Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1140: Only silly persistence

The 3,000-kilowatt turboshaft engine is considered top-notch in the world, because in this field only the United States and the former Soviet Union have the development and production capabilities.

For example, the United States equipped the CH-53H "Super Stallion" heavy-duty helicopter with a T64 high-power turboshaft engine. The latest improved ultimate emergency power can reach 3827 kilowatts and 5203 shaft horsepower. This is the basis for the CH-53H. "Super Stallion" heavy helicopters are famous all over the world.

There is also the T55 high-power turboshaft engine used on another CH-47D "Chinook" heavy helicopter in the United States. The maximum power is slightly weaker than the T64 high-power turboshaft engine, but it also reaches 3629 kilowatts with 4934 shafts. The horsepower, although not as powerful as the CH-53H "Super Stallion" heavy helicopter, is still the magnificent leapfrogging of the 101st air assault division in the sea war.

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Russia’s heavy helicopters are not as diverse as those of the United States. There is only one Mi-26, but this one surpasses all. After all, as the world’s largest helicopter, the Mi-26 can be said to be a well-deserved helicopter field on this planet. King.

The D-136 high-power turboshaft engine is equipped with a vivid and vivid expression of the national violence aesthetics of combat. The maximum power reaches an astonishing 8,500 kilowatts and 11,556 axle horsepower, giving the Mi-26 a load capacity comparable to that of a medium-sized transport aircraft. An amazing 20 tons.

In addition to the above-mentioned three turboshaft engines, there is almost no high-power engine of 3000 kilowatts and above, even in Europe, it is blank in this respect.

It's not that Europeans don't want to have a 3,000-kilowatt turboshaft engine. The key is that turboshaft engines are as experienced as helicopters.

If you can't continue to research and explore in this field, you can vent a little, and break a file, it will be difficult to pick it up.

According to reason, Europe has no shortage of technology and talents. If you want to do it steadily, there is still hope for a 3000-kilowatt high-power turboshaft engine.

The key is that the Europeans feel that they are so boring and boring to do it is a waste of energy, a waste of money, and a waste of time. Since the Americans don’t feel troublesome and have to compete with the Soviet Union, let the American big brother make it right. Just come over and use it.

The energy and funds saved are not as good as investing in people's livelihood and doing more welfare to benefit your votes.

So Germany and Britain during the Cold War simply abandoned the heavy helicopter and imported CH-53 "Super Stallion" and CH-47 "Chinook" from the United States.

The United States was quite particular during the Cold War. Seeing that the two younger brothers were so witty, they not only gave a very favorable transfer price, but also agreed to open two assembly plants for the T55 and T64 high-power turboshaft engines in the United Kingdom and Germany to produce licenses. The production and assembly of these two high-power turboshaft engines is based on certification.

This enables Britain and Germany to have "independent production" of 3000 kW high-power turboshaft engines in a short period of time.

It's an extra benefit for the two younger brothers.

In this regard, the French are dissatisfied with all kinds of dissatisfaction. They want to pull Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and other countries to build their own heavy-duty helicopters. However, they lack Germany, the economic core, and the British aero engine expert. France is simply hard to support. For the core materials and equipment of aero engines, France still relies on American suppliers. The French censor has been shouting for several years, but even a substantive plan cannot be made. In the end, it has to be nothing.

Such a delay is fifteen or six years. Waiting for the end of the Cold War and the acceleration of European integration, the European Community is evolving toward the European Union, and the economy is rising rapidly. With money, the waist will naturally become harder. Now think about things that were not available before. Match a set, otherwise the card will be LOW?

As a result, a huge helicopter research and development plan was formulated, including heavy-duty helicopters and their supporting 3000-kilowatt turboshaft engines.

As a result, the decision-makers happily took out the plan and found relevant experts to ask, only then did they discover how naive their ideas were.

For so many years, the two high-power turboshaft engines of the United States, T55 and T64, have never stopped being improved and upgraded. In the past ten years, a large number of patents have been formed, building a strong patent barrier.

For a long time in the past, Europe has relied heavily on American products and equipment, and it is good for them to continue to use them.

The most important thing is that Europe simply cannot find a professional team suitable for the development of high-power turboshaft engines.

Without talents, the equipment relies on the United States, and the product has to face patent barriers. How to make this 3000-kilowatt turboshaft engine?

Looking for Russia?

Forget it, now it's just taking advantage of Teddy Bear's disease to kill Teddy Bear, how can it be possible to ask them for help? Not to mention that Europe is impossible now, it is impossible in this life.

What to do then

When Europe was riding a tiger, the British decisively fell into the arms of American father.

Someone took the lead, and the little brothers from Holland, Belgium, and Italy rushed to vote. In the end, only France and Germany were left awkwardly under the flag of European independence, feeling the cold wind of freezing and loneliness at a loss.

Europe is in such a situation, let alone other countries.

Basically, there is one that can't be regarded as one, including domestic ones.

No way, turboshaft engines, especially turboshaft engines of the 3000 kilowatt level, require a long time of research and investment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not only the technicians must endure loneliness, the competent unit and even the country must also endure the same. Can live with loneliness, after all, not everyone can bear the cycle of more than ten to twenty years before it can bear fruit.

What's more, a huge amount of capital investment is needed behind this. Otherwise, do you really expect scientific researchers to always love power generation hungry?

Because of this, the 3000-kilowatt turboshaft engine can only be played by large enterprises and large organizations.

Fortunately, Ascendas Group is such a large enterprise. Not only that, but the Ascendas Group also has the spirit of patience and loneliness.

Therefore, although Ascendas Group did not start as early as other domestic related manufacturers in the field of turboshaft engines, it continued to do so. Starting from the initial D-30Z low-power turboshaft engine, Ascendas Group began to work hard in turboshaft engines.

From the D-30Z prototype that has seen the basic situation of the turboshaft engine; to the mature WD-30Z turboshaft engine; from the further finalization of the WD-40Z to the successful production of the WD-43Z on the Zhi-12; The WD-45Z equipped with 15 is dismounted along with the model; then to the WD-63Z high-power turboshaft engine on the Zhi-8plus.

In terms of turboshaft engines, Ascendas Group can be said to be one step at a time. Even if turboshaft engines such as D-45Z and other types of turboshaft engines have not achieved much sales performance and model equipment, Ascendas Group still has not given up on research and development in this field, and has always The latest technology and achievements it has obtained in the field of aeroengines are applied to turboshaft engines.

So that the existing models can continue to evolve and mature in continuous improvement.

Therefore, the success of Ascendas Group does not have any flexible shortcuts, only silly persistence!

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