development. As a result, Mike Tsai pretended to be After an inspection, a few small sums of money were spent on several unsuspecting officials, and the high-quality brand was sold to Unilever.

You must know that Dabao’s direct competitor is Unilever, so it was sold so confusedly, the consequences can be imagined, Unilever directly blocked the Dabao brand, for a while, Dabao sees anytime, and Dabao sees the slogan suddenly. Stop, so many people in the country can't figure it out, and sigh what happened to Dabao?

   But when everyone was lamenting Dabao, Mike Tsai made 120 million yuan in one entry and one exit.

And this is just one of Mike Tsai’s more common M&A cases in recent years. The most profitable case is that he cooperated with Deutsche Bank in Europe and HSBC on Hong Kong Island to provide Baosteel with the third phase of construction. Project loans and credit guarantees, and obtained the global issuance rights of Baosteel's medium and long-term bonds.

   Although the total amount is only 1.9 billion U.S. dollars, through continuous leverage and complex financial means, Mike Tsai has made a wild profit of 1 billion U.S. dollars in the global financial market.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   is the prerequisite for having all the above outstanding achievements and familiarity with China’s economy and operating rules. Mike Tsai was spotted by the Wall Street consortium. I hope this Born in China but full of American thoughts, Chinese Americans can become one of their many spokespersons in China, so as to make more profits for them in this vibrant land.

   So, including Soros’s Quantum Fund, several consortiums jointly invested in Mike Tsai’s establishment of the Red International Trading Company, becoming the true endorsement of Mike Tsai.

With the right to act freely and the endorsement of the big guys, Mike Tsai's actions are more offensive. Not only will he penetrate the real estate and stock markets, but he will also continue to make efforts in medicine, machinery manufacturing, and precision instruments~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Especially in the field of medical equipment, more than 80% of imported medical equipment in the entire southeast coast is monopolized by Mike Cai's Reid International Trading Company.

  This alone can bring a net profit of US$580 million to Reid International Trading Company every year.

However, these lucrative industries did not satisfy Mike Tsai’s growing ambitions, because he also wanted greater autonomy, more freedom of investment space, and even wanted to be on an equal footing with the capital bosses behind him. The boss who can control the world.

   If you want to achieve this goal, you have to make a super project, which serves as a qualification for your advancement.

The mega project that Mike Tsai aims at is nothing else. It is precisely after the failure of the McDonnell Douglas 82 aircraft cooperation, the dying Magic Aircraft Manufacturing Plant, and the extension from it, is not controlled by domestic control and has no autonomy. The supply and maintenance industry chain of various imported aircraft parts.厺厽 Pen Fun Pavilion flyncool.com 厺厽巘戅巘戅

   Mike Tsai gave a very high-sounding reason, that is, to cooperate with Modu Aircraft Factory to build a 4S store for all series of aircraft in Asia and the world, thus becoming the world's only full series of aircraft guarantee center.

   But actually?

   What Mike Cai wants is to hold the opportunity of China's aviation industry.

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