Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1134: What does it mean to hoist a helicopter with a ten-ton bulldozer

As soon as the correspondent said this, one of the people present was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

   The Brigade Department transferred a plane for airlift?

   However, before the instructor and others could react, the officers and soldiers exclaimed from outside the tent.

   "Helicopter, it's a helicopter..."

   "1, 2, 3... actually five at one time..." 攫欝攫

   "They are Straight-12. I saw it last year when I repaired the combat readiness hangar for the Army Army Air Force, and I sat there and went around for a while before leaving."

   At this time, a veteran in the company suddenly said, his tone full of triumph.

   The recruits around were obviously very envious. One of them quickly asked: "How do you feel? Is there any luck with our previous sitting?"

   The veteran glanced at the new recruit angrily: "It's not all that way, it's swaying, it's almost the same as a boat." 厺厽九餅Chinese 9bzw.com厺厽

   "Oh, that is to say, if you sit for a long time, you will suffer from airsickness." The recruits suddenly looked at the helicopter coming by in the sky with a bit of inexplicable fear.

No way, this recruit was worse than Wang Li's performance on the way here. He almost vomited all the way. Fortunately, he cleaned all the goods in his stomach before landing. Then he didn't make a fool of himself like Wang Li, otherwise the Southern **** The typical example will not be the king.

However, the new soldier looked at it and felt that the helicopters flying in the distance were a bit wrong, as if something was hanging below one by one, and quickly reminded the veteran next to him: "Squad leader, look, are there some helicopters hanging below? what?"

"Oh, yes!" The veteran was also noticed by such a reminder. He quickly squinted his eyes and looked at the arbor, and his dark face was filled with smiles: "It's a small mixer and a small pile driver, haha, there is These things can completely reinforce the second flood control dam outside City J within two days. Originally, I thought that there was a lack of construction machinery. How can it take us a week to stabilize the second dam and then block it. The Yangtze River Levee now seems to be less troublesome, even though the mixer and pile driver are a bit smaller, the headquarters is much easier to do with manpower."

   The veteran said this from the bottom of his heart. Because the road was broken by the flood, the pontoon bridge brigade officers and soldiers who had reached the front line by plane quickly had to get out of the car and march towards the front line of the flood fighting not long after they left the airport.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   When I arrived at the predetermined area, I was already very tired, but even so, I had to take a break and devote myself to the work of strengthening the second dam.

   There is no way. Behind them is the Plain of Thousands of Miles. If they can’t hold the second dam, the fertile land of Thousands of Miles will become a vast ocean.

   The loss by then will be incalculable.

  Because of this, even if the body is exhausted, the officers and soldiers of the Pontoon Bridge still clenched their teeth. After all, the people's lives and property are above everything else.巘戅九餅Chinese 戅

   Even if there is no construction machinery, it can only be carried and carried with bare hands, and this last line of defense must be firmly held.

   So including the veterans, the pontoon bridge brigade from top to bottom is ready to exhaust itself on the embankment.

   But it was unexpected, but within a few hours, the superior brought the small mixer and small pile driver in this shocking way.

   For the officers and soldiers of the Pontoon Bridge Brigade, this is no different.

   You must know that they are engineers in the engineering corps. All kinds of engineering machinery are the guns and ammunition in their hands. As long as these things are there, even if the model is smaller, they can still use them to achieve 200% of their capabilities.

   This is like giving a special force a 98k, and it can also play a level of 3,000 lives.

   That's why the veterans are so excited that they can finally use the "guns and ammunition" that belong to them, so they don't have to carry them on their shoulders.

   Not to mention the upcoming peak No. 6, they will have the confidence to hold the levee even if there are more.

   "That's all it seems!"

   Also happy is the instructor who walked out of the tent when he heard the noise outside, although only three small mixers and two small pile drivers were delivered by five Z-12 helicopters.

   But it was enough for their company, so the instructor made an assertion without hesitation.

   No way, airplanes, especially helicopters, are precious things in the army, and they are not easily used by superiors if they are not important tasks.

   This time, the concentration of five military Z-12 special construction machinery for transportation is unprecedented in the eyes of the instructor.

   You must know that in the southwest border conflict ten years ago, the lack of helicopters in the country made it extremely difficult to set up a spot.

   Ten years later, in the fight against floods, the troops were able to use such helicopters to transport supplies, which is a great improvement.

   Let alone an instructor, the brigade political commissar came over, and was equally satisfied to see this scene and did not do what he wanted.

   So the instructor sighed with excitement, soothing the mood that was difficult to calm because of the airlift support, and prepared to greet people and prepare to accept the mixer and pile driver.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   However, before he could do anything, the little soldier in front of him who had been looking up to the sky suddenly pointed to the distant horizon and exclaimed excitedly: "Quick Look, there are three bigger helicopters."

   said, looking at the veteran beside him excitedly: "Squad leader, what model are the three helicopters? Have you ever been on it?"

"This one……"

   The veteran was speechless for a while, because the three helicopter veterans who had just emerged from the horizon had never even seen it.

   But no matter what, one of the recruits is right, that is, the three new helicopters are huge.

   should be at least as big as two or three.

   It is also because of this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The things that the three helicopters are hoisting are also very heavy. This can be seen from the slow movement of the three helicopters, obviously not the light and elegant feeling of the straight-12.

   "Is it a bigger mixer?"

   Seeing this, the recruit began to guess, while the veteran shook his head: “I think it’s more like a pile driver. After all, this is indispensable for the foundation of the dam. There are no shortage of people who come here.”

   "How big is that?" the recruit asked curiously.

   "At least three tons, um~~" As he said, the veteran pondered and changed his mouth: "Five tons is not impossible."

   "It should be ten tons!"

At this moment, Wang Li, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly intervened. The veteran looked at Wang Li in surprise, and looked up and down at the young soldier who was not much bigger than the recruit beside him: "Don't talk nonsense, how can a helicopter lift ten tons? Something heavy?"

"I'm not talking nonsense. The PT50 bulldozer produced by Tengfei Machinery is hoisted under the three helicopters. It has an empty load of 9.8 tons and is filled with fuel and the driver is 10.2 tons. Like a fake replacement 10-ton bulldozer, our leader Cao It is the operator of this bulldozer, even if it turns into ashes, I can recognize it.

   Uh...what happened to you? Look at me with this look? Am I wrong? "

   Wang Li was still very contented here, and suddenly found that people around him, including the instructor and squad leader Cao Bo, looked at him with something wrong, suddenly panicked, and quickly looked at his squad leader.

   Cao Bo shook his head with excitement, and Fuer asked back:"

   Xiao Wang, do you know what it means to be able to lift a 10-ton bulldozer helicopter?"

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