Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1141: The biggest failure since joining

Yes, this kind of persistence is no longer a mere gritted teeth or a competition for endurance, but in the eyes of outsiders, it has become a kind of silly, sand sculpture, two stunned, and lack of heart.

There is no way that in the aero engine and gas turbine business of Ascendas Group, only the turboshaft engine loses money, and the compensation is not small, often several hundred million or even several billion.

The reason is simple. The helicopter business of pulling the hip is really a hindrance. Whether it is a "small aerial forklift" or an "air pickup truck" or a ZB-MAX, they are almost all applauded.

There is nothing in terms of performance, and the price/performance ratio is also very good, but apart from a small number of orders from the army and emergency departments, no one buys it at all.

The reason is simple. The three helicopters are all special helicopters for engineering hoisting. They are targeted at large construction units such as power transmission and transformation projects, hydropower projects, roads and bridges, and railway construction.

However, when these target customers visited these helicopters, apart from a heartfelt praise, then...there was no more.

The reason for this is not complicated. The operating cost of aviation equipment such as helicopters is too high, while the current domestic labor costs are pitifully low.

Take the steel tower of the power transmission and transformation project, the efficiency of using the three helicopters of Ascendas Group is indeed high, and the degree of completion is also very good, but the cost of aviation equipment of nearly 300,000 more for a tower crane Let the leaders of the power transmission and transformation project complain directly.

You must know that with less than half of the money they can recruit all the young and strong labors of the two populous counties, carrying steel components on the steep mountain road day and night.

It would be cheaper if women were allowed to participate, because women only cost 15 yuan a day.

This is the domestic group of migrant workers who are hard-working and work harder than the scalpers in the field.

Ascendas Group’s tall engineering helicopter encounters these migrant workers who can climb the mountain and descend the river, and in the middle can transform the moat into a thoroughfare.

Because of this, the Ascendas Group, including Zhuang Jianye, used three helicopters to promote them, and sold 22 helicopters in a few years.

Ten of them were purchased by the army, accounting for half of them.

In other words, the other units are just to give Zhuang Jianye face, just like a happy event, just like getting one or two backs.

As for export...

Ascendas Group has hit the southern wall of the European and American Airworthiness Certificate for more than ten years and still hasn't hit it, so the three helicopters have no chance to go to sea.

Exports can’t be counted on, and the country is so half-dead, so it’s strange not to lose money.

As the saying goes, one step ahead is genius, and three steps ahead are martyrs.

Obviously, on the three engineering helicopters, the Ascendas Group's concept was too advanced, and it went straight to the martyrs.

But this is not the most critical one. The turboshaft engine is the biggest blow to Ascendas Group.

You should know that just as the Ascendas Group launched the three engineering helicopters, the superior department has begun to select the power for the three helicopters, Zhi9, Zhi8 and Zhi11.

According to the strength of Ascendas Group, not to mention the powertrains of all three helicopters, it is not difficult to look at the two helicopters. No matter how bad, you can get one as a comfort.

As a result, during the bidding process, Tengfei Group was shaved.

It turned out that several other turboshaft engine manufacturers had spared no effort to discredit the technical capabilities of the turboshaft engines of the Ascendas Group. The reason they gave was the bleakness of the three engineering helicopters.

"Why can Ascendas Group make fixed-wing aircraft so good? It can make explosive models at every turn? But the helicopters are all in a mess?

It's not an old problem in China. The heart is not good. So, everyone should wake up. Ascendas Group's turboshaft engines can't be used. What kind of technology can pure domestic products have? We need to use the technology introduced from France to produce the scroll shaft with the advanced level of Europe in the 1980s and 1990s. "

At that time, such remarks were flooded in the industry, and even certain newspapers and magazines were full of competing reports.

But Ascendas Group has not yet issued a rebuttal. After all, the sales of the three engineering helicopters have hit grandma's home. Facts speak louder than words. How to refute?

Say the three helicopters are engineering helicopters, the audience is already small?

People don't listen to your explanations, they just stare at the poor sales figures and make a fuss.

It was precisely because of the uproarious public opinion and the assistance of the manufacturers behind that, Ascendas Group and Zhuang Jianye suffered the biggest failure since they entered the industry. They did not get any of the powertrains of the three helicopters, and were completely shaved.

At that time, Zhuang Jianye didn't say anything. He returned to the group to convene the helicopter business department, launched two general-purpose helicopters at once, and ran to the capital to meet the head of the headquarters, and won the two unit R&D plans, which are Zhi-12 and Zhi-15. Two helicopters.

At first, this move was really shocking to the industry. I didn't expect that Zhuang Jianye's counterattack came so quickly that many public opinions and manufacturers began to meet with each other and died, for fear that Zhuang Jianye, a cautious scam, would make trouble.

However, the good times did not last long. Just after both Zhi-12 and Zhi-15 were offline, and the actual tests were carried out, various problems emerged in an endless stream, especially Zhi-15, so that even the head of the headquarters could not stand it, more than once. Called Zhuang Jianye for a training.

Seeing this, public opinion and other manufacturers have begun to become active again, and the waves of attacks on the helicopter business of Ascendas Group have been wave after wave.

However, Ascendas Group seems to be really unable to withstand this kind of turmoil, and it actively shrinks its helicopter business and cuts down the tasteless three engineering helicopters. At the same time, the Zhi-15 project has also been suspended indefinitely. —12 has been retained as evidence that Ascendas can develop a helicopter.

In the face of this situation, public opinion and other manufacturers can be said to be celebrating with each other. This not only means that they have an absolute advantage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ More importantly, they blocked the famous barbarian in the aviation industry from Ascendas Group from helicopters. Outside of business.

From then on, Ascendas Group could only hang around in fixed-wing aircraft, and the helicopter field is still the world of their old world.

At that time, Ascendas Group was indeed under a lot of pressure. If other companies had already packaged the helicopter business out, there was no way, it would be too hot.

But Tengfei Group did not, and Zhuang Jianye did not. Their helicopter business has failed, but relying on so many failed helicopters has paved the way for the rise of turboshaft engines.

Yes, Ascendas Group has indeed contracted its own helicopter business, but the contraction does not mean retreat, but is ready to fight harder and harder.

When the troops were dissatisfied with the improved version of the Zhi-8 and requested to re-plan the design blueprint to further improve the performance, Cidu Helicopter Co., Ltd. had to re-invite the various sub-systems of the Zhi-8, one of which was the powertrain .

Because this is the only three-engine large helicopter with full production technology in China, the future equipment will reach 350 to 500, which does not include various modified aircraft.

Because of this, all turboshaft manufacturers have put out their own housekeeping skills and presented a large number of 1000-kilowatt turboshaft engines to the porcelain company.

In a turboshaft engine with a capacity of less than 2,000 kilowatts, the 3000 kilowatt high-power turboshaft engine of Ascendas Group is simply not too prominent, and there is no high-power engine. This type of porcelain has a heavy-duty helicopter frame, but does not look like a heavy-duty helicopter. The company didn't even think about it, so it handed over all the big orders for the future Z8 improved turboshaft to Tengfei Group.

This battle alone caused an uproar in public opinion and other manufacturers!

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