Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1151: Big dolphin flying in the sky

Li Ruihong was really scared to pee. If someone took a picture of his current ugly state with equipment, after returning, Mike Cai Neng carried a machete all the way from Huangpu Jiangdong to Huangpu Jiangxi.

You must know that the little Pan under him is not an ordinary helper, but Mike Tsai’s little girlfriend. This time he was sent to the disaster area to be his assistant, but in fact he was an out-and-out "supervisor". .

If the other executives of Reid International Trading Company encountered this, they would probably have closed one eye and swallowed their breath.

The problem is that Li Ruihong is not an old scorpion among old drivers. When he meets a little girl like Xiaopan who is watery and capable, if he doesn't get it, his thoughts are still incomprehensible, so he takes some means and the emperor is far away. He completely turned his own boss green.

I did this once I did it. As long as the two of them don’t say anything, no one knows, but if someone stabbed him out, can Li Ruihong have good fruit?

That's all, if other people say this, Li Ruihong gets out of the car and puts on the score of the deputy chief, and then throws away some money, this will be done naturally.

However, what’s terrible is that Li Ruihong’s sudden appearance is not something he can do with Li Ruihong’s performance and throw money away, because the bad guys who are watching their artistic actions close to their faces are no one else. They are the chairman of the board of directors of Hong Kong Island Ning’s Group, Qiongzhou Airlines The chairman of the board of directors, a man of black and white in the SAR and Hong Kong Island, Ning Xiaodong, who is known as Dongge in the arena.

As for the shameless and shameless person who claims to be making "artistic" films, even the Japanese are calling the insiders out. The chairman and CEO of Ascendas Group, the actual head of Hong Kong Island Ascendas Capital, is also known as NB Zhuang Jianye.

These two people, pick one out at random, not to mention him Li Ruihong, even his boss Mike Cai must respectfully call Senior, let alone both appear at the same time.

This is not as simple as frightening urine and wilting, but almost letting Li Ruihong know how to use martial arts supreme and boy Cynomorium.

Li Ruihong's ability to be Reid's vice president naturally has his advantages. At least he is more flexible and stretchable than the "little brother" on him. Seeing the two big brothers standing there, he can't hide, except He secretly scolded himself for being a worm, and didn't look at the road while driving. How could he get into the one-third acre of land at the same time, but he could only bow his head and admit the plant.

So Li Ruihong put on his pants, ready to get out of the car to admit counsel.

But before he could move, he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with Xiao Pan's expression under him. I noticed it a little bit, and even realized that Xiao Pan's soft body was trembling unconsciously, as if he had encountered something frightening. I was surprised. Next, Li Ruihong was about to ask, and then before he could speak, Xiao Pan pointed to the satellite phone with a pale face.

When Li Ruihong was lifting his pants, he froze there immediately. This NM, you are so anxious that you have forgotten about the satellite phone.

On the other end of the phone is Mike Tsai. If he hears this, he Li Ruihong and Xiao Pan...

"Why don't you speak? What happened? How did I hear someone say that 6 planes with a payload of 33 tons are coming? What is going on?"

In the first half of the sentence, Li Ruihong was frightened. When the pounding old heart almost choked him to death with his throat, the unexpected and organic expression in the second half of the sentence made Li Ruihong's eyes bright, and immediately lowered his voice to the satellite phone. Explained: "I met Mr. Zhuang from Ascendas Group and Ningshi from Hong Kong Island on the road. They said they had bought 6 planes with a carrying capacity of 33 tons. What kind of bus was called..."

"It's an Airbus, an Airbus freighter with a carrying capacity of 33 tons? I don't think it's still in my impression. It must have been a smoke bomb released by Zhuang Jianye. Ignore him and continue to execute according to our established plan. Okay, I have to supply supplies. I have a business meeting, and I will ask you and Xiao Pan over there."

Mike Tsai hung up the phone before he finished speaking. Li Ruihong and Xiao Pan under him took a long sigh of relief, but before they could change their breath, a flash of light flashed through the car window.

Li Ruihong and Xiao Pan immediately put on their clothes like cats stepping on their tails, and then Li Ruihong pushed the door and got out of the car regardless of the image, and then said to Ning Xiaodong, who was still holding a SLR camera with a begging expression. "I said Mr. Ning, you can spare me..."

It was okay for Li Ruihong not to speak. When he was just born, Ning Xiaodong quickly pressed the shutter a few more times without saying, and explained in a pretentious way: "I like to go wherever I go to take pictures recently, but Mr. Li, you Don't worry, I will never post the photos of this group of'car shock'."

Che Zhen blurted out, and he didn't even say he could not spread it out. I believe you are a ghost, but facing Ning Xiaodong, Li Ruihong really can't afford the courage to be hard, so he can only look at Zhuang Jianye not far away with a bitter melon look. : "Zhuang Zhuang, I was wrong, as long as this matter is not spread, we will give up 20%, not ~~35% of the disaster area market share."

"35% of the market share in the disaster area?" Zhuang Jianye smiled upon hearing this.

"This is the limit within my authority, you can do it!" Li Ruihong begged quickly.

Zhuang Jianye nodded: "35% of the share is quite a lot, but you think my Zhuang Jianye is so unbearable. Use this method to get market share? Whether it is 35% or 100%, if I want, Just reach out and take it, so, don't worry, Mr. Li, I can't do such a dishonest thing."

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyes and looked at Ning Xiaodong: "Okay, I finally came to the mainland to collect your stinky behavior on Hong Kong Island, pull out the film, and make the exposure invalid."

"Lao Zhuang, my camera is a new product from Canon in Japan, and I use an SD card."

"Then take it out and set it on fire." Zhuang Jianye couldn't help but said, Ning Xiaodong stopped talking, and finally opened the card slot, took out an SD card, burned it with a lighter, and threw it directly into the ditch behind him.

Li Ruihong had long heard that in the 1980s, the insidious, cunning and scheming, the black-hearted Zhuang Jianye began to lean towards the Confucian businessmen in the past two years, and what upright, benevolent and moral things began to be practiced in shopping malls.

Originally, Li Ruihong did not believe that a person who could form a Ascendas Group actually played with benevolence, justice and morality. I, pooh~~ hypocrites are more decent than this.

As a result, when I saw it today, I believed it was seven or eighty-eight. I didn’t expect that today’s Zhuang Jianye would be pedantic. At the very least, he would have to vote for the rat when he got his painful feet. Not to mention 35% of the market share, 20% would be given. Yes, as a result...Zhuang Jianye didn't want it, and prepared to take it by himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What do you use Zhuang Jianye for, what kind of freighter 6 passenger cars? Mike Tsai has said that there is no cargo plane with a carrying capacity of 33 tons in any passenger car. You must know that although Mike Tsai is not an aviation expert, he is still very accomplished in the aviation field. Zhuang Jianye is now fooling them with Reid. The wrong person was found.

"Mr. Zhuang, Ms. Ning, the plane is about to approach."

Just as Li Ruihong was grateful for Dade, but he was performing in his heart, a staff member of the Ascendas Group suddenly ran over to report, and then pointed in a direction on the horizon: "It's there."

Zhuang Jianye and Ning Xiaodong nodded in unison, then picked up the telescope and looked at the distant horizon.

To be honest, Li Ruihong also wanted a telescope. Unfortunately, the people present didn’t treat him as a character at all. Naturally, they didn’t receive this treatment. They had to set up a pergola and encourage him to look around, and soon he saw a silver-white appearance on the horizon. The bright spot immediately grew bigger and bigger against the backdrop of the daylight, and as the plane slowly came to reveal its real body, Li Ruihong was so knowledgeable that he was shocked by the appearance of the plane that had just appeared.

Where is the plane, it is clearly a big dolphin flying in the sky!

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