Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1133: air transport

Driven by the two authoritative leaders in the aerospace field, many old scholars and experts who participated in the work in the 1950s and 1960s took out most of their profits, either freely donated to the Hope Project, or funded Basic scientific research in the university, or simply anonymously provide one-on-one assistance to out-of-school children in poor areas, young and old...

As for the younger generation who participated in work in the 1980s and 1990s, there is no such free and easy mentality of the older generation. After all, there are old people at home and young people at home when they are in a hurry to spend money, so it is impossible to play this kind of fruit. The scene of the fruit donation.

However, within the scope of our ability, we can squeeze a part of the proceeds from the proceeds. We can’t donate a teaching building. It’s okay to get some books, desks and benches. It can’t solve the problem of children going to school in one village or one town. Difficult; there is no way to help a certain university's basic scientific research equipment update in one go. It is still possible to pool some money to replace a core instrument.

All in all, these people in the aerospace field, just like the predecessors who devoted themselves to the development of two bombs and one satellite, don’t value personal names and profits; but they don’t care about whether this country can stand up or not. People who will be bullied are heavier than anyone else.

   Therefore, they could hide their names a few decades ago, without fame or fortune.

   Therefore, they can use money to measure everything in this age of material desires, and they can use up their wealth to support the backwards, meaningless fame and fortune.

   Perhaps in the eyes of many people, this kind of meaningless fame and fortune is really absurd, even ridiculous.

   Whatever else, after Zhuang Jianye heard about the way the two supported aerospace technology teams did, he also couldn't figure out that there are people in this world who really look down on fame and fortune?

   Then Zhuang Jianye found one of the authoritative leaders in the aerospace field, and wanted to find out what the other party thought.

   As a result, Zhuang Jianye was completely overwhelmed by the words of this authoritative big man in the aerospace field.

"Who doesn't want fame and wealth? We do the same, but on the other hand, what are the different groups of people besides fame and wealth? Or what are the definitions of fame and wealth by different groups of people? Businessmen may be wealthy; officials may be It is rising up step by step; stars may be household names, and since we who are engaged in aerospace are born to do higher and farther things, the pattern should naturally be a little more atmospheric, so our fame and fortune are national prosperity and strength."

   Then he patted Zhuang Jianye on the shoulder: "The country is in the world, and the country is in the world. As long as the country is safe and healthy, the world is prosperous, let alone a few stinky money, why don't I take it with my life?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   This authoritative magnate in the aerospace field said with a smile, there is no preaching, no feelings, and no tear-jerking sensation, just Then it came slowly and naturally, as if the old man next door talked to you about the past for many years.

   But Zhuang Jianye can feel the sincerity carved into his bones by the old man. This may be the inheritance of the deep blood in the aerospace field, or the superior style.

  Because they conquer space and have a bird's-eye view of the world, they have a higher force and a greater style.

   You can say that this is hypocritical, but it is undeniable that this is the inheritance unique to China's Aerospace.

To be honest, Zhuang Jianye received an unprecedented baptism from the soul to the body after listening to the words of the authoritative big man in the aerospace field. He only felt that the past thirty years was a waste of life, and he was so vulgar. Low-level taste, this time you must curse and swear to contradict your own three customs.

   also took "Don't always stare at those stinky money." as a catchphrase, and installed the Qing Gao 13 into outer space.

   Then...then Zhuang Jianye drove his horsepower again on the road of Sansu, and ran away from Qinggao without looking back.

   It's not that Zhuang Jianye doesn't want to be elevated, it is too much to be entangled, and it is impossible to be elevated. After all, the big stall of Ascendas Group needs money everywhere, even if it is a piece of printing paper, it is money to buy.

   If Zhuang Jianye doesn’t make money, the huge Ascendas Group will fall apart if it can’t last a few days.

  Because of this, where does Zhuang Jianye, who is under the pressure of being a fan, rise up?

   So the high level thing is for those authoritative bigwigs in the aerospace field to play. He helps these world-minded professionals pave the way, prepare enough stinky money, and let them smash the dung to their heart's content.

  Thinking about Zhuang Jianye, he feels that he is still noble, at least he has a good relationship with Qing Gao.

That being the case, Zhuang Jianye used Tengfei Aerospace's identity as the only civil communications operator on the front line for flood relief and disaster relief, and it made sense for those institutions or companies that were unfamiliar with it. He was a layman, so how could he allow those who took advantage of the fire to rob If the scum makes the country hard to make a fortune, it is not allowed to take a share of the astronauts?

   There is no such reason, OK?

   Of course, even the head of the headquarters is not quite clear about these hidden things, let alone frontline officers and soldiers like Cao Bo and Wang Li.

   At this moment, they are still waiting for the instructor's conclusion, and the instructor has a toothache when looking at the Southern XX newspaper that praises their troops well. What's the matter?

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   ask him to talk to Cao Bo and Wang Li, just talk, but he hasn’t concluded yet, the Southern XX newspaper slapped himself first Both slapped.

   This embarrassed the instructor. Dare to say he was farting just now?

   Those are the two soldiers under his hand. If they are spread out, how will they lead the soldiers?

   So the instructor with a headache wanted to go around in the tent again, thinking about how to find a step down, but before he could move, a signal soldier rushed in and shouted: "Report!"

The instructor was immediately overjoyed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What should I do? Someone helped the pick-and-roll. It was not too caring, so he glanced approvingly at the sweaty communications soldier, and said in full anger: " what's up?"

   "The brigade department has just sent an order to prepare us to receive professional construction machinery and dam reinforcement materials." The signal soldier did not care about sweating, and quickly repeated the brigade department's order.

   The instructor kept going, and I was immediately surprised when I heard it.

The reinforcement materials for the dam are nothing but steel pipes, sand and woven bags similar to scaffolding. These things can be provided locally. Even if the levee breaks and the road is interrupted, they are the great guys of the pontoon bridge brigade here. Can also be shipped.

  The question is what should I do with special construction machinery?

   Not to mention that the city J is now undergoing a major shift from top to bottom, and there are not a few gross left. Even if it is available locally, how can it be transported to the front line? It wasn't steel pipes or woven bags. Everyone took some and got it done in a few rounds. Those guys could easily handle more than ten or twenty tons, let alone their company or even a group.

Not only the instructor, but Cao Bo and Wang Li on one side are also engineers. It is not clear what the special construction machinery looks like. So the young Wang Li couldn't hold back at once, and said: "Those construction machinery are bigger than the other. , The road is cut off and cannot enter. Is this for us to accept? Or is it blocking us?"


As a result, as soon as Wang Li said this, there was a roar of propellers in the sky outside the station. At the same time, the signal soldier touched the sweat on his face and smiled honestly: "So this time the brigade said, let's I'm also bullish and do an airlift!"

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