Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1135: Straight-Eight Prasil

Fall in love with your reading network, take off my aviation era

   "What does it mean?"

   Facing Cao Bo's extremely excited and solemn questioning, Wang Li was a little dazed to be honest. Isn't he able to carry a PT-50 bulldozer? What can it mean?

   Should it be faster and easier to reinforce the second dam?

  Wang Li can think so much when he uses his brain power to the extreme, if he would have blurted it out in ordinary times.

   But now, including the instructor, the officers and veterans who ran out to check the situation were the same as Cao Bo, with unspeakable excitement on their faces, as if they had seen a long-lost goddess, and wanted to rush to kiss him immediately.

   Although Wang Li's ability is average, it doesn't mean that his head is stupid. If he still can't tell, the excitement of his squad leader and instructor has other reasons, Wang Li can find a piece of tofu and kill him directly.

   So he hesitated and did not say what was in his heart.

And Cao Bo didn’t have to let his recruit, who had just joined the army for less than half a year, say one, two, and three. He just couldn’t restrain his excitement when he saw a helicopter capable of lifting 10 tons. It’s just a pleasure to express all the blocks.

   "If we were to get such support for the last exercise, I would be able to force the main force to cross the Jishui River within half an hour, and would never give the Blues the slightest chance."

As a result, Wang Li was still at a loss by his squad leader. After a moment of stunner, the instructor finally saw the helicopter with the PT-50 bulldozer hoisted under the huge fuselage. He could not help but cross his palms in front of him and sighed with hatred. One sentence.

   As soon as these words came out, Wang Li and the other recruits didn't think anything, but the faces of veterans like Cao Bo showed a complex color of annoyance and approval.

No way, who made the red-blue confrontation exercise organized by the B military region half a year ago, the pontoon bridge brigade was dragged and dragged by long-range maneuvering, which caused the pontoon bridge to be built untimely, and the blue army was the first to build a defense position along the river. The assault almost wiped out the Pontoon Bridge.

   As a result, the main force of the Red Army was delayed too much time on the Jishui River. Not only did they lose an excellent opportunity to attack, but the Blue Army seized the opportunity and used the protrusion formed by the river to almost surround the main force of the Red Army.

   Afterwards, the Director Department determined that the Pontoon Bridge Brigade was heavily responsible for the defeat.

   Regarding this, the boat bridge brigade did not say anything about it, but was very unconvinced.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The reason is simple. Although the Pontoon Brigade is a professional engineering unit, the equipment is not very professional, especially the construction machinery used. Most of them are civilian products, even if they have joined the army, they have not considered the professional battlefield environment.

   With this kind of equipment, there is nothing wrong with the construction and construction. Letting them maneuver at a long distance, and then quickly build a pontoon on the battlefield with endless gunfire.

Because the maneuverability of the civilian engineering equipment that hastily joined the army in the battlefield environment is really moving to tears. A Dongfanghong 75 bulldozer can reach 45 kilometers per hour when it bursts, but it is required to reach 180 kilometers within 2 hours. Outside the Jishui River.

   There is no trailer, no tractor, and the bulldozer, which is completely relying on the bottom of the tractor, just ran over, and the crawler could not be broken.

   Because of this, when the Pontoon Bridge received the order, they knew that this is not a matter of how to win, but how to lose is not difficult to see.

But if they could have the support of this heavy helicopter capable of hoisting 10 tons, it would be different. Only a few sorties would be able to take several core bridge vehicles and combat engineers of the pontoon bridge quickly. Riverside.

   Whether it is aging or suddenness, it can reach an extreme.

However, on the front line of flood fighting, the instructor and Cao Bo and others just thought about it. But on the roof of the front line of flood fighting and rescue not far from the front line, the leader of the pontoon bridge brigade has begun to follow the army to the front line. The head of the headquarters for transporting special construction machinery murmured.

"Heads, rest assured, three 10-ton PT-50 bulldozers, three 10-ton BQ-38 cranes, and three 10-ton PS-12 excavators. I guarantee that the second dam will be completed within two days. Reinforcement missions are somewhere between this time – 8..."

   The leader of the Pontoon Bridge Brigade with a Lunan accent spoke, and glanced at Jiang Liang, the commander of the Army Aviation Force who was assigned to lead the team to support the flood-fighting frontline, and the meaning of the inquiry should not be too obvious.

   Jiang Liang had no choice but to remind him in a low voice: "plus, straight—8plus!"

"Yes, this is the Zhi-8 Plush that plays such a big role, especially to meet the needs of our engineering unit. Therefore, I suggest that we also equip our engineering unit with a few plush... not many, just five. enough."

   Because of the accent, the leader of the boat bridge brigade said that he was quite happy, especially when he said "Prasier", there was a sense of earthy fashion.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   However, none of the surrounding army leaders can laugh.

  Because it is obvious that the pontoon bridge brigade leaders are openly requesting equipment to their superiors, and they are also super equipment of great tactical value.

It has a lifting capacity of 10 tons, a practical ceiling of 8,200 meters, and a range of 800 kilometers. It can carry 32 heavily armed soldiers, or 18 stretchers, or mixed with a 212 jeep equipped with 105mm recoilless artillery and 22 people. Heavily armed soldiers, even a heavy helicopter carrying 8.2 tons of cargo directly in the cargo hold~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, the Zhi-8 Plasier as the leader of the pontoon bridge is a veritable heavy helicopter.

   For an army, this thing is not as simple as construction machinery for paving the way for the engineering troops to be farther away. Its significance has long gone beyond the scope of tactics and reached a strategic height.

   There is no other reason, because if you want the army to put on its wings, it will not work without a heavy helicopter.

  Because of this, the leader of the Pontoon Bridge Brigade asked for five planes. The leaders of other troops were willing to do it. The front-line combat troops hadn't dropped much yet. As a support force, the engineers wanted five straight-8 planes. How could it be possible.

So a leader of the artillery unit immediately quit, and he said unceremoniously: "The engineering unit should wait first, because in my opinion, the artillery unit should be equipped with the straight-8. The carrying capacity of the Plasil cargo warehouse is 8.2 tons, the external hoisting capacity is 10 tons, and the composite loading hoisting weight is 9.3 tons, which is exactly the volume of our 66-type 152mm plus howitzer squad.

5.7 tons of guns, 1.3 tons of ammunition, and 9 fully armed artillery squad members. It’s not good to say that I thought that I would like to use the 86-type 122mm howitzer squadron to do the artillery aerial maneuver test. The Z-15 is not mature enough; the second and most critical Type 86 is too small, with a caliber of only 122mm, and it is a division artillery.

   Type 66 152mm plus howitzer? That was a genuine heavy artillery directly under the group army. If it could be combined with the Zhi-8 Plasier, the artillery's combat effectiveness would fly directly. "

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